[center][b][i]The second training, The gamble. A collab between Sketcher and Lesli.[/b] Summary : The second training for the chuunin exams, where Aiko trains Katsu. However, there is something she wish to investitegate.[/center][/i] [hider=The second training] Waiting again on the trainingsfield, Aiko looked around. Like last time, everything was set and ready. Placing her left hand on her hip, she felt how a nice and soothing breeze passed over the field. Though the time was only different. Now it was around 3 PM. That was because Aiko had some meeting with the Cho council in the morning about the coming festival that was being organized. Not to mention several other topics that were relevant to it. Though she wasn't really tired, Aiko rubbed her temple with her right hand, lowering her head a bit. At the time, Katsu had climbed up on top of one of the buildings in order to make a straight path between him and the training field. Performing the ram seal, he almost vanished, reappearing in a puff of smoke in front of Aiko. [b]"Good afternoon, Aiko-sensei,"[/b] he greeted her with a rather serious tone rather unusual for him. He looked her dead in the eye, his back straight and his hands at his side. Raising her head, Aiko looked at her student with a warm smile. [b]''Good afternoon, Katsu.''[/b] She had noticed he had used the Body Flicker Technique. That and the serious tone. [b]''Good that you could come. How are you doing today?''[/b] Aiko asked. Though she was being formal, Aiko was already thinking what had crossed her mind earlier. She had even done some research after their last training in order to see if her theory had any chance of success. [b]"Very well, sensei,"[/b] he said in response, his voice relaxing just a bit. He decided not to start a casual conversation no matter how tempting it might be, talking about the book he was reading, the training he was doing, the breakfast he'd eaten... He shook himself, knocking the thoughts out of his mind. [b]"I hope I wasn't late."[/b] [b]''No, you were in time.''[/b] Aiko raised her right hand and waved a bit, like she was trying to calm him down. [b]''But I suggest we go and start the training? I am sorry that unlike last time that we started at this time, as it means that I don't have enough time to do everything. Though I hope that we can conclude some parts that we have started last time. Have you worked on your stamina this morning?''[/b] Aiko politely asked. His mind flew to the memories of him beating the hell out of the poor wooden dummy with his sword for an hour and a half. [b]"Yes,"[/b] he answered, remembering his rather sore arms. He'd also done quite a bit of running and climbing to get to that peak. [b]"I'm all warmed up, sensei."[/b] Hardly able to contain himself, Katsu raised himself up a bit by his toes and then let himself fall again, springing back up. [b]''Good. Cause I have something I can suggest.''[/b] Aiko's tone was off, same as the look in her eyes. It wasn't a worried look, but it came close to it. [b]''I have researched some things about the Uchiha. Back at the first training mission, Koike asked if you could activate your sharingan. You said you couldn't. I was wondering when the sharingan actually would awaken as there aren't actually many Uchiha's that have awakened it. That made me start to delve into some books and scrolls after our last training.''[/b] She took a moment to pause. [b]''It seems that only a small group of Uchiha are able to awaken their sharingan. Meaning that there is a chance you won't awaken it.''[/b] That was the first piece of information she would give him. Katsu didn't like it but it was true. After the moment of reflection-he looked up at her once more, curious as to what she was building up to. He could guess that her aim wasn't to lower his self-esteem unless it was like the philosophy lessoons they'd been given during their first training. [b]''There is however a way to activate the sharingan. After some research it seems that some procress in the brains awakens the ''need'' for the sharingan to awaken. If the person is able to awaken it. This process is to put simply in a life and death situation. Meaning that there are some hormones in a right quanity that would spring the process.''[/b] Aiko explained. [b]''My special genjutsu sends my chakra into the person's chakra system and then goes to the brain, which enables me to freely make the victim go through a lot of situations at my whim.''[/b] Aiko paused. [b]''Which means that if I do it right now, it could lead to that you will awaken your sharingan.''[/b] Katsu's eyes opened wide as he heard her suggestion. He thought on it and everything she said made perfect sense to him somehow. [b]"I see,"[/b] he muttered. He went on to speak up. [b]"I understand how that could work..."[/b] His rather tense pose relaxed subconsciously as he thought about what she had said. [b]''It is quite simple, but I do think it won't go that easily. While it may seem favorable that I force the process, it may.. cause some setbacks.''