[center][i][b]A welcome back, Likely unexpected. A collab between Shadowcatcher and Gerontis,[/b] Summary : Chizuko coming back from her mission of delivering a message towards the Hokage. Reporting back at Takeru's office, she however will have to bear with some rather unexpected news. Something that will likely change something![/center][/i] [hider=An unexpected welcome!] Chizuko had finally made it back to Kumogakure after her mission to send a message to the Hokage. That was... one of the more interesting tasks she'd been sent on considering everything she expirenced. For some strange reason, she was a bit nervous that she had to report back to Takeru with the results. So much so, she actually considered sending a messenger bird and retreating to her home for the night. She knew she couldn't do such a thing, however, so with just a bit of hesitation, she made her way to his office. The time it took her to get from the gates of Kumo to her friend's office was only minutes, and soon she had a hand reached out to knock once upon his door. The two usual ANBU guards didn't move or say anything when Chizuko reached for the door. Only suddenly they opened the door, like they had heard something. Opening the doors for Chizuko, Takeru was behind his desk. Reading again. There was a small amount of paperwork being ordered on his desk, but the masked Raikage seemed to be not bothered by it. Raising his gaze, he noticed Chizuko. [b]''I was expecting you. I hope you had a good journey?''[/b] Takeru asked in a polite manner as the doors were closed behind Chizuko. Unlike last time, the two summonings of Takeru weren't present. Chizuko looked behind her almost sadly as the doors were shut and the two were left alone. Turning back to face him, she held in a sigh as she stepped forward and knelt down on one knee. [b]"I have returned safely, which makes the journey good in and of itself. The Hokage will reply to you after he has done some consideration."[/b] she said simply as she noticed the two pets he usually had were not at his sides. She wanted to ask if there was some kind of occasion earlier that day, but stayed quiet instead. [b]''Good, very good.''[/b] He closed the book he had been reading and leaned backwards in his seat. The mask prevented any hint or sight of his facial expression, but his tone revealed he was pleased. [b]''Now that is done, I suspect that I will need to further prepare for what is going to happen. But you have played your part in that. I was a bit worried that you wouldn't come back alive to be honest.''[/b] He casually said, like it wasn't that much of a big deal. Though his words sounded a bit harsh, Chizuko knew better than to assume anything by it. He had said he was please she was alive, but it sounded like he wouldn't mind if she didn't come back safely. That brought a light scowl to her face, but after further thought, she came to the conclusion he was probably faking it. [i]That has to be it. Or maybe he is just sure I would have made it back anyway.[/i] she thought. [b]"I have been trained well enough to handle myself in such situations. However, I too was surprised when met with such... hospitality from the Leaf. It is a nice villiage as well."[/b] she added. [b]''Every village has its certain charm.''[/b] Takeru replied as he thought about it. He recalled that Jinkama came from the Leaf. If it wasn't for his current task and ranks, he would have considered to pay the man's grave a visit of respect. Alas, such a thing wouldn't be possible. It would only raise suspicion and what not. A shame in his opinion. [b]''I am pleased to hear such news. To be honest, I also have something else for your success and loyalty.''[/b] Takeru began. He made a gesture that she could rise up from her current stance. She had done so when she noticed the gesture, standing to her full height and removing her mask from her face. A bit of sweat had collected on her brow, which she wiped off before speaking. [b]"Though I will not turn down whatever you choose to give me, I need no reward for doing my duties."[/b] she said as she shifted her weight to one leg and stood casually. Folding his hands together, Takeru kept the mask on its place as he nodded towards her. [b]''It is more what needs to be done than an actual reward. I know personally that you're a capable kunoichi. Your record and what I have seen in the past convinced me that this is the right choice. Does the rank of ANBU commander says anything to you?''[/b] Takeru asked casually. When he had asked her that question, she frowned before she could catch herself. [b]"I believe it is a respectful position to be in. However, I have to be honest and say I am not too fond of babysitting. If you are implying you would like me in that position... well, I do not think I would be a good leader."[/b] she spoke honestly with him. Though the idea of being in a position like that sounded pleasing, Chizuko had a feeling she would have to keep others on task, rather than focus on what she herself needed to do. That would be a bit of a change for her. [b]''You think you won't? That is bad. I need somebody who will organize the security around me.''[/b] He sighed as he glanced at his book. [b]''Thought you would be a perfect candidate as I don't mind you being often around and being a capable kunoichi. Even if you haven't leadership on such scale that can come over time. Oh well.''