[center][b][i]A harsh training, Footwork can make a difference. A collab between Chromehound and Gerontis Summary :[/b][/i] Shikaroku's training for the Chuunin Exam, where this training is focusing on trying to improve Shikaroku's taijutsu. But with also a hidden goal in mind. First Part.[/center] [hider=Taijutsu training] [i]Training field number 9 huh?[/i] Shikaroku thought to himself as he walked. He couldn't help but find it strangely fitting. Looking around he began to see a few familiar landmarks. Reaching the top of the hill, Shikaroku stepped past the large rock that crested the peak. Running a hand along the all to familiar rock, Shikaroku smiled. He couldn't see Hiron-sensei yet, and wondered what he should do. Glancing back at the massive boulder, Shikaroku decided to climb up to the top. It was a spot that he often ventured to at night to stargaze, as it gave him some peace and quiet. It would also give him a little time to relax until Hiron showed up. Concentrating a little chakra at his hands and feet, Shikaroku used the tree climbing exercise to help him mount the large rock. As he reached the top his eyes widened in surprise. [b]"Hi--Hiron-sensei? Sorry I didn't know you were up here..."[/b] Laying on his back, the hands of the jounin were at the back of his head as he stared at the clouds. A straw was seen at the corner of his mouth as he laid there, looking rather calm and relaxed. [b]''That is okay.''[/b] He said. Dressed in his usual atire, the jouning garb and his bandanna, Hiron kept staring at the skies. There weren't many clouds present at the moment, but Hiron kept staring at them. [b]''How are you doing, Shikaroku?''[/b] Pulling himself over the edge, Shikaroku moved up and sat down beside his sensei. [b]"I am doing well Hiron-sensei. I have been training my chakra control like Aiko-sama showed me to, and I feel like I've been making some slight improvement. How are you?'[/b] Hiron slowly turned his gaze to his student. He still looked quite calm and not that stern as usual when he was training or on going on a mission with his students. [b]''Have you? That is good news.''[/b] Turning his gaze back to the clouds, Hiron frowned. [b]''Conflicted. You see, I have noticed something. I have become much less harsh and serious than I have been. I blame my daughter and some other genins for causing that. I am now considering to drop my nickname and try to go for another approach. Though,''[/b] He smirked briefly. [b]''I will keep up the discipline as a number one in the team.''[/b] Unsure how to react at first, Shikaroku was put at ease when he saw Hiron smirk. [b]"If it's any consolation I still consider you to be very serious."[/b] Pausing for a second, Shikaroku frowned. [b]"Wait... I mean... Sorry, that came out wrong. I just mean that I think that everyone still looks up to you with respect, regardless of how you act."[/b] Cusring his brain silently, Shikaroku hoped Hiron wasn't about to stab him. That was actually what made Hiron laugh, though briefly. Looking up to him with respect? He didn't really see it that way or actually cared that much for it. He had the people he loved and cared for. For all he cared, people would use his name to ridicule him behind his back. [b]''Then I guess I have to take that as a compliment. But I think we have something else at our hands that we need to do than to talk about what kind of nickname I have made for myself.''[/b] Sitting up straight, Hiron spitted out the straw. [b]''I think it is time to train you. After all, you could use some for when you will enter the Chuunin Exam.''[/b] That feeling of dread hit him again, causing an ache in the pit of his stomach. Shikaroku clasped his hands together, looking uncomfortable. [b]"Do you really think I am ready Hiron-sensei?"[/b] He asked quietly, after a long pause. He had been training for quite some time, trying to increase his skills and his knowledge, but Shikaroku doubted himself. The Chuunin Exams were not too far off, and he was only going to have a limited amount of time to train enough to get ready... It truly seemed like a daunting task. [b]''Depends. Right now? No, you would lose harder than I can even imagine.''[/b] Hiron said as he rose up. Dusting off his clothes, he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants. [b]''With some training and knowing how to use your abilities a bit better, I guess you make a chance. After all, you have the wit already. Now just some skill and ability to use them with that asset.''[/b] Hiron told Shikaroku before he would fully turn around. [b]''But first, a skill that won't require much of your intellect.''