Nyima laughed at him and shook her head, "I'm not sure whether that is a good thing or not. Leaving you speechless could mean really good.... or not so great.". She glanced at him, "But since I'm the only girl I've known you to bring home and unless the women you date enjoy punching you, I'm going to guess that they are not so great." "It wasn't good. Trust me. They don't punch me. Physically... It's more of a mental blow. Some of them I feel like I lose brain cells." He said with a smile "Have they found the next girl for you yet? I think seeing you go on some blind date would be an interesting experience." " ha ha yeah... No Ive been blind dated out for a few months now. I'm sure..." He glances at her" Channhas a new project in the works though." Nyima finally scooped the dumplings into the two bowls and grabbed them. She looked at him, "Grab the plates and we can eat," as she stopped and grabbed them cutlery he grabbed the plates before she walked over to the table and placed the bowls down. After laying out the utensils, she sat down and smiled at him, "Now, tell me if it tastes less Water Tribey..." He sat down as well and said, " probably will... Water tribe has a unique.... Taste " he said as he filled his plate