[center][b][u]+MiMay+[/u][/b][/center] I sit here in the dim-litted cage. It wasn't dark, and I could see fine, but I was still afraid. I could feel my hands trembling and my body just curl against the corner of the wall. I blinked a few times. I could never close them for a long time anymore. I learned to sleep with my eyes open. That, or, I think it was just transparent film over my eyes. Did I have eyelids? My eyes are funny. Unlike the guards who blink "normally", I have a vertical blink. That's what I like to call it. What's funny is that I never remember that I blinked. How weird... Oh...I was getting off track again. I always did that when I try to ignore-... The screams. Oh those screams... Well, in my mind I heard screaming. When I first arrived with others, the first few days were filled with screams. Now it's just filled with painful groaning, moaning, torturous pounding. I couldn't stand hearing them. I felt bad for them. But I think what made me hate myself alittle, was that I was scared for myself more than I was scared for the wellbeing of the others. Was it because I didn't know anyone here? Well, I sort of know the people in cages across from me. Err, not exactly people but...Still, the others here. Then again, I've never really spoken to them. I just stared or sensed them staring back at me. I didn't [i]really[/i] care for them... The lights flickered and I couldn't help but shrink back alittle. [i]Tap Tap[/i] My head tilted up to the sound. My large eyes focused on a person holding a tray of food. A guard. He was short compared to me. It was obvious. I was 7 feet tall and he looked about 5 feet. Still, that wouldn't hold anyone back from hurting others. No matter how big you are, how small you are, the guards will always try to hurt you in some way. Physically or mentally. "Lunch time.", the guard gruffed before dropping the plate outside my cage. I didn't move until he banged at the bars. "Go get it!", I slowly crawled towards him and the food, "Yeah...Thadda girl...What do you say?" I looked up at him and then back at the food. I was being stared at like an animal. But who was I really...? Maybe I am an animal. A disgusting animal. My arm extended forward to grab the food only to be stepped on. I've never heard such a horrendous scream before in my life. Oh wait, that was me. My throat made a funny croaking noise. I've never spoken before, but I have screamed. A rare use of my actual vocal cords, combined with a funny robot sound from my communicator, can either cause laughter or sympathy. In this case, laughter. "I said, what do you say?", he lifted his foot off my hand to which I quickly pulled my hand back, caressing it against my lips. My communicator spoke for me. "Thankyou-thankyou sir. I am most grateful-ful.", it echoed robotically. Loud static emitted through now before dissipating back into nothing. It's stuttering embarrassed me for some reason, but I could do nothing about it. No matter how much I wanted to so as REMOVE it, I couldn't. It was my only way of talking. No matter how embarrassing. I looked up at the guard while rubbing my hand against my cheek. He nudged the tray towards me and left. As I approached the food once more, I felt a small vibrate around me. I heard yelling as well, but I had no intention to focus on it. My stomach was craving for food. I could only take a small bite before I felt my lungs constrict in my chest. The lights had turned off. As fast as my legs and arms could carry me, I scurried back into my corner. A large, skinny, nonhuman, afraid and sitting in the corner. My long blue hair pooled around me as I shook. Slime was beginning to slide out of my skin from how afraid I was. How sad. How disgusting. The food was left untouched. All I can hear were the voices of others painful cries and the static coming out of the headphones around my neck. I tried to close my eyes but it was still dark. Whether it was a clear film of skin covering my eyes, or I really did have eyelids, I don't know if I even wanted to keep them closed anymore. The room was dark. The back of my eyelids, possibly dark. Why is it so dark... --- [b][u][center]-Hound-[/b][/u][/center] The cage I sit inside is pretty high. And by high I mean above every other defects cage. I knew the map pretty well. Where every guard walks through. What guard is a dick, and what guard feeds whom. I even knew where the panels were. The controls for lights, cages, exits, and entrances alike. And yet, here I am. In a cage above everyone else. I couldn't help but chuckle lowly at the irony. I used to think I was tough shit. Now, I'm like every other pitiful creature in this factory. A caged burden, as I used to call them. I loved to mentally hurt every creature, now, I am that creature. My neck craned to the side when I heard food slide through a tube from behind. It was used to feed me since the guards can't reach me in my high perch. "How kind of you to send me leftovers.", I croaned to nobody in particular. My eyes turned into slits as a silent laugh. "....", I made no move for the food and instead took pity upon the creatures below me. I heard the cries of one alien. The beating of an android. I listen intently to the whispers down below from my isolation. I couldn't see them fully, but I could hear them or see parts of them. I knew how they all looked despite the lack of vision from above. I knew their serial names. What most of them dream of...If they dreamed at all. My forepaws lightly scraped at the flooring of my cage. I was itching to run around instead of laying about. I gave a guttural growl when guards looked up at me in curiousity. To many others, I'm probably just a defected creature who sits in a pretty cage above them. To some of the rare few who even knew of...[i]that[/i] incident, they knew quite well who I truly was and had the audacity to sneer my way. Hah...If only they could see me sneer back with my dark third eye glaring at them, they'd be running away by now.