[/b] Takeru looked back at Chizuko, though behind his mask he started to grin. [b]''I guess I have to seek for another willing volunteer that is capable.''[/b] Though she tried to keep her expression neutral, Chizuko was sure her eyes had narrowed into a glare at some point when he was talking. [b]"Actually, I was just trying to get out of a bit extra work, but seeing as with this bunch of ANBU you have, you won't find someone [i]more[/i] capable than me. I suppose I will accept since I too do not mind um.. being around you."[/b] She nervously ran a hand through her hair then and looked past him out the window as she tried to appear casual still. In her mind, she was worried about him having anyone else at his side period. Almost had he chuckled as he had noticed her reaction. Though he was unaware of her thougths, he read that she wasn't happy with him choosing somebody else as the ANBU commander. And sadly, he couldn't think of one more name that would be capable of being in the position. [b]''Good, then I suspect we will need to talk about your duties and such. Care to join me on a walk?''[/b] Rising already up from his seat, Takeru placed his hands at his back as he already started to head to the doors. [b]''I can think much better if I can walk a bit.''[/b] [b]"As you wish."[/b] she said as he walked past her and she turned to follow him, placing her mask back on. She crossed her arms across her chest as she looked at his retreating back. [b]''I wish for a lot of things. Though this is your own decision to join me or not.''[/b] He told her with an amused tone. The doors were opened by the two ANBU guards on the other side. Walking calmly out of the office Takeru didn't even cast a look over his shoulders to see if Chizuko was walking near him. [b]''The rank does suggest I need somebody I can place trust in. I think that was pretty clear, wasn't it?''[/b] Chizuko did indeed decide to follow him, but it was so like his old self to point it out just to be a tease about it. Nodding to the guards as she walked past, she listened as he continued to speak about the position. [b]"Of course. I think you already know that you can trust me, dare I say with your life."[/b] she said in a nonchalant tone. She was pleased she could at least talk with him like this and having to worry less about being disrespectful. Now that she knew it was really Chase behind that mask, it changed things a little. Wanting to joke around with him like old times was one of those things that suddenly reared its head when she became aware of his secret. He threw a look in her direction, then he sighed. [b]''I rather have it not, if you don't mind. I deem myself capable of defending my own life, but if it would come to a choice, I guess you would be a good candidate.''[/b] It was rather a mumble than an actual answer to her. [b]''Anyways,''[/b] He said on a more clear tone. [b]''Furthermore you will need to start to lead the ANBU division. This isn't limitless, but it will give you the option and ability to help me to govern over the division. And making use of them in a more efficient manner.''[/b] [b]"I suppose I could do that."[/b] she said simply before trailing off and falling into her thoughts. Governing the ANBU would likely not be as upsetting as she thought it would be, and at least if she was the one in charge, things would likely get done quicker. Speed and efficency were big things in Chizuko's mind, and while others wanted to wait for direct instructions for every little thing, she was more taking initiative and carrying out the next task without being told. In a way, that would be a good thing for the whole division if she was in charge. [b]"What kinds of other things do I need to do?"[/b] Heading down the hall, Takeru made a gesture with his right hand. Like he was trying to make something clear. [b]''A lot of managing the security. Keeping an eye on several people who need protection. Making sure that the ANBU are doing a good job, looking for new recruits and what not. In other words, becoming my right hand at that department.''[/b] He explained to her as he then took a turn around a corner. He was heading to his personal library. [b]"I see."[/b] she said simply as she followed him. The more she thought about it, the more it sounded like a reasonable position. Though she would likely miss getting to travel out of the villiage as she kept everyone else on track, Maybe that was a good thing. Either way, she would at least give it her all and see where it took her. [b]"Where are we heading?"[/b] she asked him as she suddenly noticed they were not heading outside like she thought they would be. [b]''I need to fetch a new book. I am nearly done with the one I am currently reading.''[/b] He told her. [b]''A good book, though the title is so depressing. On how a Shinobi should die. Like if life isn't important! Blegh!''[/b] He made the sound like he was truly disgusted with the title, but his tone implied that he wasn't really that bothered by it. He casted a glance in her direction. [b]''Which made me wonder. How is your life going? I hope you're not going to say that you're one of those ANBU. Dedicating your life to the Raikage and such.''[/b] He said, a bit joking. Chizuko was surprised when he inquired about her life, and when he told her not to say she was only dedicated to serving the Raikage, she felt her face get hot. [i]Well... that kind of is all I've been doing. Your welcome.