[center][b][i]The test!. A test of skill, A test of bells. A test of friendship? A collab between Sketcher, Gerontis and Lesli. Summary : Aiko decides to test her two students that had both told her that they wanted to enter the coming Chuunin Exam. This time, no holding back. No mercy and only one goal. Try to take the bells. Only, Together or separated?[/center][/b][/i] [hider=The Bell Test] It was raining as the three stood on a trainings field. The dark clouds and rain caused the normal cheerful place to look more grim, like it wasn't three people that saw each other as comrades or friends. Not as sensei and student. Dressed in her jounin outfit, Aiko slowly lowered her hands. She had tied her hair in a ponytail as she kept focus on the two other people that were present. A few moment passed, only the sound of the heavy rain sounding. Then a flash of lightning at the sky was seen. [b]''I will test you both one last time before the big event. I think that you both are aware of the bell test?''[/b] Aiko asked, but she had to talk louder due the rain. Holding up the two bells that were tied to her belt, at her left hip, she waited another moment. [b]''This time, I won't hold back as usual. That means you both have to give it your all. No quarter should be given if it can be taken. Got that?''[/b] Though she wasn't angry or irritated, her voice was stern. Even the usual cheerful expression was replaced by a cold look as she formed slowly the Seal of Confrontation. Katsu was wearing a different set of clothing than usual with a dark sleeveless shirt over a white t-shirt. There was a katana on his side and two short swords on the back of his hip shaped like an X. He was standing, looking from Koike to Aiko and Aiko to Koike to figure out what they were doing there. After Aiko started explaining, he locked his gaze on her. [b]"Bell test?"[/b] the boy mumbled. He noticed the two shiny bells standing out attached to her belt. He gulped upon hearing the rest of what she had to say. After a moment's hesitation, he recomposed himself and formed the Seal of Confrontation, glancing at Koike. Koike had a calm look on his face, but he felt his heart pumping. Though he was good at hiding his feelings or masking them, he wasn't really sure about this. Confident as he was in his skills, he knew better. When Aiko stated that they would indeed do the bell test, Koike tried to think of how they could pass it. Aiko was a veteran jounin. Every field that Katsu or he excelled in, was nothing in comparison with Aiko's experience and skill. Forming the Seal of Confrontation, Koike looked sideways at Katsu. Then he nodded. Another flash of thunder lit up the field. But a second after it became dark. The spot where Aiko had been standing was now empty. All that remained was just the grass, damped by the rainfall. From their right, several kunai were thrown as Aiko slides over the wet grass. She barely made a sound or warning as she would start the first attack. Katsu's eyes opened wide as he noticed that Aiko was no longer there. He quickly glanced around, seeing a figure on the right side. He instinctively drew one of two short swords and knocked two of the kunai coming his way to the ground. [b]"Koike, let's get near the trees!"[/b] he yelled as he took a leap backwards. [b]''Don't shout!''[/b] Koike warned. Not cause he was annoyed, but the less sound, the better. He had been surprised too when Aiko had vanished in such notice. Pulling out a kunai, he quickly managed to knock away three kunai that had been thrown towards him. Seeing that the grass was wet, he didn't jump backwards. [b]''We need a plan.''[/b] He muttered, trying to keep Aiko in his sight. A smirk grew over Aiko's lips as she started to run towards their left. Weaving several handsignals, she would prepare a technique. But for now she would try to get to a new position while keeping an eye on how her students were doing. It seemed that ever since the mission to the Hotspring had improved their cooperation. Instead of trying to be more on their own, they communicated now. Seeing Aiko was weaving handseals, Katsu didn't waste any time. He pulled out a kunai with a smoke bomb attached to its back and swung it in an effort to interrupt Aiko's preparations. The kunai flew towards her, cutting through the rain as it did so with speed. [i]Koike, see what I'm doing please![/i] Koike had noticed that Katsu threw something towards Aiko. Weaving at a fast speed handsignals, he would support the kunai's speed with a technique of his own. The Violent