Deadpool did not have time for spiderman rejecting him, he wanted to fight someone. He set his eyes on Sinestro, and laughs. "Your head is going in my warehouse, glowstick." He starts walking toward the man, taking out his swords. His voice turns dark and evil. "I'm gonna cut you until you beg to live." He starts to laugh maniacally as he starts flailing the swords at Sinestro. Sinestro, however, was not going to put up with this deadpool. He smacked him away with a fist of yellow light. However, deadpool just chuckles and cracks his neck. "Glowly light powers! That sounds powerful! Now you have something more worth than money to me; BLING!" He starts shooting at Sinestro with his pistols, but is interrupted when a large amount of blades are launched from Sinestro, and go all the way through Deadpool. He just laughs as the wounds heal in almost two seconds. Sinestro's eyes widen when he sees this, now understanding why this man attacked him without fear. He's not human. Sinestro starts impaling him with spears made of yellow light. Deadpool just starts walking at him. "Buddy, this is just free acupuncture to me. You can't kill me!" He leaps, kicking Sinestro in the face with both feet before landing on his back. "And one point for the- ack!" He screams as he is crushed flat by an anvil. He mutters a wavering "owwwwwwww" as he reinflates.