[center][b]The mission between friends, A request of the Cho clan. A collab between Sketcher, Gerontis and Lesli. Summary : After both Katsu and Koike managed to succeed at the bell test, they are given a mission of their own. Having received the note that they should meet with Aiko at the main gates for a mission, it has only been said that it is not a real village mission. But one that the Cho clan requests.[/center][/b] [hider=Blades for Hire] Aiko waited near the main gate. Having seeked shelter from the sun in the cover of a nearby tree, the woman kept looking around. She was expecting her two students very soon. Wearing instead of her jounin outfit a more colorful kimono, Aiko started to hum an old song she hadn't hear for some time. For a moment she thought about what she would request her students to do. Both were of different clans, but she figured that they wouldn't mind it that much. They would be rewarded after all as if this was a normal village mission. A puff of smoke rose from the ground and before Katsu's figure was seen, his voice was heard. [b]"Good morning, sensei!"[/b] He had his usual cheerful visage at first before having taken a look at Aiko. He didn't make a sound after that, simply staring at his sensei. [i]Perhaps... No, then we wouldn't be meeting at the gates...[/i] Shaking the stupified expression off his face, the boy recomposed himself. After a second, Koike landed next to Katsu. [b]''Present.''[/b] He simply said. For a moment he glanced at Aiko, but he didn't ask anything. Glancing at Katsu, Koike noticed that his teammember had a weird expression on his face. Making Koike wonder what he had missed. Wasn't he on time for the briefing or was it something else. Paying attention back to what their sensei had to tell them, Koike stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants. A smile started to adore Aiko's lips as she noticed that both Katsu and Koike were present. And unlike that one time, Koike was later than Katsu. Not that it was important, but it did amused Aiko a bit. [b]''Good morning to both of you. I am glad that you both were able to arrive that soon. I must be quick, so forgive me if this all seems a bit rushed.''[/b] Aiko explained. Slowly she raised her right hand and index finger up. [b]''Today is a very important day for the Cho clan. Right now we are preparing a small festival that most clan members that are able must be present at. However, I will need you two to do me, the clan head of the Cho's, a personal favor.''[/b] Lowering her right hand, she withdraw her left hand in the sleeve of her dress. Pulling out a small scroll that she stretched towards Katsu. [b]''Though there isn't much of a problem, there is a small rumour that I need to have checked. From what I know is that not all people are happy with a leader as me. I need you both to visit this location and learn about the resident. However be on guard cause I am unsure on how this person would react to two genins that are send to spy on the behalf of the Cho clan.''[/b] Katsu flashed a smile at Koike before turning back to their sensei. He took the scroll held out and glanced at it before lowering the hand holding it to the side. The childish smile returned to his face. [b]"We'll take care of it, sensei,"[/b] he said enthusiastically, sounding somewhat proud. [b]"Right, Koike?"[/b] He turned to the other boy, half-expecting the same amount of enthusiasm. The calm expression of Koike revealed no thoughts, but he was thinking about what the briefing told them. Noticing that Katsu was rather happy with the mission, Koike nodded. [b]''I suppose so.''[/b] He said. Turning his attention back to Aiko, he decided to ask her something. [b]''Is it only spying or is there more to it?''[/b] Already Koike was expecting that they wouldn't just be requested to take a post and then stalk the man. If that was the case, then they wouldn't be told that the man would be a potential danger to Aiko's leadership of her clan. It took a moment before Aiko replied to the question of Koike. [b]''If he decides to attack one of you then I authorize you two to kill him. Capturing isn't an option. It is either try to see if you can gather information without him knowing or killing him.''[/b] She bluntly said, not going to keep her students in the dark about it. [b]''I know that both of you are genin ranked shinobi and that this could be potentially a B ranked mission, I think you both are capable of doing so.''[/b] A smile started to reappear again on Aiko's face. [b]''If you manage to take two bells together from me, I doubt that this would get you both into trouble.''[/b] Though the label she had put on the mission made Katsu feel a bit overwhelmed, his expression didn't change a bit. He looked down at the scroll before slightly unrolling it. He rolled it up once more and lowered it. [i]Koike's sharp as always, huh...[/i] The smile was more faint than before but it was more sincere than the wide innocent one. He waited for a moment before voicing something that was somewhat bothering him, [b]"Sensei, why is someone who's not from the village troubled by the leader of one of its clans?"[/b] Though it wasn't his place, Koike decided to give Katsu an answer as he looked sideways at his team member. [b]''It is simple. The clan like the Cho's isn't much like the Uchiha clan. They are actually an clan that still has people outside of the village. Much like my own clan for example.''[/b] Koike first said, after which he glanced at Aiko. [b]''I suspect that this is also something we shouldn't try to meddle too much in, Katsu. We aren't from Aiko-sama's clan. Lets just get going.''[/b] He already half turned around and hope his tone was giving a clear hint to Katsu. Getting too curious and knowing too much about this affair wouldn't be healthy for either of them. Though she would have phrase it differently, Aiko nodded towards Katsu. [b]''Koike is kind of right.''[/b] Though there was no sound heard or anything weird, Aiko turned her head to the direction of the village, like she had heard something. [b]''I need to go soon. If the council of my clan will see me coming late, I will get those old geezers starting to nag at me. Look,''[/b] Aiko bended a bit through her legs to get on the same eye level as Katsu. Gently she ruffled a bit through his hair. [b]''I wouldn't request this if I thought you and Koike wouldn't be able. You'll be fine, okay?''[/b] The boy gulped and nodded. [b]"Yes, sensei,"[/b] he said with an unwavering serious tone. He didn't want to look like the kid who didn't trust himself. He wasn't. Definitely not. He was the most confident runt in the block. [i]I'm not about to waver before the mission itself actually starts,[/i] he swore to himself. He turned to Koike with a determined look, holding up the scroll. [b]"Let's go."[/b] Nodding, Koike would follow Katsu. He was wondering why Katsu was first acting like that, but was a bit glad that he had managed to regain his composure. Pulling his hands out of his pockets of his pants, he wouldn't say anything until they would be leaving the gates. [b]''I guess that you lead the way for now. She gave the scroll to you.''[/b] Koike calmly said, looking in front of him. Watching the two leave, Aiko couldn't help but to smile. It was a huge difference from the first time that they had done the first team training. No, difference wasn't the good word for it. Improvement. The smile vanished slowly as the two would head their way towards the location of their target. The friendly expression briefly became cold as she thought about something. Turning around as well, the cold expression vanished as she would head towards the compound of her clan. Katsu looked into the scroll one last time, before putting it on one of the empty slots on his waist he used for the scrolls he used to train. [i]I don't want that kind of responsibility...[/i] [b]"This way,"[/b] he said moving forward with a quick pace. [b]"Apparently it's not too far from here. We can get there easily and quickly if we don't get lost."[/b] [/hider]