[/b] Aiko started. This was why she was worried. If something could go wrong, it wouldn't be something they could reverse back. [b]''Even if you for example awaken your sharingan, it wouldn't be the same as natural. This means that there can be some complications. That is why I need you to think very carefully about this. That and you don't need them, you know that right? There are lot of strong people that don't have a sharingan.''[/b] Katsu nodded slowly. [b]"Yes, I know, sensei,"[/b] he said solemnly. Some newfound yet probably temporary confidence was in his voice. [b]"To be honest, it's very tempting but... It just wouldn't feel right if I gained an ability without working for it myself. If I accept the offer, I'd be telling myself that I don't have the potential to do it myself."[/b] The worried glance on Aiko's vanished as she lowered her head a bit. [b]''You got me worried there for a moment.''[/b] She muttered before looking up again. [b]''But it is good to hear such an answer. A wise one. I am not sure if I would have chosen the same as you did, but it certainly shows a certain nobility, Katsu. One that suits you.''[/b] Looking at the dummies, Aiko ddecided to head on to the next act. [b]''Now we are going to do some aiming practice. I am certain you are familiar with this, right?''[/b] Aiko turned her head towards Katsu, while she pulled out a shuriken. Without even glancing sideways, she swinged her hand. The projectile was a moment later seen, striking the head of a dummy. [b]''When a shinobi can't rely on ninjutsu, genjutsu or such, it is important that they know how to use use tools. Even a shuriken can be deadly in the hands of an expert.''[/b] The boy followed her hand and turned to the dummy, seeing that the shuriken had already planted themselves in the target's face. He turned to her once more and nodded, having heard similar words from Kensuke. Not wanting to do anything before his sensei gave any instructions, he waited. Pointing to the same dummy, Aiko started to explain. [b]''I want you to throw several shuriken, one at a time. If you want to participate in the exams, we need to be sure that every skill you can hone, has been worked on. I think it is a bit of repeating, but if you won't work on things like your aim or proficiency with tools, then I fear that it will be anything but good for later.''[/b] Glancing at the dummy where her shuriken had struck, Aiko finished her instruction. [b]''First you will throw some without a condition. After that, I will name up some conditions in order to make it more difficult for you.''[/b] Nodding, Katsu pulled out three shuriken, holding two in his left hand between his fingers in his clenched fist and the other in his hand behind his neck, ready to be flung sideways at the dummy. A proper aim was something everyone would learn at the academy but the fact that Aiko would make it more and more difficult showed that this was just to warm up. He flung his arm and the shuriken landed on the forehead of the dummy. A light whack was the result. Removing her hand from Katsu's head, Aiko shook her head. [b]''The forehead? Most shinobi wear their headband there. A simple shuriken would cause a graze or surprise. What you need to do is, aim to kill or immobilize. Some place where people in general wear little to no armor.''[/b] Aiko explained. She then took a step away, to give him some room again to try it again. He took the second shuriken into his right hand, surprised at the light blow he took. He made an x with his arms and flung the one in front, throwing the first shuriken direcly at where the neck would normally be and the second to the area under the chest cavity, where the lungs would have a bit of exposition. [b]''Hmmmmm.''[/b] Aiko seemed to ponder as she tilted her head a bit to the left and placed her hands on at her sides. [b]''Why did you chose those two places?''[/b] Aiko asked, throwing a sideways glance at Katsu. She had a hunch on why he had thrown and aimed the shuriken to hit the dummy at the two places. But still, she wanted to be sure that his answer would be a good one. Gambling wasn't something she would just accept. [b]"The neck is the weakest and most dangerous area in the human body,"[/b] he started. [b]"It's also usually not protected by any armour to allow the person to move their heads with ease. While the area beneath the chest cavity can sometimes be well guarded, if aimed quickly enough or infused with nature chakra like lightning or wind, it would do massive damage to the lungs, allowing blood to flow in and air to flow out."[/b] [b]''That is correct.''[/b] She said, patting Katsu's head now. His aim was good enough to hit a target that was standing still. However, she had reasons on why she would yet disagree with the boy. [b]''That was a nice throw and answer, I am proud of you Katsu.''[/b] Aiko however said. Removing her hand, she sighed and stared at the dummy. [b]''Though I wonder.. Who have trained you before to throw so accurate?''