[b]"ALRIGHT, THOSE LEGIBLE FOR A FREE ASS KICKING FROM A TEENAGER IN TIGHTS, FORM A SINGLE-FILE LINE!"[/b] Dylan yelled out with a smile underneath his mask as the Sinister Six began to close in around him. Just before any kind of real action started up, the night sky became suddenly cloudy. The dark and sinister looking clouds began to funnel around into a strange spiralling motion, before a massive beam of light fired down at his position. [i]Oh crap..[/i] Dylan thought before he jumped out of the way of the light beam, landing on the front of a movie theatre as he watched a form materialize from the intense ray of multicoloured light. When he saw the triumphant figure of a viking man wielding a hammer, he breathed a sigh of relief. [b]"Thor! Hey man, what's happening?"[/b] Spidey called out before the Asguardian made a terrible pun. [b]"You may want to cut back on the jokes, Thor, they're not working out for you. Sheesh, and I thought that I wasn't funny.."[/b] the web-head said before he heard a triumphant voice beside him. Turning his head, he recognized a guy he had never seen in New York before, but judged by his looks that he was some kind of Superman-level do-gooder. [b]"Thanks, dude. Okay, so here's the plan: Thor, you take Captain Moustache and Vampirella over there."[/b] Dylan addressed, pointing towards the Goblin Queen and Mandarin. [b]"New Guy, you can handle the Talking Mudpie and Yellow Glow Stick."[/b] Dylan continued, now pointing at Clayface and Sinestro. As he saw the trail of electricity and smoke from a goblin glider approaching fast in the sky, he said [b]"I'll handle Sparky and the Halloween-Reject."[/b]. He positioned his web-shooters to latch onto the Goblin's glider, when suddenly he heard a noise behind him and saw a face he never thought he'd see. [i]Oh god, not this idiot.. He's the only person who has worse jokes then me![/i] Dylan thought to himself. Sure, who hadn't heard of Wade Wilson a.k.a. Deadpool? Not only was he a respectable mercenary, but he was also bat-crap crazy. [b]"Look Deadpool, we don't have time fo-"[/b] Spider-Man began to say in an exasperated voice before he was suddenly caught off guard by a bolt of lightning. The force of the shock sent him flying backwards a few feet, directly into the side of a building. As he climbed out of the small impact crater he had made, he rubbed the back of his head and looked up at the two super criminals with distaste. [b]"Okay, now [i]that[/i] was bad sportsmanship! Play the game fairly, chumps!"[/b] Spidey yelled out before he fired off two globs of webbing and blasted his two nemesi in the face. It was a temporary idea, but it bought him some time. As they struggled to get the webbing off, Spidey fired off another strand at a nearby sewer grate. It was heavy as hell, but thanks to his increased strength, he yanked it off its foundations. Once it was in his hands, he tossed it roughly at Electro and sent the super villain back a few feet. While Electro was busy recovering, Spider-Man lurched forwards and landed on the Goblin's Glider. By this time, he had managed to successfully get the webbing off his face, and tightly gripped the wrists of the teen hero. The added weight of another person sent the Goblin's Glider out of control and forced it to fly through the empty New York skies. [b]"Give it up Gobby! Just accept defeat and go back to the Treskelion!"[/b] Dylan shouted as he smacked his skull against the forehead of his enemy. "NOT WITHOUT YOUR HEAD AS MY PRIZE, SPIDER-MAN!!" Goblin shouted as the two continued to ride disastrously on the glider through the air, passing the spot where the brawl with the Sinister Six had already begun.