[centre][b]Akira Kurasawa, Team 6 Assembly[/b][/centre] The stern knock at the door roused Akira suddenly. The young man rolled out of his bed and stumbled to the doorway, rubbing sleep from his eyes and almost tripping over his feet. The door opened and he was surprised to see the tall guard holding a scroll out, after he reached out to take the scroll the guard vanished leaving him alone at the doorway. "Erm...Good morning..." The statement sounded more like as question as he looked around to see if anyone else was still around, the only ones to reply were the birds who continued their well practised routine of singing. Akira shut the door and broke the seal on the scroll with a knife he obtained from the kitchen. After reading over it he grabbed two slices of bread and slapped a piece of meat between them before laying it on the table and taking a bottle of water from a cupboard, this would have to do. As he munched on the hastily assembled sandwich which he held with one hand Akira raced around the small apartment to assemble his gear. His trusted wooden blade was placed in it's scabbard on his belt, his smaller sword was concealed up his sleeve, his 'bag of tricks' containing his ninja gear was pinned to his belt and finally a back pack containing some provisions was strapped to his back. After wrapping his headband around his head and trying the back into a knot he set off, locking the door to his home and running down the street. Akira was already running late and so he resorted to taking short cuts down alley ways and over the roofs of smaller buildings, eventually he made it to the compound and burst through the dojo doors, panting and standing up straight to give a salute to his sensei. "Akira Kurasawa, reporting for duty!" He blurted out before he'd even made sure it was the right place, he held his salute firm until his teacher, whom he had now spotted, gave him instruction to stop.