[/b] [b]"My old teacher used to make me practice shurikenjutsu during my "free time","[/b] he answered rather bitterly. [b]"He taught me the optimal points to aim for in order to get a clean kill."[/b] Katsu had almost flinched when he felt the hand on top of his head again, expecting another soft blow. To get a clean kill? Aiko thought about those words. She had often heard it, that people often wanted to go for a clean kill, but she had her own opinion on that. There was not such a thing as a clean kill. But it wasn't a lecture or a philosophy lesson today. [b]''Good. Though you're right about those points. Very well.''[/b] Taking a brief pause, Aiko pointed to the dummy next to it. [b]''I want you to throw with only your left hand.''[/b] Katsu hesitated but nodded. He pulled out a shuriken and launched it, this time with the other hand, aiming for the neck once more, however it didn't go as planned. The shuriken stuck out of the target's mouth. He immediately braced himself for impact, squeezing his eyes shut and clenching his teeth. [b]''Try to keep your breath in and when you throw, breath out.''[/b] Aiko only advised. She didn't give him another light whack, but she had noticed that he had braced himself for one. That was kind of cute, in her opinion. He opened one eye to check first then relaxed his muscles. He took a deep breath and exhaled. He took another one and readied the shuriken, stopping the air from seeping out. As he swung the shuriken, he let out the air, planting the weapon into the target's chin. He sighed, seeing how this one had worked just a little bit better. [b]''It takes practice, don't worry.''[/b] Aiko said, hoping to keep him motivated. For a moment she thought about showing how he could do it maybe better, but that was probably anything but motivating. No, she had just to stand now aside and let him try it. [b]''Keep trying it. It isn't going bad at all, Katsu!''[/b] Saying it with an overjoyed voice, she did mean it. Already she could think about how some of her students had tried this and even missed the dummy. Not that it was something bad if a person missed. Katsu took several quick breaths and pulled out a shuriken with his left hand, trying a backhand throw to increase his aim. This time, the shuriken was planted on the upper left side of the chest. He considered simply throwing every shuriken he had as fast as he could but he decided against an idiotic act like that, plunging his hand back into the pocket. He closed his eyes for a moment and visualized the target, thinking of a face he'd very much like to cover in blood. He swung the shuriken once more, sticking it right above the collar. He was getting closer. For a moment, Aiko wondered how good he would be if he could use sharingan eyes. Would that improve his aim? For all she knew, it wouldn't really. But it was a thought that had sneaked up on her. [b]''That is going very well. But let's not focus everything on just your left hand. Lets swap. Only your right now.''[/b] Aiko instructed, wondering if it would make a big difference now. Katsu didn't react at first, his chest rising and falling quickly. He snapped back to reality, recognizing the face he'd imagined to be the dummy once again. He turned to Aiko and nodded solemnly, pulling out another shuriken with his right hand. The boy launched the shuriken once more, this time hitting it between the eyes, the blades looking up and down straight. Whistling very short, Aiko narrowed her eyes. A hit like that in battle? That would mean that most average shinobi would have a trouble to keep on going. Certainly if Katsu would improve his strength a bit. Or if he would coat the shuriken in some chakra enhanced technique. Never the less, it was a very good throw. [b]''Very nice. Seems you have a certain knack for shurikenjutsu.''[/b] Aiko said, sounding a bit proud. Was that allowed? Hopefully it was, cause he was her student now anyways. Katsu turned to her and put on a seemingly very real smile, though his mind was elsewhere. [b]"Thanks, sensei,"[/b] he simply said instead of his usual objections. He pulled out two other shuriken, spinning each on his index fingers and turning back to the dummy. [b]''Keep holding your breath in and then when you throw, breath out. In time, it will become more natural as you will practice it.''[/b] Aiko repeated. She wondered briefly on how he would do on the next condition. For now they were practicing on a dummy that wasn't moving or even trying to defend itself from Katsu's shuriken. Katsu nodded and stopped its spinning, pushing it off the finger and clutching it. He leaned back and took a breath, spinning his entire body like a wheel while throwing it. Just as his hand would reach its peak, he bent his wrist backwards, thrusting it like it was sprung, launching the shuriken with quite a bit of speed, digging in into the target's chest. [b]''That is a new thing.''