Wind Palm technique would hit the kunai from the back, causing to increase the speed of the projectile. She had noticed the kunai, which made her stop running. Sliding over the wet grass, Aiko squinted her eyes as she saw the kunai approaching her. Faster than expected, which made her lean to the right. As the weapon passed her, there was a little scratch seen on the shoulder pad of her jacket. Finishing the last handsignal, Aiko focused her gaze on Katsu. The water around Aiko started to mass together quickly, before it would launch towards the genin in the shape of a big wall of water. The violent Waterfall technique would hopefully push Katsu further away from Koike. Katsu put his hand on his katana's hilt and slashed the air as he leapt backwards, shooting a wave of vacuumed air towards the point Aiko was, running from the water at the same time. He immediately re-sheathed the sword and made a jump to the side, counting on Koike to stop whatever second attack might come his way when he was unguarded. [i]She tries to separate us?[/i] Koike questioned himself as Aiko launched her attack in the direction of Katsu. Without wavering, he would launch an attack towards Aiko. Weaving several handsignals, Koike would form several spheres of air that he would direct towards Aiko. Hoping that he could occupy Aiko and trying to force her back, so that Katsu could recover or regroup with him. Seeing Koike using the technique against her, that she had taught him was a bit surprising. With a quick succession of short leaps, she managed to keep evading the spheres of air. Sliding again over the wet grass, Aiko was so far content with her students. The teamwork was so far excellent. Noticing that that her Waterfall technique had been pushed back a bit before it would crash against a tree, Aiko thought about a tactic to further test them, as well keeping them from gaining a bell. The smoke bomb behind the kunai exploded, covering the nearby vicinity in smoke. Katsu had a string of explosive tags attached to one another which he quickly pulled out with another kunai, throwing the two connected weapons to the smoke once more. The tags would all ignite when they entered the smoke, the one in the middle's flame being extinguished when it was still young by the rain. Seeing the thrown weapons, Koike wouldn't need to see if Katsu was doing alright. With a short jump, he would move backwards to get closer to Katsu as he kept an eye on the smoke covered place. His Silent Killing skill wasn't that great, but he tried never the less to spot or notice any sound or scent that could give him a hint where or what Aiko was doing. [b]''One of us should keep her occupied, while the other grab the bells.''[/b] Koike stated. Briefly the smoke was lightened up and blown away by the explosions. The dust was only present for some moments before the rain drove it away. Aiko skidded to a halt as she had jumped backwards. If she hadn't been able to hear the rustling paper and kunai approaching her, she would have been toast. Now with a considerable distance between her and the two genins, she seemed to crouch. [i]Good.[/i] She thought, wanting to actually compliment the two on their work so far. Instead her right hand went to the pouch where she had stored her smoke bombs and another surprise. Attaching it to a kunai, she kept watch of her students. Nodding to Koike's proposition, Katsu pulled out his two short sword. [b]"I'll try and keep her occupied as long as possible. At one point, I'll try to surprise her so that you can go in and get the bells,"[/b] he said, as he took a step forward. He looked over to Koike for a moment but without waiting for his approval, not wanting to give Aiko more time to prepare a trap, he gathered his chakra on his feet and lunged forward consecutively to get to their sensei as quick as possible. His eyes widened as Katsu launched himself forward. Stretching out his hand, as a reflex, he would be probably too late with his warning. [b]''No, don't charge!''