[/i] she grumbled in her head. [b]"My life is fine. And though I [i]am[/i] dedicated to carrying out my duties, there are times when I think about my future. When I do, it usually ends up with me settling down, which is not likely to happy some time soon, so for now I do not mind doing my part. I feel fullfilled at the moment, and perhaps with a bit of a change in my position, things will become more interesting and I can try to enjoy life more."[/b] she said. She kind of bypassed talking about how anti-social she was and that she felt rather alone at times, but it seemed irrellevant, so she left it out. [b]''Okay. That wasn't the kind of answer I was expecting.''[/b] He said back on a more mumbling tone. Arriving at the door of his personal libary, Takeru seemed to search for the required key. [b]''Even ANBU have dreams and feelings. If you feel that you want to settle down, then you should pursue that dream. I think it is a fine dream. Not that I have much chance at it. Ah!''[/b] With a chuckle, he pulled out the key he had been searching for. Even though he was more or less dressed in a simple black manner, Takeru hadn't been able to find the key that quickly. Unlocking the door, he gestured to her that she could enter the spacious room where many scrolls and books were stored. [b]''After you.''[/b] She watched with an amused look as he fumbled around with his keys. Finally when he opened the door and let her go inside first, Chizuko stepped past him and immediately went to examine a few scrolls on the desk right in the middle of the room. She looked at the titles written on a few before leaning against the desk with a hip and looked back at him. [b]"I think you have a good a chance of settling down as I do. Maybe even more. I'm sure with your charm, you could win over any girl you want. I on the other hand struggle with saying hello to anyone... let alone a man."[/b] she said with a shrug and a shake of her head. Closing the door behind him, even locking it, he sighed. Taking of his mask, he showed that he was frowning in her direction. [b]''Charm? Oh wait.''[/b] He chuckled. [b]''I forgot the praising of before.''[/b] He looked around, having his hands and his mask at his back as he threw glances around. There was a lot of interesting material around. Just the problem that he had two pair of eyes and couldn't focus on reading five books or eight scrolls at the same time. [b]''I doubt if that is true. Matter of fact, I kind of gave up on that idea. Not just because I am a Raikage, but because I don't think that I will be able to meet a person who would be up for that.''[/b] He then frowned once more, looking with a thoughtful stare at the cover of a book. [b]''But we are getting off track, I suppose. Do you have any questions?''[/b] When Takeru removed his mask, Chizuko turned away and faked interest on a book so she didn't have to look at him. True they were a bit off task, but her questions really had nothing to do with the position she was soon going to assume. Keeping her focus on the book, lifting it even and opening it up, she asked casually, [b]"Since we are already off track, I say we finish this conversation instead. Is there ever time when you are free from your duties?"[/b] she started. The question made him think as he reached out for a book. He briefly opened it and read some content quickly, but shook his head as he placed it back. [b]''Rarely. With the current events and the fact that most Kumogakure shinobi aren't... that well in how politics apparently work, my job seems to not have a break any time soon.''[/b] He said, clearly with a dislike in his tone. [b]''Out of the majority of knuckled and brainless people that seem to serve my reign, there is a minority that helps me to keep some growth happen in the Cloud. Not that I am going to just sit by as there should be several changes happening right now as we speak. Why?''[/b] She turned her head towards him and didn't say anything at first. When she did decide to answer him, she was not sure where to start. [b]"Um, the thing is... well you see... I guess it because..."[/b] she trailed off and sighed. [i]What is the point in all this? I tried, so that is keeping my promise as well right?[/i] Rubbing the back of her head, she tried to smile through her awkwardness. [b]"I just made a promise to someone that I would um... take you somewhere nice when you were free. So the first time you get a chance, I'm stealing you away."[/b] she said with a small laugh at the end. Looking around, she noticed a red book and went to it. [b]"This one looks cool."[/b] she said as she tried to mask her embarassment. She had not in the slightest clue why things were suddenly embarassing for her to say. She was a grown woman, not a little girl. Now she was acting like some teen crushing on a silly boy. It made her shoulders sag slightly as she thought about it. [i]This is why i'm still alone.[/i] she concluded. He kept searching for a book he wanted to read later. Most of these were about history or other important works. Though he had heard and seen from a sideways glance how Chizuko had reacted and responded to his question, he seemed to be rather calm. [b]''I see. And who is this someone?''