[center][b][i]Hiron Hon, Konohagakure Jounin | Team 9 sensei[/center][/b][/i] ---- [b]''I think that you all three failed horribly.''[/b] Was the answer on Masami's question. Hiron was sitting on a branch, just having finish a rice ball. He frowned at his team and then tilted his head a bit to the right. A grin started to appear on his lips, the only warning they would get before something would happen. While Hiron's trap went into action, he told them one line. [b]''Think that some punishment will be on its place.''[/b] Before likely any of his team could react the paper lighted up and would deafen them. The flash that was produced, combined with the flash, would likely cause more than just a bit of discomfort. While they were probably surprised, Hiron had his next surprise at the ready. He aimed senbon, made of lighting, at their bodies, wasn't made to pierce. It was made to give them a horrible shock. With the distraction going on, it didn't matter if they were caught or not. [b]''You three have failed again. This means that none of you is allowed to go on any missions for quite some time. I am really disappointed in you three. Wasting chakra, risking yourself in a careless manner and losing your cool? Unacceptable!''[/b] Hiron said with a stern voice once he would notice that this students would have recovered from the nasty surprise and shocking senbon. [b]''Each and single one of you is dismissed. Go home. And do it quick before I will do something worse.''[/b] After saying that, Hiron took another bite of a rice ball while he glared at his students.