[/b] Aiko mumbled, a bit amused. Not that she was going to judge the spin, but she wasn't sure if it was really that practical. Reminding herself that she shouldn't start to crack down his style or manner of throwing, Aiko decided to say however something. [b]''Why did you aimed or hit the dummy at the chest area?''[/b] Aiko asked, her eyes still focused on the dummy. [b]"I... I was going for sheer force,"[/b] he said hesitantly. [b]"Towards where the heart is. If It can break a rib or two..."[/b] His voice faded. In truth, what he thought of doing earlier was to throw another one towards the neck with the same style but for some reason, he simply got aggressive. Though the excuse could probably pass since the shuriken's blade had sunk in a bit. A light whack was the first response. [b]''Tsk, tsk tsk. Never go for force.''[/b] Aiko said. [b]''You're not some brute or somebody who is really fitting to go for force. It leaves you open and that causes you to get hurt. And which again can create a chain reaction of nasty events.''[/b] She stopped, not wanting to give him the idea that he had messed up that badly. [b]''The thing is, why would you need force? Sometimes it is better to keep it calm and collected. If you need to use force, that means you're lacking certain calm and focus, which means that you're not that strong as you want to be.''[/b] He knew that all too well but it was still what he needed to hear. He focused himself, calming down. He raised his hand again with the shuriken locked between his thumb and index finger. Swinging his left hand sideways, he flicked his wrist as he threw it, hitting the left eye. He lowered his hand and looked over at Aiko, waiting for her comment on the throw. Her right hand was at her mouth as she looked like she was thinking about something. Lowering her hand to her chin, Aiko still kept her eyes focused on the dummy. [b]''Alright. That went better than expected. Very well done.''[/b] Aiko said. Now it was time for the next step. However, she would pull a twist to it. Making a shadow clone, the smoke that was summoned with it however would reveal somebody else. A small kid. Hopping some distance away, Aiko pointed at the back of the small boy. [b]''Go ahead. Try to make it an one hit strike.''[/b] The child still hopped away, humming a rather cheerful tone. Katsu pulled out a shuriken again, this time with his right hand and got ready to throw it, though he didn't launch it. [i]It's not a real kid... It's not a real kid...[/i] He swung his arm, aiming for the nape, though his aim was worse than before. The blade stuck into the clone's shoulder rather than the vital point. [b]"Sensei... Could you transform into something else? I can't..."[/b] His voice faded away, looking down at his feet. The child yelped as the weapon struck his shoulder. Falling on his knees, the free hand went to the struck shoulder as the boy seemed to turn. Aiko glanced at Katsu when requested something. By the time that he had finished or actually started his second sentence, a kunai was thrown towards Katsu. The child glared in Katsu's direction, having aim the kunai towards Katsu's chest. With a quick movement, Aiko's hand grabbed the handle of the kunai as she sighed. [b]''Into something else? An old person perhaps?''[/b] Aiko asked while she threw the kunai and destroyed the clone, as the kunai impaled the spot between the eyes of the clone. [b]''I know it is cruel, but it is no surprise that enemies will use disguises like that to ambush you or the others. Looks are quite deceiving after all.''[/b] Katsu recoiled as the clone attacked him. [i]Was this what she meant when she mentioned her training with Koike?[/i] As it disappeared in a puff of smoke, he let out a sigh of relief. [b]"A-alright, I understand,"[/b] he said. He gulped, looking in Aiko's direction, telling himself that he'd do it this time. Making another shadow clone, this time the form was again different. It was that of a younger girl, that had her thumb stuck in her mouth. Taking some distance from Aiko and Katsu, the disguised clone turned around. Still her thumb in her mouth, she stared at Katsu, only for a smile cracking on her lips as she tilted her head a bit. As the clone turned around, Katsu raised his right hand above his opposite shoulder and slung his arm sideways, this time without any hesitation. While the smile was forming, the shuriken had left Katsu's hand and was moving towards the clone's neck with as good aim as when they were practicing with the dummy. A scream erupted from the throat of the child as she was surprised or acted surprised. The disguised clone had moved her neck and shoulder, in a reflex trying to slam the shuriken away. However, now the shuriken had struck the arm, which started to bleed as the girl kept screaming in agony and pain. Aiko simply watched the scene in front of her, making no movement to make either the sound stop or gesturing that Katsu should try again. Seeing how it hadn't disappeared, he slung another shuriken forward towards the area between the eyes. He clasped his hands just as the shuriken left his hand, sending violent winds to follow it and speed it up. He stayed in that pose for a bit even though the technique had stopped, thinking about what he'd done just now. Lowering his hands once more, he sighed, still not having looked at the clone to see the result. [b]''That was enough.''