[/b] Takeru asked with a polite tone as he kept globally reading a book he thought was interesting. But soon found out that he had already read about the subject that the book was about. Placing it back, he turned his back to Chizuko, continueing his search for a book of his interest. She glanced at him and then walked over, handing him the red book she had found before stepping away and crossing her arms. No more being a child, this was a serious matter. Life and death. At least thinking that way made it easier for her to talk to him. [b]"Sora. An elderly woman I met on my way to the Leaf. She made me promise to bring... a friend over for dinner for a night. And since you are really the only one I consider a friend, your stuck in this position."[/b] she said with a slightly teasing tone. He half turned around, but there was another expression on his face. A stern one. [b]''I see. I see.''[/b] He mumbled, taking the book she offered. Opening it, he didn't seem, to inspect that much as the others. [b]''That means you have thus visited people during an offical ANBU mission. Have given away details about yourself.''[/b] The polite voice turned into a more harsh and disappointing one. [b]''Do I even need to ask if you have given your name?''[/b] This time he looked at her with his right eyebrow raised, a displeased look and closing the book, after which he slammed it in a shelf. She was taken aback a little by the sudden shift in his tone and expression, then immediately regretted bringing it up. Well, she wasen't going to lie to him, but that look made her feel she had just treaded into some deep shit. [b]"All of your assumptions would be correct. However, had I not thought I could trust the woman, you know I would have not done such a thing."[/b] she said, not really trying to defend herself, but more trying to let him know there was no danger in the matter. [b]"I am embarassed to say I had missed my way during the journey there, and had I not been discovered, I think it is safe to assume I would still be trying to find my way to the Leaf. While I was there, I was fed and pointed in the right direction. For that short amount of time I felt like I was a part of a family again."[/b] she lowered her head then in apology. [b]"It was foolish of me to do such a thing."[/b] she said and then stayed quiet and waited for his reaction. [b]''Foolish and dangerous. Who say that they weren't spies or anything like that? There is a reason why there is a standard rules and way on how ANBU should act. Do you even realize how foolish it even sounds? You disappoint me.''[/b] He bluntly said. Narrowing his eyes, he fully turned to her as his voice became even angry. [b]''It seems that there is no end of ANBU and other nin that don't either know their place or how to act in the Cloud.''[/b] Then he sighed. [b]''Which means that I should really give you this position. I might be free after the Hokage visit the village. But it is unsure when that will happen.''[/b] Takeru said on a calm tone, a sudden shift in his whole voice as he turned around again and looked for another book. Like he wasn't angry at all of a sudden. She wanted to argue him down, but stayed quiet instead. Old friend or not, he was above her and she had made a mistake. A big mistake at that, and she accepted the fact that he was upset with her. Chizuko looked back up at him when he said he would still likely give her the new position, and then his mood just shifted and he seemed calm again. Highly confused, all she could do in the end was mutter an apology. [b]"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."[/b] was all that was heard from her and she looked back down at her feet. [i]Very bad idea Chizuko. Very bad..."[/i] she thought to herself. [b]''I hope not. That would mean we would have to kill you. Then make a new name, a new face and such.''[/b] Takeru calmly summed up as if it wasn't that much. Looking over his shoulder. he glanced at her to see how she looked. [b]''But like I said before. ANBU are humans and they have feelings. I will let it slide this time, but I hope you understand that I can't let you leave the village for some time. Not that your new position will allow you. It will be strange if you will arrange the security of the village outside of it.''[/b] Takeru said, slightly smiling as he thought he had found an interesting book. [b]"I understand."[/b] she said, looking along the books nearest to her. [b]"May I... borrow one of these to pass time while I'm prisoner here?"[/b] she asked lightly. Though she still felt bad, he had said he would forgive her this time, so this was her attempt to move past the topic. [b]''Prisoner?''[/b] He seemed to be puzzled by it and then remembered. Fetching the key out of his pocket, he nodded. [b]''You may. Here. I figure that you will need this. I am often here after all. And now that you are tasked with needing to arrange the security around me, I must have some trust in you. Like forgiving you from going over the line and ignoring protocul.''[/b] Takeru explained, stretching his hand with the key towards her. She took the few steps over to him and took the keys from him. [b]"Um, correct me if i'm wrong but which one of us is the one who um.... left? That was me wasen't it? Oh, no. It was you, Mr. Deserter."[/b] she joked. [b]"So I will respect the fact that you are my boss and I did something bad. But um, I hate to be the one to remind you that [i]you[/i] did like... the biggest crime. Ever. I am very forgiving as well, so dont preech about 'protocol' to me buddy."