[center][b]Tora Hatake[/b][/center] Not paying too much attention to her students small talk as they made their way, Tora quickly found a tree which appeared to have a few branches broken. She quickly came to a stop, and marked to the students to stop as well. She then turned to look at all of them [b]"We are near. It might not be too far from Kirigakure, but that is better. It means that at the case we will need to send for backup, it will be done quickly. As for the person who will join us, she will be here any moment. So, I want to make sure all of you already know the plan well, seeing you all gave me the exact same plan."[/b] She said and glanced around for a moment. Due to the fact there was no sign from her accomplise yet, she sighed and returned her gaze to her students [b]"I want you each to describe properly what is your role and how you intend on performing it, so the others may hear and learn as well, at the case you will ever need to switch roles. This is so you will understand how each person thinks. Takeshi, do not put too much effort into explaning with words. Try to describe more by showing them with this branch."[/b] Tora said, picked up a branch from the ground and tossed it to him. She then returned to looking around, wondering where was the woman who was supposed to be joining them shortly.