Name: Bishop Staunton Age (17-40) : 30 Appearance: Bishop is a short and portly man, though he has a very friendly face and demeanor. His hair is almost never seen as he always wears an Asian styled straw hat, though one can assume his hair is fairly short due to this. Height: 5'10" Weight: 250 lbs. Personality: Bishop is a very friendly man, known in the community for scrounging through piles of old junk to find even the smallest thing of value, often taking broken things he finds and making them into small children's toys. Weapons (1 gun OR 2 melee weapons [One small/One Large]) : Shotgun (x3) Special Talent (Pick one from list, or create one [must be approved]) : Trapper Extra Tool (Pick One): Trip Wire (x4) and Pipebombs (x4) Reason for Volunteering: He cares deeply about the community and feels that he must volunteer. History (Optional) : Bishop is the oldest of 4 children, though they all went their separate ways early on. Bishop ended up in the Colony. During his trek for a safe haven he'd come across various items, odd little trinkets and other odds and ends. Whenever he would get into a confrontation with bandits or the like he could usually bring down the tension with words and offer them one of his little items in exchange for his freedom. When he reached the Colony he became known as a sort of merchant, always having things people needed, often digging through junk to find new things, or materials to create his own little toys for children. Extra (Optional) : He has 2 brothers and a sister.