James blinked in surprise for a second at this odd girl's demanding attitude and blunt responses. But, he'd been raised to be nothing if not polite and patient and he was sure she must have some reason for acting like this. Besides, she seemed pretty terribly lost from what he could tell and if he didn't at least try to help her now his conscience would be bugging him about it all day. "Actually miss, I'm new in town but I happen to have this map of all the best restaurants here in the city. I was, erm, sort of planning on doing a tour of them while I was here, so if you need to find good food I guess I'm at your service." He didn't think it would be a good thing to mention that she seemed lost. In fact he was pretty sure it would insult her. But it didn't seem right to leave her here all alone or to just give her the map since she seemed distracted before and if she misread it she'd wind up just as lost as before.