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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

KabenSaal said
Well, the game is already in progress, and it says 'any new players must join the game as mercs'. So I thought a Lord was out of the question.

To be clear, you can't create a new lord, but if a player is willing to grant you the land, or an NPC vassal house is suitable enough to be taken-over by a player, then the player can become a lord that way.

Otherwise, the rules stand, and players can only join as a mercenary group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Right. I could join Fortune then. Make it a Honourable, highly loyal Mercenary division given a fief as a reward for many years of service.....Or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

KabenSaal said
Right. I could join Fortune then. Make it a Honourable, highly loyal Mercenary division given a fief as a reward for many years of service.....Or something.

Just create a mercenary group for now, if you wish to join. Fortunes giving you land is something he alone can grant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Copying the Dread Fist's Character sheet. Tell me if anything is broken

Tevintar Warmasters

Information [-]
Fort (23 points) (On Fortune's land, with Grand Manor if possible)

6000 Domestic (6 points)

1500 Troops (6 points) (Mail, Longsword)

250 Reavers [ Leather, Longbow, Dagger x2 ] (Breaks down as 100 younglings (Lowest) 50 Apprentices (medium) 50 Scions (high) and 50 Reavers (elite))

50 Warmasters [ Plate armour, Shortsword, Long sword.]

(9,100 weapon upkeep.

Sean Kabal (31, 3 points) (Mail, Longsword) (Leader of the Company, Head of Reavers)

Nenatalev Kabal (22, 4 points) (Plate, Shortsword, Longsword) (Vice-Commander of the Company, Head of the Warmasters)

Hannah Kabal (15, 2 points) (Non-combatant -Administration.)

8,800 Bullis up front, secondary 8,800 after every month.

Once contracted, will remain contracted until time has ran up, or the company eviscerated - special circumstances apply, will not work for dishonourable tyrants. Enjoys mocking people that try to bribe them to switch sides by demanding obscene amounts of much, such as 400,000 Bullis for a non-combative stance and another 500,000 bullis for out-right changing of sides.

30,000 Bullis (6 points)

The Tevintar Warmasters are an old group, growing from their inception as a small band of hunters who grew bored with their village life and rallied under a man called 'Epholus Kabal' and created a small mercenary division, manly focused on bolstering the number of archers a lord had in his party. While enjoying a small amount of success in this field, they where not the biggest, or best faction of mercenaries, and so only got a few scraps from lords having minor disputes with each other. However, they maintained this life until Epholus died of old age, and his son, Barrus, took the reins. It was under his leadership that the mercenary camp grew larger, as he recruited from villages across the lands, eager youths and frustrated men seeking to escape their monotonous life. With the increase in number, Barrus decided to add attention to the skill of the archers in his company. Most where just farmers with bows, but he did have some veterans of Epholus' time, and so set them to training the others in the art of the bow.

The increase in both number and skill led the band to be noticed by more prominent nobles, and got them into greater battles, and earned greater pay until the whole thing peaked at the Battle of Trixfall, where the lord threw his infantry into a suicidal position to open a gap for his calvary, causing the archers they where protecting to get slaughtered by the enemy infantry. 80% of the division died that day, including Barrus himself. The band then broke into small parties following the defeat, and wandered around for a few weeks before being gathered by up by Barrus' son Revan. Revan decided that the group needed order, and discipline, as well as a name. And so, on that day, the remnants of Epholus' warband became the Tevintar Warmasters, a land that the Kabal bloodline was supposable originated from, but no one had proof, tacked onto a haughty name that everyone needed.

There, under Revan's command, the group underwent changes, including the addition of Infantry to their party, and separate 'orders' for each of the fighting forces. However, this was all just theoretical if they did not recover their fighting strength, and so Revan decided to expand his search from villagers, to the outlaws and brigands of the land. This proved fruitful, as the Outlaws liked the idea of getting paid for work rather than raiding and the risk of getting strung up by the Lord's men. The Tevintar Warmasters grew again, with more warriness of who they fought for this time, not joining any Lord who seemed dishonourable or the type to sacrifice most of his men for victory. It was in this time that they came across a small group of deserters from one of the lords armies, who had been ransacking the land and reaving everything from the peasants, then vanishing into the night as the lord's men came to stop them, skilfully ambushing the troops that pursued them with unnerving proficiency.. Like every other group of vagrants and vagabonds, Revan offered the deserters to join them, get paid for fighting and teach the men their trade. The deserters agreed, and added to the Tevintar Warmasters. They took quick control of the archers the Warmasters possessed, and taught them with great skill, and military-esque drilling. Thus, Revan named them, humorously, the Reavers. The men took to their name with relish, and created four tiers in their new order. The younglings, for people who had just joined without actually taking their age into account. Secondly, The Apprentices, who where equal to the standard bowmen of an army. Then there where the Scions, who had grasped the skill of cloak and bow with ease, or considerable training. Finally, there where the Reavers, Bowmasters able to melt into the darkness and strike down foes with eagle-esque precision.

