Jurgen was hopeful when Eve reassured him, but when the fight actually started again, he was grinning. His android knew what she was doing, and he could see that. Big Jim did his usual thing, but Eve had changed up her tactics, and the android smoked her opponent in the face, and then destroyed one of the robot's legs with a single, vicious punch. "How's that for an adjustment?" Jurgen asked Big Jim's owner. The man was shocked. No one had ever done such a thing to Big Jim. No one had a robot good enough to do so much damage so quickly. "What... The fuck?" the other man whispered to himself, shocked, appalled, and utterly powerless. The crowd had gasped as one, and everyone was equally confused. How was this happening? What was going on? Was this a trick? Jurgen knew it wasn't a trick. He was giddy with excitement. This fight was Eve's to win or lose, now. Hopefully she would be kind enough to win it. But then time started to slow down. Jurgen was watching everything happen in slow motion, now. He heard the crowd start up again, in the background, starting to cheer, to roar, obviously unsure who they were cheering for, but also obviously hungry for blood. They wanted to see one of these robots die, at the very least. The cyborg was silently hoping, rooting for his new automaton with all his might. He needed this win. With such a swift and decisive victory, his near-future would be secure. With so much money, he would be good to go. And with a way to keep making that money, life would only get better. He was eager, and anxious to see the results of the fight. But his body was running in overdrive now, and things had slowed down, leaving him straining to see how things were going...