[/b] Aiko told him, placing a hand on his shoulder. There wasn't a sound of a poof, indicating that the clone hadn't disappeared yet. However, if Katsu would look, he could see the child laying on the ground. [b]''How are you?''[/b] Aiko asked, on which the body poofed away. She realized that it was maybe a cruel lesson, but it was one that he needed to learn. Not just for his own, but also of the sake of others. If he would ever fall for such a cheap and dirty trick, Aiko wanted him at least be prepared that he could face it. Katsu kept his eyes locked on the dirt below him. After Aiko spoke once more, he turned to look at her but his head sprung to where the clone normally was. [b]"I'm fine, sensei,"[/b] he reassured her with a calm tone. Fine wasn't the best way to put what he was feeling right now but it was the word he chose to use. In the end, his disturbing ability to mask his emotions was always a useful one. [b]''Good. Now I think it is time for a small break. After that we will work again on your stamina and then as last, chakra control.''[/b] Aiko said, removing her hand from his shoulder. For today it was enough, but she would keep repeating this kind of training. Not that she had plans to make Katsu as Koike, but it would be a boon if he was able to face foes that took the appearance of something ''innocent''. Katsu nodded with a faint smile on his face as he looked at her. He then turned forward and continued standing where he was, alert. He wondered if Koike was hesitant like this during a small period of his training with Aiko. According to her, he used to be different, which was hard to imagine. Though even if Koike was like that at one point, Katsu couldn't notice any trace of these traits during the short time he had with his teammate. Pulling out the few shuriken from the dummy, Aiko quickly threw a glance towards Katsu. She wasn't sure if it was the case, but he seemed to be thinking about something. Or maybe he was trying to progress what he was told to do? She couldn't blame him, but the fact was that he was kind of silent. More than she was used to. [b]''What are you thinking about?''[/b] Aiko asked friendly, hoping she could help or answer something for him. He turned to her with the same smile he had earlier. [b]"I was just daydreaming, sensei,"[/b] he answered. When he saw Aiko pull out the shuriken, he came to a sudden realization. He first felt the pouch on his side, making it sink into the void inside it. When he put his hand in it, he realized that he'd used most of his shuriken during the training. Sighing, the boy decided not to bother with the projectiles at the time. Walking back, she would hand over the shuriken back. [b]''That is adorable.''[/b] A little smirk erupted on Aiko's face as she said her reply with a kind of teasing tone. Waiting for him to put the shuriken back in his pouch, Aiko started to stretch her arms. [b]''Time for some work out then. I will this time join you, okay?''[/b] After saying that, she gestured him to do the same as her as she would spread out her footwork by a bit. Then lower her self as she would place her hands against the ground. [b]''Lets do thirty first. Ready?''[/b] Taken aback by the comment, he looked at her, surprised. That wasn't really what he was going for... Katsu did the same movements once he realized what she was planning. He nodded and dropped to his hands and feet. [b]"Ready,"[/b] he announced, keeping his arms and legs both straight until Aiko said to start. Performing the push ups, Aiko seemed to do it in a slow pace. With dropping fast, but raising herself up slow. There was no break or any kind of pause to catch breath, as she kept performing the push ups. By twenty, she started to even whistle a bit. And at last by thirty, Aiko raised herself up. [b]''Okay, next.''[/b] Moving her feet closer to each other, she wouldn't give Katsu much of a break. Placing her hands at her side, she would then jump a bit up, moving her feet away from each other while raising her hands. With another jump, she would move back in the first position. Katsu followed suit, not making a sound except inhaling and exhaling. When she said to switch, he looked at her and waited to see what the next exercise was. When he saw it happen once, he started following up, doing a couple quick ones in order to catch up. His breathing got heavier as he continued, trying to keep it regulated. Keeping it up for several minutes, Aiko stopped and smiled. [b]''And back to the push ups!''