[/b] she said, poking him in the chest when she put emphasis on the 'you', but she smiled then since she was only teasing him. His face first projected a frown and then a rather displeased expression. Clearing his throat he slowly lifted his chin a bit up as he looked back at her. [b]''I need to correct you indeed. That person is dead. He hanged himself when he turned himself in.''[/b] Takeru wasn't really bothered with it, but he didn't like it that much. It wasn't really something he was proud or fond off. [b]''Besides, I had the guts to do so.''[/b] He muttered, not finding it funny that he hadn't much else to say on the matter. She covered her mouth with a hand as she giggled a bit at his attempt to defend himself. [b]"Forgive me, Lord Raikage. I got the two of you confused."[/b] turning away from him she went to go in search of a book to borrow from him. [b]"I couldn't help but notice how similar the two of you look. When your mask is off should I say."[/b] she said as she approached a shelf and started to look at the books lined up there. She decided to stop teasing him about that then before it got out of hand, and taking a book from the shelf, she went ahead and decided to choose it. [b]"On to a different topic, have you read all of the books in here?"[/b] she asked him as she put the book and key into her hip pouch. He grumbled a bit as he was not happy with her reply. Not reacting back, he went on his search about what he would read next. [b]''No, not everything. There is a lot of things I need to read still. But there are some subjects and work that don't pick my interest. They are either things I know or rather don't want to know.''[/b] He told her. Finally he seemed to be interested by a book. [b]''That and I don't have that much free time to keep reading. There are a lot of meetings, talks and events on which I need to react or to be at in person.''[/b] [b]"You don't need to remind me of your busy schedule. I am well aware."[/b] she said. Though it was a bit weird that whenever she saw him, he was usually reading a book instead of going over papers and such things like that. The thought brought a smirk to her face. [i]The Cloud is filled with a lot of slackers I suppose.[/i] was her next thought, though there was no way she would say it out loud to him. A few moments of silence would pass and Chizuko remembered the last time they had talked, she had a question for him that he sort of... brushed off. Now that they were alone again, she felt she had a better chance of getting him to talk. Walking over to the door and leaning against it as if standing guard, she looked at him and her tone became a bit more serious. [b]"What were your reasons for coming back?"[/b] she asked curiously. [b]''Who knows?''[/b] He mumbled, while closing the book. After all, that one wasn't that interesting. Reading about a long lost clan that had been disrupted and thus disbanded wasn't important for now. Maybe later to see if he could get some information from it. [b]''Truth be told, I was getting sick of being a missing nin. Though Kumogakure isn't a weak nation, I was never hunted. But it was just the idea that I had been labeled as one.''[/b] He then told her, shrugging lightly on which he then afterwards continued to search for something interesting. Chizuko watched silently as he continued on his search for an interesting book. Though he answered it better than last time, it was still rather vague and clear that he didn't want to talk about it. It was still odd, however, for someone to change their mind soley on the fact that they were... 'labeled'. Raising a brow, she decided to take a different approach. [b]"While you were gone, did you accomplish what you wanted or find out what it is you were looking for?"[/b] she asked, inquiring about what kinds of things he did when he was away. He was with his back towards her, but her question made him stop searching for something interesting. [b]''Why are you so interested?''[/b] Was what he asked back at first. His tone was more neutral, not polite as before. [b]"Because I find myself wondering if maybe I should have gone with you. But if your leaving ended up not being as... fullfilling as you had hoped, I won't feel as bad for letting you go on your own."[/b] she said truthfully. It was not like her to regret things or decisions she had made, but it was apparent that his leaving had changed him. She was curious to know what he discovered, among other things, but those things were questions she didn't dare to ask. [b]''Hhmm, if you are wondering if you should have gone with me, I doubt you would have like it that much. Camping all these times in the woods. Always watching your back. Manhunters chasing you from time to time.''[/b] Takeru sounded a bit cheerful and amused, but he had a dark expression on his face. Luckily with his back to Chizuko, he could manage to fully hide what he was thinking. Not that he had any regret for what he had learned and did. [b]''But I think that they are just some lame stories. Nothing to be troubled with.''[/b] [i]He is still not a very good liar.[/i] she thought to herself in the moments of silence that passed after he was done talking. It was understandable though, and Chizuko was feeling a bit sorry for him and almost regretting having asked. She wished they were both kids again so she could run over and hug him, but now she had to be 'proper' and respect his space, so she made no move to approach him. Finally, after staying quiet for a while, she gave a simple [b]"Okay."