Antoine replied to Ms. Albright's smile with a warm one of his own, accepting the bottle of formula and settling down as she moved passed. The youngling in his arms seemed to understand just what the bottle foretold, it's sudden twisting and struggling suddenly occupying the Tech's attention as he worked to both keep said animal contained, and ready the bottle to feed it. So wasting no time, Antoine set the bottle down so he could move the eager kitten about. Now kneeling, the sight of Ms. Albright coaxing the other two with food just visible around a large furry paw being planted in his face, he managed to shift this young one onto it's back long enough to retrieve the bottle. "Come on now..." Mumbling the words through fur, he was granted a reprieve as his kitten realized how close the bottle was to it's mouth, snapping onto the nipple and beginning to suckle. Paws curled back to hug Antoine's arm, claws retracted yet still felt, their points pressing lightly through the fabric of his shirt. Well, nothing Mowzer hadn't done better... or worse, depending how you looked at it. "There you go..." His grin was for both the tiger in his arms and Ms. Albright nearby, gaze shifting towards her as she spoke up again. "...Me? No, not at all. I'm kind of on vacation." "I've been up for weeks, perk of being a cryo-tech I guess." The tiger on his lap wasn't letting him use his arms for the dramatic gestures his following words normally demanded... frustrating, but the tiger didn't know any better. He shouldn't blame the silly thing. "Wake up early! Go to sleep late! Become a tech an enjoy a longer shift than anyone else! Fun right?" He hoped an exaggerated wink along with his grin would help carry the joke where gesture could not. The wink [i]did[/i] help a bit, the tiger innocently suckling away seeming more adorable once more. He blinked both eyes, holding them tightly shut for a moment before opening again. There, much, much better. "I have to say, it's much nicer now that there are people in the halls." Blinking tightly again, Antoine looked down as the little tiger mewed quietly, chewing at the bottle's nipple as it tried to coax just another drop from the empty container. "Wow- just how hungry were you, little... guy?"