[center][b][i]Like old times, Preparing venomous solutions. And goals? A collab between Lesli and Gerontis. Summary :[/b] In the basement in the home of Zakito and Aiko, both Koike as Aiko prepare a new kind of poison that she wants to teach him. That and she hears what Koike actually wants.[/center][/i] [hider=Platypus?] [b]''See this? This part is the place.''[/b] Aiko said. With thick gloves she held the platypus down while pointing at the hind legs of the male specimen. The woman briefly glanced at Koike. Both were dressed in protective gear to ensure that they wouldn't accidentally poison themselves. [b]''We can extract the poison by gently placing the glass here. Then press here to force the poison out.''[/b] Aiko instructed. It had been a long time since she had trained and educated Koike, just the two of them. Last days she had spend more time with Yukara and Katsu, but that was because both were less experienced and trained than Koike. [b]’’It is very important to do this with thick gloves. Though one could argument if the platypus is a dangerous animal, their poison isn’t to joke about.’’[/b] Aiko further explained. The basement in her home was made to mix and extract poison. In the right corner there was a considerable big enough part made for the platypus. Next to some other facilities that she had where she grew all kind of herbal plants. Both for making antidotes as poison. Genuinely interested, he looked at how Aiko managed to keep the animal calm and suppressed while she worked with one hand to extract the poison. He nodded whenever she asked a question and honestly, he loved spending time like this with his sensei and aunt. It was where they both share a common interest and were doing something else than to practice something that had more to do with combat. [b]’’How can you apply their poison?’’[/b] Koike asked, looking fascinated at the animal. It hadn’t been known to him that they could produce poison, as he thought they were just amphibious creatures that made a funny sound. [b]’’Their poison can apply like any other poison. The problem is however that its quite a nasty one.’’[/b] She said, smiling. It was a little something between her and Koike. Calling poison nasty, while all poison had nasty effects. Such emphasis just made it clear that it was a bit special. [b]’’If a bit gets on your skin, it will cause a discomforting feeling. Let alone when it comes in contact with your blood.’’[/b] She said. [b]’’Really? So that means if it is being used in a smoke bomb combination that it will be thus nasty for the user as well?’’[/b] He asked, placing his hands at his back as he leaned a bit forward. The more he started to learn about the poison of the creature, the more he became interested in it. There were a lot of questions going through his mind, but he decided to ask one by one. [b]’’Yes. It will cause an intense pain by the victim. The venom isn't deadly to humans, but to give an idea on how powerful it is.’’[/b] Aiko paused as she thought about it. [b]’’A medium sized dog will die very quickly if you use it in any effective manner.’’[/b] Slowly, she putted the half full glass on the table. The male platypus made a kind of purring sound. Knowing that it had enough of the treatment, Aiko gently lifted it up with both of her hands. Walking to the container that had been modeled to create a small and comfortable surrounding for the platypus, Aiko placed the animal in it. It was more than happy that it could recover from the treatment. [b]’’There have been some records of victims that tried to pick a platypus up without any protection. They all experienced a torturing pain that seemed to be persistent. Even those who claim to have a very high pain toleration will suffer muscles that will refuse to move, due the pain that is being sent over to the brain.’’[/b] She said, pulling off the gloves. Like Aiko, Koike started to take the gloves off as he was a bit surprised. But he could deduce from that information that the poison was a high defensive poison, trying to ward off any predator and teaching them what it mean to try to eat a platypus. [b]’’What are the symptoms of being under influence of the poison then?’’[/b] Koike asked. [b]’’Next to the intense and torturing pain, you can see that around the entry wound will start to swell and will gradually spread outwards.’’[/b] Aiko started to sum up. [b]’’Then the symptom of hyperalgesia will start. Do you remember what that term means?’’[/b] Aiko asked back, placing her hands on her hips as she smiled. Like Koike, she enjoyed these moments with him. Koike stared at a plant, trying to remember what Aiko once had explained to him. [b]’’It is the term to describe an increasing sensitivity to pain.’’[/b] There was more to it, but it took a second before Koike could remember it. [b]’’That can cause damage to nociceptors or else peripheral nerves. But if that is what the poison also cause, that means that morphine won’t help?’’[/b] Koike asked. It was clear that if the poison attacked the nerve system like that it would mean that any victim would have to suffer the pain. A smirk started to grow on Aiko’s lips. [b]’’That is right and no. Trying to lessen the pain will not help. With the poison attacking the peripheral nervous system, a victim will be have to try to recover from going out of the fight. It is why I suspect that any predator that its once stung by the platypus will think twice before attacking again.’’[/b] She threw a glance at the resting platypus. The creature seemed to be simply relaxing as some light shined on the container through a window that also let in fresh air into the basement. [b]’’The pain will last from a few days to a month, depending on the dose. Using half of that glass for example, will be more than enough to cause the pain for a month.’’[/b] Throwing a glance at the glass, Koike became more interested. That little? The glass was barely at half filled, but if a quarter was enough to make somebody suffer some painful poison like that for a whole month, he was sure that it would be nasty in whatever kind of dose it would be used. [b]’’And an antidote?’’[/b] He asked. [b]’’Not known. I have tried to send it to a friend of Zakito, that leads the hospital. The poison is suggested to work directly on the brain’s pain receptors, so there has yet to be antidote that can stabilize the effect of the poison.’’[/b] Aiko answered. She walked towards the glass on the table. She had a little measuring cup with cap at the ready. Taking up the glass, she carefully poured the substance into the measuring cup. [b]’’What is your opinion about the team?’’[/b] She asked casually. The question threw him off his thoughts. He was already interested of mixing the poison within smoke bombs and else see what he could do with it. Scratching his chin, he looked with a frown at the process of pouring the venomous substance into the measuring cup. [b]’’They are okay, I guess. Yukara was a pain with her comments, but I didn’t pay that much attention to it, cause I reckon she is ignorant to what has happened in the past. Katsu is okay too, but he overreacted several times. Both are sometimes more of a pain but,’’[/b] He sighed, rubbing his neck as he briefly lowered his head. [b]’’I actually hope I can become their friend. I know that they have short comings, but so do I. Any person has those. Besides, maybe bonding with them can help the team after all?’’[/b] Aiko was done and luckily in time. Cause when she heard the words coming from Koike’s direction, she looked a bit surprised in his direction. Did he just stated he wanted to become friends with them? Unable to respond for some time, Aiko placed the cap on top of the measuring cup. Then she turned to Koike, seeing him not calm and focused as always. He looked even a bit shy. Before she even knew it herself, her arms wrapped themselves around his neck, pulling him in for a hug. Surprised by Aiko’s sudden hug, he was wondering why. Hugging her back, he smiled. [b]’’Aiko-sama, thanks.’’[/b] He said. The only answer he got back was a sniff. One of joy.[/hider]