[/b] Koike said, but with Katsu charging he had no other choice. Wrapping his fingers around the handle of his own blade, he narrowed his eyes before he would also dash forwards. But he would try to come from the right, though he wasn't sure if they were now actually rushing to a beating or would have any success. Having attached the smoke bomb to her kunai, Aiko saw that both Koike and Katsu were dashing towards her. Rising up, she threw the kunai with the smoke bomb in the direction where Katsu was heading. Readying herself, she seemed to pull out a kunai from her holster. The plan was however not to hold her ground while her students would charge in. Soon as the smoke bomb of hers would kick in, she would have to leap back in order to avoid the smoke that contained a nasty surprise. Seeing the kunai approach, Katsu swung the sword in his left hand to repel it, only to notice the smoke bomb on its back a little too late when it exploded, spreading the smoke. He dropped the swords and clapped his hands together, feeling disoriented, he expelled wind to make the smoke disperse quickly before allowing another attack but to his surprise, Aiko had moved back. Barely standing, he bent his knees and picked up his swords, looking queezy. He took a few large steps back, stumbling for a moment. [i]What's this all of a sudden? I need to get my act together.[/i] The determined visage returned to the boy's face as he looked towards Aiko warily. Skidding to a halt, Koike cursed. He tried to move away from the smoke, knowing fully well that Aiko's poison could be in there. It was just the question which of the three it was. Or was it the newest one? In that case, it would be soon over for Katsu. Quickly eyeing Katsu, he wasn't sure. The boy didn't seem to be crippling from an intense pain, so it was doubtful if Aiko used the platypus poison. Pulling out several shuriken, Koike tried to force Aiko back while he would try to take a position in front of Katsu. [b]''Katsu, how are you feeling?''[/b] Koike asked, trying to get in position. Evading the shuriken with a leap side wards to the left, Aiko noticed that the poison was taking effect on Katsu. Though she was a bit worried, it was luckily non-lethal. And the dose in the smokebomb wouldn't cause any permanent damage. What was however good, was to see that Koike tried to move in position to guard Katsu. Which was contradicting to his training. He could have used the moment to attack her, while Katsu had became less efficient at combat. Thus could be seen as a hinder. Deciding to wait and see what they would do, Aiko kept observing them. Katsu glanced at Koike, giving him a weak yet reassuring smile. [b]"I'm not planning on holding you back,"[/b] he said, pulling out two kunai and turning forward. Two tags followed them, though he pulled each from different pouches, one from the pouch that contained the kunai he'd drawn earlier and the other from the regular batch. [b]"I have an idea. You have much more mobility than I do so I'm gonna try to support you as much as I can from afar,"[/b] he explained quickly. [b]"This one's a dud. It won't explode but a simple trick like this can sometimes put the opponents at ease, leaving them open to a surprise, which will be the real one. I can make the explosion slightly more violent, quelling the flames with wind. If she dodges, just go straight for the bells. If she intercepts..."[/b] He shook the thought away and raised the two kunai. [b]"Ready?"[/b] Koike thought about what Katsu suggested. There were some flaws to the plan. Aiko was very good with Water Release, so he doubted it would like planned. But then again, he had not really any other good working plan. Right now they were pushed in a corner and had to take risks, he was aware of that. Yet, it felt a bit too rash. [b]''Just wait for me to get in position.''[/b] Koike mumbled back. Weaving several handsignals, he held the last one for a moment, while watching Aiko. [b]''Listen, before we do this. If I get caught in close combat and get beaten back, you must try to reach for the bells. Aiko-sama is a water user, so keep that in mind.''[/b] With his technique starting to work, he felt the usual cold breeze, but it was comfortable. It made him calmer in situations like these. [b]''Ready.''[/b] Koike said, drawing his blade as he ran straight towards Aiko. Hearing slightly what was being said, Aiko watched both carefully. Seeing Koike weaving handsignals, Aiko narrowed her eyes. Lowering her body a bit, she couldn't follow or see what the signals were. She had neither eyes of a hawk or the sharingan. Yet she prepared in case that Koike would use that particular technique he had developed on his own. Bringing her hands together, she would start to form handsignals to use a bigger technique than before on them both. Katsu nodded, smiling, readying the dud kunai, he opened his mouth, yelling at the top of his lungs. [b]"Koike! Stomach!"