[/b] Nodding his head, Shikaroku certainly didn't feel any more relieved. He couldn't rely on his intellect at the best of times, not when his migraines decided to mess with his plans. When Hiron mentioned that they were going to practice something that wouldn't require him to think, he finally felt a small twinge of relief. Standing to his feet, Shikaroku faced Hiron. [b]"What are we going to practice?"[/b] He asked, his voice curious. [b]''Taijutsu.''[/b] Hiron first answered. [b]''Unlike many ninjutsu and such, taijutsu is primarily focused on reflexes and instinct. This means that you can hold your ground for a bit, while not causing a strain on yourself with thinking too far ahead.''[/b] He explained. Slowly he raised his left hand out of his pocket and pointed at the rock they were standing on. [b]''What we are going to do is going to be simple. I will launch some taijutsu attacks, which you need to hold off. If you get knocked or somehow get off the rock, you will need to perform twenty push ups.''[/b] After explaining what their training would be, Hiron waited to see if Shikaroku had any questions. Swallowing nervously, Shikaroku couldn't help but glance over the other side of the rock. It wasn't an incredibly long fall, but it wasn't something he was wanting to test out. [b]"Understood."[/b] He said reluctantly. Getting himself into a defensive stance. Hopefully this didn't end as badly as the image he had in his mind. Still having his left hand in the pocket of his pants, Hiron pondered. He was aware that it would be unfair if he would not spare the boy and go full out with his taijutsu. Besides, the training was to teach him, not to just beat him up and hope he would learn from that. [b]''Your stance is good, but try to make sure you're standing in a manner that it allows you to move and yet shift into being able to keep standing on your feet.''[/b] After saying that, Hiron lifted his right leg up in a fast movement, trying to go for a high kick at Shikaroku's left shoulder. Trying to think of how to adjust his body in the way that Hiron had mentioned, the sudden attack caught Shikaroku off guard. Lifting his arm to block the attack, he was pushed backwards, reeling towards the edge of the rock. Cartwheeling his arms rapidly, Shikaroku managed to regain his balance and he quickly moved away from the edge again. Though he was holding back, Hiron moved in with another kick. This time from the other side. [b]''Don't think. Act on instincts. Try to examine the movements of your opponent and,''[/b] The kick was moving towards the right side of Shikaroku's waist. [b]''And react.''[/b] Taking Hiron's words to heart, Shikaroku stepped inwards, cutting off Hiron's reach. Allowing the kick to hit him, Shikaroku wrapped one arm around the leg and turned, hoping to throw his sensei off balance. A smirk cracked on Hiron's lips. It seemed that Shikaroku's instinct weren't that dulled or bothered by his migraines. Good. While the boy tried to throw off his balance, Hiron grabbed Shikaroku by a shoulder as he would try to fall backwards, hoping to drag and then kick the genin away in his movement. Feeling himself being dragged off balance, Shikaroku fought back the initial sense of panic. Throwing out one of his legs to gain a more stable form, he twisted, grabbing Hiron's wrist and attempting to wrestle his way out of the grasp. [b]''Almost.''[/b] Hiron muttered, as he noticed the attempt of his student. Yanking his hand out of Shikaroku's grip, he would move both his feet to try to kick Shikaroku away. [b]''Stay calm.''[/b] Gritting his teeth, Shikaroku forced himself not to panic. Spinning himself out of the path of Hiron's kick, he turned back towards his sensei. That was when his foot slipped off the edge. Letting out a strange, panicked yelp, Shikaroku focused his chakra into the foot that was still on the rock, desparately hoping it would hold. His training with Aiko paid off, and Shikaroku barely managed to swing himself back towards the rock face, regaining his foothold and his balance. Noticing that his student managed to stay calm and thus pulling off to dodge the attack in the nick of time, Hiron pressed his hands against the rock. Using his strength, he would push himself up on his feet while Shikaroku was trying to remain in balance. Just rising up on his right leg, he had pulled his left, while turning towards Shikaroku's direction, intending to make another kick at the height of Shikaroku's waist. Spotting the incoming kick, Shikaroku had to react fast. Pushing off from the ground, he launched himself into a front flip, turning so that he could avoid the blow and hopefully land on the other side of Hiron. [b]''That is it.''