[center][b]The Yonbi, Making them regret.[/center][/b] The attacks of the brave and rallied Amegakure shinobi landed into the mist. The thick mist was expelled and driven back with the many water attacks charging at the mist. But it would reveal one scary fact. The beast that they had targeted there, wasn't where it was supposed to be. Before any of the Amegakure nin could react, the beast attacked. Those inferior humans were going to get it! Their inferior intellect was shown when they decided to simply attack a thick mist that had been made earlier. Two hands erupted from the water, grabbing several shinobi who had been focusing too much on attacking the mist. Like an angry demon, the giant beast moved out of the water as he started to spit lava as well. Unlucky men and woman that weren't caught and crushed in his hands were hit and taken down by the ferocious attack of the beast. And with the lava hitting the water, it started to cause another steam. It would become evident for those who were smart enough that the beast was likely going to try give them trouble of pin point aim at him while he would move out of the water.