Interested ---- Name: Rakgan Shieldhewer Race: Dwarf Age: 95 Gender: Male Appearance: [hider="Rakgan"][img=] Although he shield is mostly held on his back for protection against archers.He stands at 3 foot 9 but packs a lot of punch for such a small height.[/hider] Clothing/Armor: Rakgan's clothing is generally the same every day. He almost always wears his horned helmet which partially covers the top of his long red hair. His armour consists of an iron torso guard along with iron boots. His leg guards are just regular trousers as he woke up halfway through a thievery and failed to chuck his hammer at the thief before he got away. He has leather bracer's that protect his wrists. Weapons: (Describe the weapons your character carries with them on a regular basis. You may include pictures if you wish, although as long as you’re clear enough it’s not entirely necessary. In this section, you must also describe where your character keeps their weapons. In case your character is caught off guard or restrained in some way, it’s much more believable that they could quickly draw their dagger if it was sheathed at their waist than if it was at the bottom of a cluttered backpack, after all. This is for the sake of consistency. For weapons like bows or crossbows that require bolts or arrows, make sure to note how many arrows your character keeps on them on a regular basis and where.) Skills/Abilities: (Describe your character's abilities, if applicable. This will often outline your character's profession, too. This includes combat ability (weapon proficiency, martial arts etc excluding magic) as well as general trade skills like blacksmithing, carpentry, farming, hunting, fishing, tailoring, and medicine (to name just a few). Basic skills like cooking or sewing, for example, need not be listed here unless your character is exceptionally good at them. Miscellaneous skills and attributes that are unique to your character should also be listed here. If you have any questions about what should and shouldn't go here, ask a GM.) Magic: (If your character possesses magical or supernatural abilities, please describe them here in detail. There are many different methods of spellcasting in the fantasy genre, but feel free to use DnD's mage archetypes as a baseline for inspiration. Please make sure to describe the source of your character's magical abilities, whether it be their own internal "mana", magical runes, alchemical ingredients, wands, spellbooks, artifacts, talismans, or some contract with a deity or spirit (these are just a few examples). Certain magical abilities are generally considered off-limits for the sake of balance, such as time manipulation, teleportation, invincibility and total mind control. You can include a spell list, but this is not by any means required and you may take a more general approach to this description if you wish.) Inventory: (List what your character currently has on them and regularly carries around, excluding weapons, armor, and clothing (see above). Try not to list too much; carrying heavy loads will considerably slow down your character and probably require a cumbersome backpack on top of that. In other words, pack light. It may be wise to organize these items in a list, as you will be editing this section frequently as your character acquires more items. This section should also include how much money your character has in their wallet. The currency of Daiar follows the traditional DnD system of copper, silver, and gold coins. 10 copper pieces are equivalent to one silver piece, and 10 silver pieces are equivalent to one gold piece.) Backstory: (In at least two decent length paragraphs, detail your character's life up until this point. Make sure to explain why your character is in Estermere at present. If you wish to keep your backstory secret, you must message a GM about it beforehand to ensure it's reasonable and acceptable.) unfinished