[/b] When he'd finished talking, the kunai had left his hand and was flying towards Koike's back on the same line as Aiko was, going in a straight and accurate line. He hoped that Koike, someone he considered to be quick witted and smart to understand what he meant. Stomach? Koike tried to keep his attention and focus on Aiko. She was going to attack again, no doubt about that when he saw her weaving handsignals. That meant he couldn't watch his back, but what was with his stomach? Trying to use his experience with Silent Killing, to try to catch any odd sounds, he catched at the nick of time something approaching him from behind. It was just enough time to make his stomach area intangible. A second later the kunai would phase through him, which made Koike glance at it. His eyes widened when he noticed the tag at the kunai. Trying to come to a halt, he slid over the grass, towards the kunai and Aiko. [b]''Shit, Katsu!''[/b] Halfway Aiko stopped with her handsignals. She found it odd that Koike came charging at her in a straight manner. But more when she saw a kunai with a tag phasing through him. Surprised, she tried to move away. But the wet grass was causing her to slide more than to actually leap away. Seeing only one option, Aiko raised her arms in protective manner in front of her face as she was expecting an explosion from the tag. Katsu swung his other arm with the other kunai, this time with the real explosive tag. It flew towards the opposite side of the two bells to allow Koike the space to move forward. When it would reach the area a few meters behind Aiko, the tag fluttering behind it would ignite and make an explosion. [i]I should've told him...[/i] He felt regret when he heard Koike's outburst. Katsu could guess that it looked like he was going to risk Koike as well with the first attack. Sliding over the grass, Koike noticed that Aiko also went out of the way of the kunai, expecting the same as him. Seeing that the kunai didn't go off, he realized it was the dud. Turning while he slid over the grass, Koike narrowed his eyes as he focused on trying to see how he could attack their sensei now. Coming to a halt, he went straight towards her, readying his blade for a feint attack, trying to focus everything on trying to get close and put more pressure on her. The tag didn't explode? Aiko lowered her arms, but Koike was already approaching her while she hadn't even landed. But that seemed to be just one thing. Hearing something cutting through the rain and heading towards their direction, Aiko caught the glimpse of another kunai. And a tag? A fake one or? Seeing one way out, Aiko formed some handsignals and would use the Stream Technique to make her fly faster away. Though increasing her speed, she fell on her back on the wet grass. Gritting her teeth, she also felt a warm gust before her ears would suffer the trembling and annoying ringing sound of the explosion. [i]Those little..[/i] Feeling some pain at her back, she knew that she had to get back up quickly on her feet or else. Katsu made a quick dash forward, running close to the ground. Seeing Aiko had fallen to the ground, he didn't want her getting up easily. There wasn't much he could do from this distance, or probably from a closer distance for that matter. He quickly drew his short sword and yelled. [b]"Koike! Jump now!"[/b] He flicked his wrist parallel to the ground, the sword cutting the glass in the shape of a half circle, sending an arc of wind towards the point just above Aiko. Just as he did so, he felt more and more queezy, his foot slipping and his face hitting the mud. Now he had to jump? Koike bite his lower lip for a moment, as he decided to follow with the order. Leaping up, he readied his blade. Chakra was being poured into the blade, as he readied a technique of his own. Seeing the wind arc approaching, he got the idea what Katsu was trying to give. [i]Nice![/i] He thought. Feeling that he was heading to the ground, Koike decided to put more pressure on Aiko, while he would ready his left hand. Hopefully he could attempt to grab the bells now. As he soared towards Aiko, he would try to use his Rupture technique to keep pushing or pinning her down. [i]This is it![/i] He thought, trying to land near her, while having his left hand stretched towards the bells. If she didn't had her Silent Killing at a very high level, she was sure that Katsu's move would likely cause quite some harm. Blinking as the arc of wind passed over her, Aiko then noticed that Koike was launching his attack. This wasn't however going that bad, as she was feeling proud that the two of them had such sublime teamwork. Weaving the same few handsignals as before, Aiko would try to force herself moving out of Koike's reach. However, as she managed to evade the Rupture technique by an inch, she noticed Koike was now nearby her. In a reflex, she lifted her leg up, trying to kick him backwards while trying to place her hands at the ground to push herself up. The boy in the mud pushed his face up from the ground, trying to force himself to his feet. [i]What's going on...?