There! Character sheet, yaaay!

[hider=Corinne Faerovin]

[b]Name:[/b] "Corinne" Faerovin

[b]Race:[/b] Elf

[b]Age:[/b] 102 (~18 in human years.)

[b]Gender:[/b] Female

[b]Appearance:[/b] Like all elves, Corinne's features have the traditional upward 'catlike' curve to them all that give her a look people would call "forever smug", though it doesn't take away from that natural charm all elves happen to have. She has poker-straight auburn hair that falls to a little above her middle-back, and you can sometimes see the tips of her ears through it, and a side-swept fringe that sometimes gets in her way, which is a little frustrating yet she chooses to let it remain. Through it, poke two very light blue eyes with dabs of green near the centres, essentially making them what we'd call blue-hazel as opposed to green-hazel (which would be green with traces of orange/brown) with delicate lashes that lay under expressive eyebrows, often known best for how they quirk when she's intrigued, or being sarcastic. She's got very fair skin that correspond with her hair and eye colour, with a little birthmark just below her collarbone though she's convinced her lack of magical ability is a hindrance, else she'd get rid of it. She stands at 5'8 and is built like most elves in the regards of being slender for the most part, though a little plump in some places too, which she gets teased about but dismisses as natural. She's got dainty fingers that have come to acquire some grace, and sturdier shoulders from the archery, and her legs have some sort of control over themselves to allow her not to constantly fall all over herself, from the amount she rides, but the drawback is that the numbness of the feeling of being on a horse for long periods of time has never really gone away.

[b]Clothing/Armor:[/b] Corinne chooses not to wear armour, but when she does, it's very light and only the most essential kind. A breastplate and a backplate of a metal that only offers the most basic protection and maximised mobility, if ever. She'll choose to wear shoulder-plates if absolutely necessary for the ordeal. And even so, you can tell her armour is ill-fitting and something borrowed here or there. Otherwise, you'll find her in comfortable breeches held up by a belt and a little pack attached to it, as well as rungs for littler things, and darker-than-chestnut riding-boots (that come up to her knees) with drawstring tunics of different colours, and a forest green cloak with the hood hardly ever drawn, so you'll see her face more often than not. You might even find her in hardy gloves sometimes, though the fading bloodstains aren't a cause of concern.

[b]Weapons:[/b] Corinne usually carries her signature recurve-bow when out hunting, made for her by her uncle, that's about three feet long (she can have trouble taking it around) but thankfully practical, light and easy to use in most situations. It can get in the way when not in her hands or in use, so if ever and whenever applicable, and the bow is not in use, she keeps it across the saddle on her horse. She's not afraid to let it be subject to wear and tear, so you often find it on her back and sometimes the spine's abused by being dragged along the floor when she's too lazy to strap it back to her back and there's no evident danger around. At her waist sits a little dagger in case of emergencies, with the hilt carved an ergonomic, intricate design and the blade a short one to make necessary jabs, but not much more. She also carries a specific skinning knife for the task when and if it comes by.
The quiver of arrows she uses is strapped onto her back more regularly than her bow, and contains about 12 arrows on average with some of the goose-feathers hand-painted with a red streak, showing that the arrows are tipped in a poison that can kill most game animals in a matter of 10-20 seconds if the arrow isn't shot in a particularly dangerous region of the body. The effect on most 'people' would be a temporary paralysis of the region of the body in which it was shot. The goose-feathers again are a courtesy of a certain half-orc.

[b]Skills/Abilities:[/b] Corinne is skilled with a bow, as her profession as hunter dictates she should be. She's got a keen eye and is a sharp-shooter, which contributes to her making enough money to sustain herself and her uncle and his needs both. She cannot use magic whatsoever, but is decent with speed, so can manage a quick jab with her dagger if required, either to kill or put a struggling animal humanely out of its misery. She cannot really use a sword, or an axe, but her build demonstrates that with the correct technique, she could actually be good with throwing knives, or even lances and the lunging nature the long weapons are usually accompanied with.
The fact that she's a hunter also entitles her to knowing how to set traps, which she actively studies with a particular half-orc in tow.
She's also an exceptional rider, and has been educated in the correct methods to care for and groom a horse by dropping by to the local stables a lot as a child to fulfil her fascination with the animals. Though she was very upset when the old man working at the stables in Estermere had passed away from old age, his predecessor, who was much younger than her truly and with whom she played in childhood grew up to take the position, didn't seem to mind her hanging around either. In fact, he quite enjoyed her company even as he aged into a young gentleman, and she remained an elven "child" at 60 years old, just above 10 in human years.
She's known to be a sponge of a person, absorbing knowledge by the thousands. Therefore, it's not surprising she's a quick, eager learner of anything new.
She's got the basic house-keeping tasks covered, like mopping, dusting, washing clothes, and the most basic cooking savoury dishes, but desserts are her speciality and she seeks to learn of all the different kinds of desserts that exist in different cultures, and Estermere, the bustling hub it is, seems the perfect place for her to do just that.
In her free-time she enjoys expressing her thoughts in writing, and it is rumoured she keeps a diary.
In the battlefield, another good use for her would be a rescue unit. To ride in and provide a lift out of the fray to a weaker unit, hence making her valuable for transport to a degree.