[/b] Saying it with a cheerful tone, she dropped back and started to perform another thirty push ups. Though she wasn't whisteling anymore, Aiko started to pick the pace up. Moving faster through the push ups, she didn't throw a glance anymore towards Katsu to see how he was doing. Katsu was about to say something but he knew he couldn't afford to waste his breath if he was to complete the sets Aiko saw fit for him. He switched again though his elbows bent, almost knocking his head down to the ground. After a brief pause, he pushed himself up, not bothering to try and keep up with Aiko's speed, knowing that it would only tire him quicker. Swiftly getting back on her feet, Aiko stopped as Katsu hadn't picked up her speed. This made her smile a bit as she would continue on, but going a bit slower. Not that slow as how they had started, but just a little slower to see if the boy could keep up with that speed. She was glad that he wouldn't let himself be pushed to a speed that would drain him too fast, making something clear to her. Katsu noticed the shift of speed in Aiko's push ups and decided to pick up his speed just enough to keep up. As he was exhaling, he would form his lips as if whistling and then letting out a stream of air, then breathing in through his nose. [i]Okay... I can still do it. I can still do it.[/i] Simply slowing down over the course of the exercise, Aiko would stop just before the third time that they were about to do some push up. Stretching her limbs again, she said nothing as she didn't want to give Katsu the idea that she had stopped for him. While that was actually why she had stopped. As soon as he saw her stop, Katsu started to slow down, trying to understand whether or not he was supposed to stop as well. Hearing nothing, he gritted his teeth and continued, now just as slow as when they'd begun. He thought about how she'd mentioned they were going to do this exercise together so perhaps he was [i]supposed to[/i] stop when she had as a part of the training. A few seconds later, he stopped, leaning his knees on the ground and panting. [b]''Keep breathing as good as possible. The better your breathing, the quicker you recover.''[/b] Aiko instructed. Walking towards her student, she patted his back. [b]''Standing up also helps, don't bend or lean forwards.''[/b] Offering a hand to help him up and keep him supported, Aiko looked with a happy expression. [b]''You're doing it alright. If we keep up like this then you will have nothing to worry about.''[/b] Though not saying what she meant, it would be clear what she meant with those words. Katsu nodded, smiling and taking the hand, getting up. [b]"Thank you, sensei,"[/b] he said sheepishly to her approval of his performance. He thought back to when she told what training they would be doing. He wasn't too excited for the chakra control training but he'd promised to himself that he'd try and tackle any task he would be given during the training. [b]''It is my job.''[/b] She said, chuckling briefly about it. After being sure that Katsu could stand on his own, Aiko thought of something. [b]''Can you walk on your own or do you need some help?''[/b] She asked, not sounding like she was joking around, but not too serious either. It would maybe do some good if they took a walk and Aiko knew a better place to perform the chakra control training. A true fitting place. [b]"Yes, of course,"[/b] he said, smiling. He swung each feet a bit once, making sure the feeling that they weren't aching wasn't false. [b]"Where are we going, sensei?"[/b] He hoped the answer wouldn't be "Nowhere. Twenty laps," though he doubted that Aiko would say something like that. A smirk appeared on Aiko's lips, like she had caught on what Katsu first thought what her answer would be. [b]''You will see. It is on the next training field, so it isn't that far.''[/b] She answered. After her answer, Aiko decided to ask something back. [b]''What is your opinion on my teachings so far, Katsu?''[/b] [b]"My opinion?"[/b] He thought on the question for a moment, wondering how he could answer. [b]"Well... It's effective as far as I can see,"[/b] he said with a sheepish tone. Of course he was being sincere and honest but he didn't know how to word it other than how he had. He looked over at the other training fields, wondering why they were moving. Heading to a place that had more vegetation, Aiko seemed to consider what she could make out of his words. [b]''But do you agree with them? I can try to teach you all I know and am able, but you need to be willing to accept them and not just parts.''[/b] Walking through the more dense park or small forest, there was some sound in the distance. [b]''You also have the right to question my ways on how I train and educate you. Please do if you have anything to ask. I don't like to make the same mistake twice in a row.''[/b] [b]"I understand that and I agree with the method, sensei,"[/b] he clarified. [b]"It's true that someone could simply disguise themselves as an innocent and even when one knows it, it could be difficult to do anything. After that, I think I'd be less concerned about what the physical appearance of a target represents."[/b] [b]''Good.''