[b]Sol System, Sector 2814[/b] The small spacecraft fell out of hyperspace somewhere in Sol-III's upper atmosphere. It dropped like a brick through the steadily thickening air, trailing fire. On board, its pilot was engaged in a firefight with a blue-haired girl in green and black. The girl launched a blast of green energy from a ring on her right hand, which missed, and slammed right into the control console, making it spark. The buffeting was throwing off her aim, and she couldn't concentrate enough to hover in order to mitigate it. "You fool!" Cried the pilot. "Now there's no way to pull out of this dive!" "Well," the Green Lantern shouted back, "I guess you'd better find something to hang on to." ---- The burning ship screamed through the sky over Gotham, before landing in wasteland near the coast with a bang. ---- The Lantern staggered through the wreckage, clutching a hand over a large gash on her right arm as blood slowly dripped from between her fingers. She could see her target just ahead, as her vision started to blur. "I-In the name of the Green Lantern Corps... You're under arrest." Her voice was strained; the pain of her injuries was starting to bite. "No, I don't think so." The pilot replied, as he placed his blaster to his chin. He fired, and the blast disintegrated his body. Jen'nai sighed, dropped to her knees, and passed out, hoping that her ring's regeneration functions could take care of her various injuries.