Izumi stood by while the others talked among themselves. She smiled a bit and said "thank you" when the guy named Fenros complimented on her on how good her information was. Her interest was peeked when she heard about the pker archer. Thinking to herself she remembered she had a little info on some pker archer. Before she could say anything the dragon had perched itself on Varrens shoulder and his little speech was a bit intense for something so silly. It was very surprising when Varren sent her a request she paused for a moment then something inside her snapped and she accepted. She had no idea why she did it maybe it was her brain telling her that she didn't want to be alone anymore. Hearing rustling in the forest she placed her hands on her Katar. She relaxed when she found out it was just a lost player. Thinking to herself what's an idiot not having a map for remembering his way back to town. It seemed everyone was heading in the same direction and that there was something important happening on the higher floors and these people where going there. She didn't even have to think about it "I'm coming as well" she said. She could probably get some very valuable information. "I have some information on a few pker archers if your interested" she said out loud though the information she had was very small and limited probably useless but didn't need to know that. Going along with these people would also let her stay close to the beast tamer. She seemed shy so she would have to gain her trust before asking her about her dragon.