Oh, man. I saw this thread and couldn't [i]not[/i] mention Jackson Murphy. On the old site (and continuing onto the new one) for at least a year or two, I was involved with a Walking Dead-universe (non-canon characters) RP. Though my two main characters were very good people, the RP was missing a huge component: an antagonist. The group central to the RP had survived many a horde or zombies, and needed something new. That's when I came up this gang of marauders new to the area. The group was large, equipped with military-grade equipment, and utterly ruthless. Their leader, Jackson, was the worst. In my opening post for him, he has a father and his three sons tied up in an abandoned office building. He demands to know where the family has their supplies stashed, and shoots one of the sons through the heart when the father doesn't answer. However, he promises to let him live if he tells the gang. Then, when he finally does give the location, he shoots the other two sons (body shots, so they will re-animate), and leaves the father blindfolded, and bound by the wrists in the office building and locks the door behind him. He fulfilled his promise and didn't kill him: he left the man's dead sons to do the job. In another story about him, the gang catches a thief trying to take some of their supplies. Jackson takes the guy and nails him to a tree. Then, he takes a few walkers, cuts off their arms, and damages their jaws, and sicks them on the guy. Long story short, the dude dies a slow, agonizing death while these handicapped walkers gnaw and scrape with their upper jaws. To finish this touching tale, Jackson kills the walkers and leaves the re-animated corpse of the thief nailed to the tree, with a sign that says "[i]This is what we do to thieves[/i]" attached to him. So yeah... That's the only *bad* character I've ever played.