[quote=Card Captor] As he flew through the air, Star Adam saw someone in a familiar outfit 'is that a...Red Lantern?' Taking a closer look, he spotted several men with guns 'wait...who's the bad guy here? I've heard that Red Lanterns are beings fulled by rage, which would lead someone to think that they're evil...but I also heard about someone who managed to use a Red and Sapphire ring at the same time' Adam was broken from his musings when he saw the Red Lantern burn one of the people wielding a gun with some strange liquid 'crap! This is escalating fast, I need to do something!' Landing close to the Red Lantern, Adam said "Okay, just what the hell is going on here!?" [/quote] Scorn's rage filled eyes snapped in the direction of Star Adam's voice. A Star Sapphire? Looks like some of those imbeciles were here on Earth afterall, Scorn knew he sensed a disgustingly familiar energy source. Star Sapphires, fueled by the emotion of "Love". How pathetic. Upon seeing this particular Star Sapphire was a man, he probably would have burst out laughing had he been a member of another Corp. Instead though, he only fired another surge of napalm blood which barely missed Star Adam and instead hit one of the hooligans trying to flee. Upon hearing Star Adam's question, Scorn pointed to the woman and her dead son. "See for yourself, see the injustices that these fools have caused. I will turn every last one of them to ash to avenge this woman and her child, as well as the many others my Ring tells me they have murdered. If you would stand in the way of this-" Scorn sent out a curling tendril of Red Rage energy to snag another Hooligan and burning him with the energy of the tendril. "I will not hesitate to do the same to you. Leave while you still can Star Sapphire, your presence alone kindles my hatred even more!"