Urick ran up behind the group as the first girl who ran in slapped gippals Hand away. He tilled his head to the side. He had to admit never when Gippal helped a girl did she slap his hand away they usually were a giggly mess. He smiled and said, as he watched Sena run deeper into the cloister. "First for everything eh Gippal? Can't woo them all. " Gippal glared at him with a look that said " Ha. Ha." They both ran after Alex and came to the chamber of fayth. He then followed in with Gippal and looked at Sena who was freaking out over the statue of the fayth. Didn't she know it wasn't there anymore or did she have a mental break... He's seen crazier. "What in the fu--- gah!" Alex started before hissing as her head throbbed again. Still she ignored it as she cupped her face with her free hand, her blue eyes glaring between her fingers. He grew concerned as he moved closer to the tall redhead. "Are.... Are you ok? Miss? "Are you crazy or a idiot?!" Urick thought it was to him for a second but realized it was to Sena." Let's just calm down..." He said to everyone.