[/i] As he got to his knees, he felt his mouth fill with a disgusting taste, spitting out the acid raised from his stomach. [i]... Can't be a burden...[/i] He briefly got to his feet, only to fall on his shoulder once more, forgetting about everything and losing the motivation to do anything but lay there for the time and get through the sore feeling. Landing on the ground, Koike focused chakra at his feet. In a dash, he went towards the bells as he kept his sword at the ready. Though Aiko was in a pinch and still holding back, Koike wanted to be careful. He also tried to remain calm and cool, but couldn't help but to feel the tension of the unfolding scene. If he could just get the bells, he and Katsu would have made it. Narrowing his eyes, it would all come to this! It was easy. Just the body replacement technique. Just using Stream. A lot of options went through the mind of Aiko that could turn the tide. That would push Koike back and then having him fight her alone. A battle he would lose without a doubt. Yet, as she narrowed her eyes as well and moved forward, the bells rang. [b]''Good grief.''[/b] Aiko mumbled. She had a hand at the throat of Koike, looking surprised. [b]''You..''[/b] She looked surprised at the boy. [center][youtube]kJNoj7zbgF0[/youtube][/center] Katsu was standing on all fours when he heard a small ringing sound, distinguished from the rain dripping on the mud. He looked forward, noticing two shiny small orbs in the midst of all of the dirt. Realizing what it was, without thinking, he made quick reach forward and sat back up, throwing his head up. [b]"We got 'em,"[/b] he yelled at the top of his lungs to make himself heard, muffling the noise of the water. Two bells were dangling from under his clenched fist. Panting, Koike looked with a glance sideways. His heart was beating, what felt like his throat. He knew from experience that Aiko was one deadly kunoichi. One wrong movement or one mistake and she could easily kill him. Not able to say anything, he kept staring at Katsu holding the bells in his fist. Closing his eyes, he could feel the cold rain over his back and face. Though he hadn't use much chakra nor was it a long fight, he felt exhausted. They had managed to take the bells. Together. Turning her head sideways, Aiko looked in disbelief. Koike could have had the bells for himself. That was the objective, grab the bells. There was nothing about sharing them together. That they had worked together was one thing, but to see Koike sacrificing himself to make sure that Katsu had not only one, but both bells? Releasing his throat, she kept staring baffled at Katsu. Was it really true? The words from before rang through Aiko's mind. Koike's wish. Her wish. Katsu. [b]''It is done.''[/b] She mumbled, still sitting on her rear as she blinked several times. This was the result then? Though she didn't think about it, the rain was covering the fact that she was crying. Not that she felt ashamed of being caught crying in front of them. All she could see now was how the two had managed to think about each other. The boy with the bells forced himself to his feet, recalibrating to keep moving forward. [b]"Koike,"[/b] he yelled as he got near. He still hadn't heard what Aiko had said. [i]Two bells, two people, right?[/i] Once he reached the boy, he pulled one of the bells from his hand and held it out for Koike without saying anything, a wide smile painted across his face. Hearing Katsu, Koike looked at first with a frown in his direction. Sighing, Koike lowered his head before he turned to Katsu. The calm and rather neutral expression was present on his face as he looked at Katsu. Then slowly he stretched his hand towards his team member. His hand opened slowly as he grabbed Katsu's wrist. [b]''In my clan we greet friends and brothers of arms by grabbing them by the wrist.''[/b] Koike explained. There was slowly a smile growing on his lips. [b]''Are you okay, Katsu?''[/b] The surprise on Aiko's face grew. Touched by the gesture of the two, she even went as far to raise her right hand and covered her eyes. Wiping the tears away, she remained silent. [i]It.. happened?