Time passed, and Revan succumbed to age, after amassing a good fortune and decent army. His son, Sean, decided that wandering around looking for work was inefficient, so cut a deal with a small house, known as House Cole, and grew again from there. Sean then fathered a daughter, which was not unheard of, but what the daughter desired was, in the world of War. She cared nothing for dresses or courting, but rather desired the field of battle as her ball-room, a plate of armour as her dress. Sean did not like the idea, but was not against it and so - as skilled a bladesman as he was a bowman - told Nena she could fight on the field when she beat him in a duel. Nena did not lack for vigour, and so tried many times, but failed each one of them. After her fourth defeat, she concocted a plan to break though Sean's strong defence, and began to train in the use of two swords, one a short offhand sword and the other a full-body blade. This tactic paid off, and Nena was able to get a decisive blow on her father, and then the spar went down hill for him, until he laid defeated. It was then that he had to yield, and give Nena the rights his father had given Sean, and Revan's father before him. The right to command. a decision probably helped by the new baby girl Sean had to contend with.

Nena took to the new found freedom with gusto, cutting her hair short and donning heavy plate armour, specially crafted to fit her voluptuous bosom inside. It was then she scouted around the villages, looking for other women, oppressed and assailed by the men, and offered them to join her new order, named after the very mercenaries themselves, the 'Warmasters'. The order started small, and had a stunted growth due to the number of women willing to join in battle, but Nena was proud of her small order, and their importance on the battle. The best part about it is that some women retained their demure looks and soft voices, able to charm and coerce where they could not win with guile - few women possessed the sheer strength to match a man, so grew in skill instead. The second daughter, Hannah, grew up like a pure woman should be, but quickly gained a taste for the administrative world, as much as Nena did for the Warring world. With Sean's Second Daughter behind the mercenaries, and making new deals every day with House Cole, and Pelataria as they had become, she used the considerable coffers to make a permanent mark for the Tevintar Warmasters, in the form of a small outpost in Blackguard, a militant fief that welcomed the strong, honourable Warmasters. As Hannah's skill and the Warmaster's coffers grew, so did their outpost, until it stood as a mighty Fort with a grand manor in the center. With a moat, drawbridge, portcullis, narrow halls, tall watch-towers and many places for traps to be placed, the Mercenary fort was akin to a small castle, and suited them just fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

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Nexerus, I have never made a personal attack towards you. And while I understand it is funny considering how utterly bad I am as a politician, I am a tactician, a masterful tactician that should not be cross on bad terms. Ask flooby of his own personal opinion of my strategic skills. I say, also what flooby says, I am a horrible, hoooorrible leader. But I also have the "fuck mother of an army" quoted by Flooby. I have a large enough army to take the throne and I am also gaining more soldiers. If nothing interferes with the plan, I guarantee at least a 98% chance of taking it.

That being said. I have had a discussion with Flooby and from now on my words in OOC will be extremely limited, if not nulled.

If you have some sort of personal hatred against me for the way I speak, PM me. Otherwise, we're done here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hm, I need to eliminate the population cap on Outposts and Fortresses.

You may not spend an additional point to improve the physical aspects of your troops. Combat in this game is decided by numbers, with tactical and strategic conditions contributing to those numbers. It wouldn't be impossible to account for details like that amongst troops, but it would be difficult to decide what, if any effect it would have on combat, and there's a good deal to consider as-is.

Otherwise, your point totals add up well-enough. Could you please post how many points you've spent on bullis?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ahh, it was worth a shot. Won't know if you don't try aye? Didn't know their was a pop cap on Outposts, and might be working with Fortune to make the Outpost a Fortress. I'll tally up some points then get a decent number of Bullis, gimme a sec.

Cale Tucker said
Nexerus, I have never made a personal attack towards you. And while I understand it is funny considering how utterly bad I am as a politician, I am a tactician, a masterful tactician that should not be cross on bad terms. Ask flooby of his own personal opinion of my strategic skills. I say, also what flooby says, I am a horrible, hoooorrible leader. But I also have the "fuck mother of an army" quoted by Flooby. I have a large enough army to take the throne and I am also gaining more soldiers. If nothing interferes with the plan, I guarantee at least a 98% chance of taking it. That being said. I have had a discussion with Flooby and from now on my words in OOC will be extremely limited, if not nulled. If you have some sort of personal hatred against me for the way I speak, PM me. Otherwise, we're done here.