[/b] Aiko simply answered back as she kept leading them through the vegetation. The sound became louder. And soon it was clear what it was. The vegetation became less dense as they would look upon a small river, created by a waterfall. Pointing at the beautiful formation of nature, Aiko told him something. [b]''That is where we are heading. Come, this is going to be fun.''[/b] She patted his shoulder gently as she would head towards the waterfall. Removing her flak jacket, which she threw at the shore, she went straight to the water that fell on the rocks. After she noticed a big enough rock, she called out for Katsu. [b]''Over here, this is the spot.''[/b] Though the water was very cold, it was also refreshing. Shivering only once, she would sit down upon the rock, making sure that there was enough place for Katsu to join her. Katsu hesitantly followed, his foot going into the water. He pulled it out quickly and concidering walking over it but seeing how Aiko had swam, he put his sabre and its sheath down on the shore, as well as his kunai and shuriken pouches. As she was just climbing up, he kicked off his foot-wear and leapt into the water, swimming over to where she was. He hoped she'd meant for him to do that. He didn't like getting wet with his clothes on... They sunk into his skin and... The boy shivered at the thought as he climbed up the rock. Waiting for him, she already sat in a meditation stance. Keeping both her hands at the ankles of her legs, Aiko knew that talking wouldn't really possible. With right being underneath the water fall, she could feel the pressure of the falling water. Raising her hands, she hoped he could see her movement. [b]''Just focus and keep breathing!''[/b] She shouted, hoping that he would hear her. Forming the bird handsignal, Aiko closed her eyes as she started to perform the advanced chakra control training. Katsu nodded to himself as he heard the instructions and took the meditation stance, performing the bird handsign. It was somewhat more soothing there than last time. He couldn't feel his arms aching anymore, or rather, he didn't care about it. His mind cleared itself as he lent an ear to the water crashing onto the rocks, circulating his chakra. For some time, they both sat on the big rock, training and focusing on controlling their chakra. After a good ten minutes had passed, Aiko slowly opened her eyes to see how Katsu was doing. She loved to train like this, not just cause it looked cool and in line with some stories she liked, but it was somehow very special. To train chakra control was like trying to train to control yourself. With being so close to nature, it always gave Aiko a very nice feeling. That she was doing more than some chakra training. Katsu was still in the same position, his muscles relaxed yet his elbows were both still high. He kept continuing the training, not having been interrupted. Everything was going rather smoothely which would've been surprising to Katsu if he was aware of it in his half conscious state. Thus Aiko decided to not interrupt Katsu. Closing her eyes again, she started to focus on moulding her chakra again. As time passed by, the water wasn't that chilling anymore. It felt more soothing, like it was removing every worry and problem from them, forcing it to come along with the small river. After another ten minutes, Aiko opened her eyes again as she would slowly stop to mould her chakra. Making sure that the chakra wasn't being moulded, her hands went apart as she turned her head towards Katsu. Softly, she placed a hand on his shoulder. Aiko wasn't sure how else she could make it clear that he could stop without startling him, thus bringing him out of his focus. Katsu's eyes opened wide as he felt contact on his shoulder. Just as he did so, he slowly subsided the chakra flow. Once he was done, he lowered his hands and turned to Aiko, smiling faintly. [b]"That was rather calming,"[/b] he said. During the entire chakra control training, he couldn't have been more relaxed and calm. [b]''What did you say?''[/b] Aiko shouted back. The sound of the waterfall was too loud that they could hear each other while speaking with a normal volume. Standing up, Aiko looked around. With a short jump, she landed on the water. [b]''Come over here! Easier to talk here!''[/b] She shouted, beckoning him as well to follow her. Katsu nodded and pushed himself off the rock, skidding a bit over the water before walking over to where Aiko was, walking under the waterfall, ignoring it. Once he was past the falls, he looked back for a moment before rushing towards Aiko. [b]"I said, 'it was calming', sensei"[/b] he repeated himself, smiling. Smiling, Aiko's hands went to her hair. Trying to get it into a ponytail, Aiko replied back to Katsu. [b]''It is great, isn't it?''[/b] She asked. Finally managing to get her hair into a ponytail, Aiko sighed as she would gesture to the side. [b]''But I think we should get ourselves dried up. Then we can conclude today's training.''[/b] [/hider]