[center][b]Gyuki, Hachibi on a mission![/center][/b] The beast had decided to go back to a slumber as Midori had walked out of Asami's house. He did keep an eye out if he would pick more distress from the girl, but right now it was't skyrocketing as much as he had feared. Laying down on his stomach, the beast placed his head on his arms as closing his eyes. But his peace was soon disturbed when he noticed that Midori had another plan that required his help. At first Gyuki wanted to make it clear that she wasn't really pulling the strings, that he wasn't some pet or summoning that would always jump up at every danger. But instead of sneering or lecturing her, the beast remained quiet and simply took over control of the ink clone Midori made. Without any expression on the face of the clone, Gyuki sighed inside Midori's mind. Not that she seemed to pick up the signal. She had other things on her mind. Rather trivial things in his opinion. As the ink clone went on its way, Gyuki kept an eye on Midori. While he could extend and maintain control over the clone over a long distance, he was a bit worried. He didn't view her anymore was a weakling, but at times he was worried she would fall back to that weak and pathetic state of silence. Where she had been nothing more than a shallow and pitiful person. Maybe harsh, but the beast thought like that and wouldn't just change his opinion cause their bond was growing stronger. Reaching a rooftop, the ink clone looked around. After searching for another ten minutes, it had found that Reyna person. A typical young human. Optimistic and naive. Possibly ignorant too. From top of the rooftop, the ink clone watched patiently how Reyna and Deidara were interacting. Though not able to hear them, Gyuki decided that it wouldn't help to check upon them in person. It would probably make them think that he was interested in them. It made the ink clone snort. The sheer amount of arrogance of that thought! Like he was interested in any human like that. Turning around, the ink clone was close of dismissing itself. But then quickly made a dodge roll to the left. [b]''Humans.''[/b] The ink clone muttered, sitting in a crouched stance. Several kunai had landed on the spot the clone had been standing on. Then just a moment after, several ANBU landed on the rooftop. The masked men and woman held a weapon at the ready. The ink clone half closed its eyes, examining them. [i]ANBU eh? This ought to be interesting.[/i] [b]''Eight Tails. On order of the Fifth Raikage, you're ordered to stop wandering around and report to the Raikage.''[/b] One of the ANBU said. The man spoke with a firm tone, holding his right hand at the handle of his ninjato. The ink clone sighed as it rose up, dusting off the clothes. [b]''The Raikage wishes an audience with me? How thoughtful of him to send several ANBU to send that message. I will pass this on to my current master. Tell yours that I have received his... 'invitation'.''[/b] Gyuki responded through the ink clone with a mocking voice. Before any of the ANBU could respond, the ink clone made a bow before dispersing into a puddle of ink. --- [i]Those pesky hu-[/i] Gyuki thought annoyed as he wanted to focus back on Midori. She had summoned a sword, so that didn't seem interesting. It was about that Ryo. None of his concern or business. Then he was surprised, again. Feeling that Midori wasn't feeling well, Gyuki wondered at first what happened. Then he managed to find out. It wasn't that hard. Half closing his eyes, the beast listened to the wailing of his host. It was all too clear what had happened or what the letter was. Though at first Gyuki wanted to try to comfort Midori, he noticed that somebody was near her. Closing his eyes, the lips of the beast curled down at their end. While he seemed calm and peaceful, the tails started to sweep around. [center][i]I will wait. Chie-san...[/i][/center] The beast thought briefly. Then slowly a low grumbling sound was produced out of the Beasts's throat. He wasn't angry at either Chie or anybody in particular. He was growing upset due the link with Midori. Knowing that getting worked up wouldn't help either of them, he had to remain calm so that he wouldn't start to affect Midori. For the first in long time Gyuki wished that he could provide more aid. But for now, [center]he would wait until he could provide comfort.[/center]