Sounds rough. Want me to take him out?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

KabenSaal said
Ahh, it was worth a shot. Won't know if you don't try aye? Didn't know their was a pop cap on Outposts, and might be working with Fortune to make the Outpost a Fortress. I'll tally up some points then get a decent number of Bullis, gimme a sec. Sounds rough. Want me to take him out?

There's no pop cap anymore. Busy right now, so I'll put it on my short list of things to do, but I'll get rid of pop limits on fortresses and outposts in the rules.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Made edits to my CS, should add up to 50 points now.

Changed to Fort with Grand manor
Doubled Domestic number
added 500 troops
added 10,000 Bullis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

If I recall correctly, depending on your mercenary type, or just decided by Flooby, either your men have already been adequately trained and have skills of their own, or they are a bunch of rabbles.

As for your suggestion, I don't have a quarrel with Nexerus' Kingdom ingame nor does Solterra exactly know of their existence. Not to say they aren't worthy, it's just there's not been any socializing between them.

Now if he suddenly has problems with me ingame for no apparent reason and starts conflict, I may either consult you or Flooby. Have fun in To Lunds. But I personally wouldn't say I'm afraid. Not to say I'm bigger and badder, I'm saying I can defend myself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Always up for shooting suckers in the face. But my Mercenary type is less 'field an army' and more 'field along-side an army' or set bolstering garrisons in times of war. The Reavers (Elite) don't even take part in field battles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

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Cale Tucker said I have a large enough army to take the throne and I am also gaining more soldiers. If nothing interferes with the plan, I guarantee at least a 98% chance of taking it.

Seizing Bolgaz =/= Becoming Overlord
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Killing Rone + Taking control of the Church = King (Overlord)

Whether or not in your eyes you see it. But the way of Lundlands does see it, and I can guarantee one Lord/Lady that has already spoken to side with me. Whether or not they plan to assassinate me or not later on is another discussion. But please, give it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Solterra is not a member of House Trisch. He is physically incapable of becoming the Overlord. If he wants to declare himself Overlord regardless of traditional laws of succession and regardless of the lack of recognition he'd receive from the Kings of Lundland, he's welcome to try and do so. Speaking from an OOC standpoint, though, he cannot be Overlord. He doesn't have the blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Nexerus said
Solterra is not a member of House Trisch. He is physically incapable of becoming the Overlord. If he wants to declare himself Overlord regardless of traditional laws of succession and regardless of the lack of recognition he'd receive from the Kings of Lundland, he's welcome to try and do so. Speaking from an OOC standpoint, though, he cannot be Overlord. He doesn't have the blood.

Hm.. That is an interesting argument. While I agree that Solterra could not ever become the head of House Trisch (due to no blood-relation), Overlord is merely a title. A title that Trisch family members have always had, but a title nonetheless. If he were to succeed in killing Rone, and established himself under the name of "Overlord", he would technically be the overlord.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

1. Solterra has Royal Blood.
2. 1 Lord/Lady guaranteed support
3. 2 Lords/Ladies siding with Solterra without possibility of support.
4. Most other Lords/Ladies have a possibility of being bribed.

Therefore; Solterra will become the ruler of Lundlands if his plan is not interfered with. Ask Flooby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

FortunesFaded said
Hm.. That is an interesting argument. While I agree that Solterra could not ever become the head of House Trisch (due to no blood-relation), Overlord is merely a title. A title that Trisch family members have always had, but a title nonetheless. If he were to succeed in killing Rone, and established himself under the name of "Overlord", he would technically be the overlord.

'Overlord' is, in our case, a title which infers a very specific meaning: dominion over all of the kings of Lundland. If all of the Trisch were dead, Lord Solterra sat safely in Bolgaz, and every single King in the land bowed to him and accepted him as their suzerain, then Solterra would be Overlord—in the sense that he'd have demolished the Trisch's title of Overlord, and then built his own title over top of its remains.

But that is exactly as impossible as Solterra becoming a man of Trisch blood.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by King Solterra
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King Solterra My Kingdom

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nexerus, count the numbers of my men, my vassals'. And try to guesstimate the number of troops in the other supporterls forces that will support mine, and then tell me that Solterra's feat is impossible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cale Tucker said
1. Solterra has Royal Blood.2. 1 Lord/Lady guaranteed support3. 2 Lords/Ladies siding with Solterra without possibility of support.4. Most other Lords/Ladies have a possibility of being bribed.Therefore; Solterra will become the ruler of Lundlands if his plan is not interfered with. Ask Flooby.

5. ?????
6. Profit!

Also, where is 3?

Also also, History is done!

Also also also, going to be now, night!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Uh, he has noble blood, because he's a son of a 'Lord of Therral' who is a vassal to the Overlord.
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