[/i] She could see briefly the first time that Koike and Miharu were together in Team 8. How Koike had always been more silent and holding back to give Miharu a chance to shine. Losing on purpose so that he wouldn't give his brother the idea that he wasn't worse. Always being selfish. Now she could see it, but in a different light. She too smiled, but the tears kept rolling over her cheeks. Katsu's smiles widened more and more when he heard Koike's words, grasping Koike's wrist tightly as well. [b]"I'm all good,"[/b] he said cheerfully. [b]"Just a bit queezy."[/b] His eyes went up and down to see if there were any wounds on the boy's body. [b]"You were amazing!"[/b] he said, pulling back his hand and placing one of the two bells in Koike's hands. [b]"I didn't think we'd be able to do it, y'know!"[/b] For a moment Koike frowned again. So he was poisoned? If he felt queezy it was probably that one of the three poisons Aiko used in combat. As Katsu placed a bell in his hand, he glanced at it. He had never came close to beating Aiko before. Never had he been able to win alone against a jounin. He expected to not feel too much pride, but he was proud of himself. And Katsu. [b]''You did great as well. Probably should get you an antidote.''[/b] Koike responded back, shoving the bell into the pocket of his pants while offering Katsu some help to walk. Managing to rise up, Aiko didn't feel being soaked by the heavy rain pour. Still feeling some tears rolling over her face, she went in one of her pouches to seek something. [b]''Think he could use this.''[/b] She said, reaching out her left hand with the antidote. A smile cracked again on her thin lips, almost beaming. [b]''You both have passed the test. I think that is all I can teach you two for now. Next obstacle will be the Chuunin Exams.''[/b] Aiko briefly looked at the dark clouds above them. It was stopping to rain. Slowly looking back at the two, she felt already the first warm ray of the sun that broke through the dark formation of the clouds. [b]''I am very proud and happy that I am allowed to be your sensei.''[/b] Gratefully accepting the help Koike had offered, Katsu got to his feet as they moved towards Aiko. He reached for the antidote with his free hand, carefully grasping it, making sure not to drop it before throwing it into his mouth. Swallowing the pill, he felt himself feel better and better. He took his weight off Koike and smiled to him once more, pocketing the bell in his hand. He didn't say anything, instead, he just flashed a wide smile. Though his smile wasn't that big or noticeable, he still had a smile on his face as he nodded towards Katsu. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, he glanced at Aiko before deciding on something. Pulling out his hands out of the pockets, he made a slow deep bow. [b]''I am proud that I am your student, Aiko-sama.''[/b] Staying bowed, Koike finally smiled more. After a long time, he had a friend again. [b]''It is alright. Okay, that is it. I need to go now. Clan things. Stuff.''[/b] Aiko told them. She took a step behind. It was really touching and nice to see the change. With the rain having stopped as well as the test, she wanted to go and leave them be. For the moment, she thought it would be better to either leave or watch from a distance. Acting like she was brushing some rain from her face, she smiled at the two before making a handsignal. [b]''I will catch up later with you two.''[/b] In a flash, she vanished, using her Silent Killing and a chakra dash to fade away from sight. Katsu turned to Koike, though he was feeling his stomach as it grumbled. [b]"Haha,"[/b] he laughed nervously. [b]"I haven't had anything to eat today. Are you hungry?"[/b] He looked up at Koike as he spoke. [b]"I know a great place to get some lunch."[/b] Koike seemed to consider the offer. At first he wasn't so sure, but then he shrugged. [b]''I am free. As long as it isn't pastries.''[/b] Koike said, the calm and neutral expression back on his face. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, he would wait till Katsu would start walking. From her place, behind a tree, she peeked at the two. Her smile growing. [i]I am happy. Are you really happy too, Koike?[/i] She thought to herself. Though she had noticed the usual expression coming back on his face, she saw a difference. It made her look at Katsu. [i]Thank you Katsu. Thanks.[/i] Lowering her head, she was really happy how the test had turned out. It was unexpected, but somewhere. She was hoping for something like this all along. [/hider]