Achilles stood with his arms folded in front of his men who were resting for thirty minutes before they would push on with the attack. He had just ordered them to check all of their equipment, and to make the necessary repairs. As well as passing out potions. The extra potions came from men who had fought but nearly were killed but escaped to town, having to use an escape crystal to do so. Going to the stores and stocking up on massive amounts of Potions, then high tailing it back to the battle field and giving support. He noticed Brock, his Lieutenant walking up to him to give him a status report. As he stopped next to him Brock growled "I've got some bad news... Jasper's squad pushed too far and got surrounded and was slaughtered" Achilles head dropped as he gritted his teeth and shook his head with a pained look... though no one saw it due to his helm. Brock's growl though informed there was more to the story. Looking up to his friend Achilles asked. " What else is there?" Brock looked over to his right and motioned with a jerk of his chin, towards a man yelling at Siegfried a private, from what he could hear it was about following orders. The man yelling was Jasper. Brock then said, "Only ten made it. Siegfried managed to save them by cutting a path back to the main line." Achilles qucikly asked. "Why didn't they use their crystals?" At which Brock game him a 'You're not going to believe this' look and said, "Jasper didn't pass them out. Saying it makes the men more sharp and alert. And the reason they pushed so far was so they could make it to the gate and gain control of it." Achilles knew Jasper was a glory seeker, but he didn't think he would be that stupid. With out saying a word he made his way over to Jasper quickly. Jasper saw this and quickly saluted "Sir! I would like to..." He didn't finish his sentence due to Achilles grabbing his armor and lifted him up, shoving him against the wall. He then said, "Sargent Jasper, because your pride you killed ten far better men than yourself. Because of this you are now a Private, and will stay that way." He let go of him, allowing him to crumple like a sack of potatoes. He then looked to Private Siegfried. "Sargent Siegfried, Please escort this private to Oswald's squad, and inform of that he has a new grunt." The now Sargent Siegfried was shocked for a moment and then smiled slightly before giving a enthusiastic salute. "Yes sir!" At which Achilles nodded and walked away, with Brock to his side who said softly, " Nicely done..." ------- As the break came to an end he had come to the knowledge of a Mercenary archer who took the wall and wrecked havoc on the enemy, and as much as he respected the feat, when he found out she was a Red Player... his respect vanished. Despite his hate for Player killers he knew she was hired by another guild didn't have much say in the matter, and didn't want to start any friction with that guild. He quickly sent Mez a message about the player killer in their raid, and a brief set rep on the battle so far. As he sent the message he received a voice message from Darrus whom he knew well due to pass raids and considered a friend, to which he agreed to the plan as it was a good one and offered to take the side boss head on with his personal squad, With Brocks as back up. He moved to the front of his men and pulled his two heavy Katana's from his back and turned to his men and said," Lets show the other guilds the strength of our arms and the might of our resolve to make it home to our families!" With that he turned and let out a cheer with his men and rushed the side boss, with his katanas trailing behind him as he ran.