[quote=Sketcher] I'm pretty sure it's the boss of the 20th floor xD Because we talked about 'the floor's boss' who was hidden on a different area than most other floor bosses, being the 17th floor of the gilmer's tower. [/quote] okay thank you! did you ever make a sketch of it? id like to use it in my post ^^ also...i need a name for it. edit: i think it should totally look like a Leviathan ._. edit2: what do you guys think of the name Afilaseth The Leviathan King? >.> lame but works for our purposes. and he'd look like this: [hider=Image] [img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/190/c/0/Leviathan_by_M_Lev1911.jpg[/img] [/hider]