"... A map of all the good restaurants...?" For a moment, Valeria's eyes lit up. She was hungry, and if it brought her to someplace good to eat, well... that was pretty helpful. However, she quickly stifled the burst of enthusiasm and folded her arms, her serious frown returning immediately. She had to make sure nothing dumb or weird was going on right now, after all. She had to absolutely make sure that there was no chance of anything stupid whatsoever! She just couldn't tolerate people being idiots. What if he wrote out the map wrong?! What if he had bad taste in food? Valeria had to make sure things would actually go well. "Well... you better make sure that map is really good!" said Valeria. She opened her mouth again... and paused. Was that some kind of... crashing sound, or something...? She heard it on the edge of her hearing... Whatever, it probably wasn't important. "I don't want to get taken to some bad restaurant by mistake."