[/b] Hiron said, before he was forced to retract his attack. Putting his foot down, he would quickly duck to let Shikaroku flip over him. Though it made him able to avoid the flip and eventual movements, Hiron had to turn and was then forced likely to defend himself from a move from Shikaroku. Only no attack came. Hiron's orders had been very clear. Shikaroku was to fend off Hiron's attacks, nothing more. When he landed on the other side of his sensei, Shikaroku settled into a more natural defensive stance than the first one he had tried. A bit surprised, Hiron chuckled. He lowered his stance as he nodded. [b]''Good. I think that it is fair to see that you may attack as well. So far you're doing it well enough, Shikaroku.''[/b] Hiron said, waiting for a second before he would raise his hands, only to come in with a short sweep of his right leg, trying to kick away Shikaroku's left leg to create an opening. Nodding his head, Shikaroku hoped that he would be ready to fight back. Hiron's kick came towards him, and Shikaroku relied upon instinct to control his movement. Leaping over Hiron's leg, he leaned forwards, launching a punch towards his sensei's head. Catching the punch, the hand of Hiron's left hand wrapped around the fist. Spreading out his footwork, Hiron seemed to pull Shikaroku close while he had his right hand ready as a fist, aiming to punch his student at his chest. Finding himself being pulled off balance, Shikaroku quickly pivoted his body so that he provided a slightly smaller target. Bringing his left hand up, he managed to get it in the way of Hiron's punch in time to deflect the blow. Shikaroku pulled his right hand back with force, trying to wrestle it out of Hiron's grasp, and at the same time he launched a vicious knee towards the jounin's midsection. Stepping aside, Hiron avoided to get Shikaroku's knee in his midsection. [b]''Nice move.''[/b] Hiron calmly stated as he wouldn't let the boy easily wrest and yank his hand loose. The grip of the jounin's hand became even tighter, probably hurting the boy as he kept him close. With his previous punch blocked, Hiron would use another tactic. Making it look like he was about to bring up a leg for a kick, Hiron would however turn around and try to throw Shikaroku away. Gritting his teeth to avoid showing that he was in pain, Shikaroku tried to think of a way to get out of Hiron's grasp. As he spotted his sensei's leg lifting, he reacted instantly. Going ragdoll, Shikaroku dropped to his bum, hoping to throw Hiron's balance off while he was only on one leg. As he landed, Shikaroku kicked out towards the knee of the leg that Hiron was still standing on. [i]At least his instics are good.[/i] Hiron thought before he would make one mean move against his student. While he was forced to lean forward due Shiraoku dropping himself to his bum, his leg would be stopped. The foot of Hiron stamped on his leg, halting it before it would be able to kick him against the knee. Pressing his weight on the boy's leg, Hiron raised his eyebrows. [font color=red]''You're doing better than expected.''[/font] He said, while he would attempt to grab the boy by his head with his free hand. This time he was unable to avoid the grunt of pain as Hiron's foot smashed into his leg. Trying to block out the pain, Shikaroku suddenly kicked upwards with his free leg, hoping to push Hiron back. Stepping off the leg to let the boy push himself away, Hiron would use the leg he raised up to 'help' Shikaroku. The foot would be kicked towards boy, aimed to kick him further away and try to get him off the rock. Cursing to himself, Shikaroku felt himself being pushed back. Raising his hands and planting them behind his head, he used the momentum to push himself up like a springboard. Flipping himself over backwards in a half somersault/half handspring, Shikaroku landed on his feet and skidded to a halt, inches before the edge. Not wanting to waste any time, he surged forwards again, this time trying to manoeuver around beside Hiron so that he would be further from the edge. Bringing his leg around in a sharp kick, Shikaroku aimed to strike Hiron in the thigh. Waiting for his student to charge at him, the man frowned. [b]''Rule number one.''[/b] The jounin started to say as he waited till his student was close by, trying to kick him. In a fast movement, Hiron had defended himself by grabbing Shikaroku's ankle. Raising the leg, to where the boy would have to put effort in still standing, Hiron sighed. [b]''Though taijutsu is more based on instincts and reflexes, you always need to be wary. Charging in while you also are aware that your taijutsu isn't that good as your adversary is asking for a beating.''[/b] Hiron raised the leg a bit higher. [b]''You have done well so far, but lets call it a break now.''[/b] Hiron said, releasing the boy's leg.[/hider]