[b]Magic:[/b] None.

[b]Inventory:[/b] [list]
[*] Two little vials of vitality potions in the little pack on her belt.[/*]
[*] 3 gold coins, 15 silver coins, 10 copper coins on hand. The rest is kept at home. She's equally curious about a very peculiar pair of platinum coins her uncle possesses, and says he got from two different explorers, who had commended the finest of his craft. She's never allowed to have her hands on them, though. [/*]
[*] A horse is not an inventory [i]item[/i], but she has one with her nonetheless. Becomes cumbersome sometimes, but he most definitely is worth it. Named Lysander, nicknamed Cherry.[/*]
[*] In saddle-bags, she has enough rations for about two days, especially for when she goes out to the forest and doesn't come back till the next day or the day after to 'rough it with the elements' or experience the game at night. She also has about four or five apples and a scraggly knife and fork in a different pocket. The utensils for her, the apples for her horse. She also keeps her diary in the apple-pocket when going out usually. Other times, it's kept at home. A little crow-feather pen and vial of ink is kept safe wrapped in cloth. [/*]
[*] A small water-casket, for the smart hunter. [/*]

[b]Backstory:[/b] Corinne was born to elven parents in a different country, with very busy lives and hardly any time for their child (or their marriage, unfortunately, a lot of the time). She doesn't remember much of them, except for how they fought a lot over things she couldn't understand and didn't want to try to understand either, but also the happier memories they occasionally shared all together as a family, on outings or the such. Though elves are attached enough to their children, she was sent to live with her uncle Sebastian Vaudrey in Estermere as her parents sorted out their own affairs. She would later come to know that they both had prominent positions in the society from which she was sent, so it was difficult to manage their own lives, let alone each others' and that of a child. She still visits them in the neighbouring elven country (from which most of the residents of the treetop system outside Estermere come)

Her half-elf-uncle in Estermere had it a lot easier, however. In his prime, he made a name for himself in the city as a craftsman combining his elvish talent with his human relations and charming sense of humour, and earned enough for a what-could-be-considered-lavish-for-the-middle-class lifestyle. It was [b]comfortable[/b]. In fact, he could be classified as one of the oldest members of the society of the primarily-human town, with his age coming in at around 235 years, and his hairs already growing grey thanks to his human side. He was that man, that knew almost everyone, and had a friend in almost everyone, so being affiliated with him meant recognitions like, "Ah, you're Sebastian's niece!".
Corinne enjoyed a lot of things in her childhood, such as good company; her uncle's undying love for his little niece (albeit he didn't share all his blood with her, considering his father was a human and his mother an elf, as compared to his sister (and Corinne's mother) who had two parents of high-class full-elvish descent). Even the joys of raising a horse, which she'd begged her uncle to go with her and get enchanted by a known wizard in the land to at least prolong its lifetime to 200 years, if not the standard 750 the elven individual would often come to lead. She loves her horse to absolute pieces, a bay stallion with dark mane and tail and a powerful built that's more suited for work on the farm or carrying heavy loads than sheer, delicate speed of most breeds the elvish preferred. She's decided to call him 'Lysander' formally, but commonly he goes by loving aliases (by her) such as 'darling', or 'Cherry' for his dark red-brown colour.
Unfortunately, it's only recently that her half-elf uncle has succumbed to his human side and his human wants, making a life they both led together in the household a more solitary one for her as he's taken to alcohol. And it frustrates her, is why she spends most of her time out in the forests or out in town.
She met a very peculiar half-orc around the border of the town, with whom she's become hunting-buddies or partners in crime with. Shork doesn't mind her company, though. And she quite enjoys his, and helping around his house whenever she can. She's very much known to walk in on him at random points during the day, and just relax there and talk to the middle-aged half-orc, to while away time and to enjoy his company, too.
And his cooking. Always, always his cooking.
Rumours have it, also, that she's seeing a certain blacksmith's son in the town and perhaps even fruitier rumours have it he's working on crafting a ring to ask her to marry him soon, though she dismisses it as just a rumour.

[url=]Relations with fellow Estermereans.[/url]