[/b] as she figured this conversation was at its end for now. [b]''One day you might know it all. Maybe not, but maybe I will find the time to talk about it. It is just a dull story anyways.''[/b] Takeru said again, sighing out loud as he turned to a shelf. [b]''Ah, this book seems promising.''[/b] He reached out and grabbed the book. [b]''The tales of the Sato Clan. Interesting. Were you aware that the current and most stable jinchuriki we have in decades is a Sato?''[/b] He asked, opening the book as he slowly walked back. She gave a shake of her head and shrugged. [b]"I was not aware. But, where is the interest in that?"[/b] she asked. That did not seem to be something so interesting. Unless it told stories of epic battles and sacrifices for true love... she imagined it would be rather boring. [b]''See, this is why the previous Raikages were failures. Morons and fools that couldn't understand the worth of education.''[/b] Takeru mumbled as he shook his head. Raising the book, he looked with a rather serious look at Chizuko. [b]''The interest is that we have a jinchuriki that is part of a nomad clan. She is half nomad. Imagine that. A jinchuriki that isn't really having the ideal idea of wanting to stay in one place. The interest of that the Third Raikage was foolish enough to think he could just bind a person without knowing their cultural background.''[/b] It seemed to make Takeru kind of excited as he spoke with more enthusiasm present in his voice. [b]''That and she would be probably one of the strongest kunoichi in the village. Asami already managed to uncover that she has tamed the Eight Tailes. Completely.''[/b] She was not sure if Takeru's first statement was offensive or not, but as Chizuko listened to him speak, she grew happy as he became a bit more lively. [b]"I see. Then I take it back. It is rather interesting that she managed to do such a thing, since I have always thought it was impossible."[/b] she said when he was done speaking. The girl was an interesting character indeed. But the news that Midori tamed her beast was actually a little bit shocking to Chizuko. There were some interesting stories regarding that girl. [i]Someone needs to write a book about her that Takeru could read.[/i] she joked to herself. [b]''It isn't. The problem is that people don't think at all. They assume and think then that they know. I believe that there are a lot of questions can be answered due just trying to about it. Something as impossible as taming a Tailed Beast, while having no particular special ability? It has been possible. I reckon you haven't heard of another name that is in your bingo book? Cause there is another young girl who has also been rumoured to be much alike as Midori Sato. Though judging by her deeds, she might be different.''[/b] Takeru said. Frowning, he looked like he was waiting for an answer. [b]"You are refering to the other Sato that resides in the Hidden Leaf, correct?[/b] was her answer. [b]"She has also fully tamed her beast?"[/b] This was news to the woman, since she fell in to that category of people who assumed the impossible stayed impossible. [b]"So it is easier than people assume... or is the whole Sato clan a bunch of talented people?"[/b] she wondered. [b]''Yes, Kiyomi Sato-Hon. Hon.''[/b] Takeru said, grinning. [b]''We have limited information about her, but some facts are well known and confirmed. Like that she has been able to defeat and likely kill a Swordsman of the Mist.''[/b] The grin faded away. [b]''Next to that, though we could see that the Sato clan could be made up of talented people or able to adapt well to Bijuu chakra, that is false. They are a nomad clan and not a type of shinobi clan like ours. I doubt that there is even a small amount of number of shinobi from the Sato clan as from what I have heard and read so far that they are more peaceful and self focused. On the other hand,''[/b] Takeru seemed to think about something. [b]''That other jinchuriki is part of a rather influential and important clan in Konohagakure, that has brought forth some more infamous people. So you see, it is important to know things and background. It is what most Kumogakure shinobi are forgetting in their ignorance or arrogance. I even doubt that one of you ANBU these days would consider that one of these two girls would be able to rip off a limb without needing to show any effort.''[/b] That statement made Takeru chuckle, though it was kind of morbid. [b]''I even reckon I would have to give it a lot to make them sweat if things go south.''[/b] Chizuko rubbed her arms when he inquired about losing a limb. She quite liked all of her body parts, and it was oddly scary thinking someone could do that. Especially if they came frome a 'peaceful and self focused' type of clan. [b]"I suppose I should read more often about these kinds of things in my free time, rather than pestering you with questions."[/b] she said in a serious tone. She did feel a bit embarassed for expressing such little interest in such things, since it seemed to be something more important than she originally thought it to be. [b]''It is not only you. At least you are showing interest. Most of the current cloud nin think they know it all. They lack the discipline that is present in the shinobi of the other villages. To be honest, if it there would be a sudden conflict, I doubt we would be able to hold our own ground.''[/b] Takeru scoffed. [b]''That is why I need commanders and able people that can put some discipline and education into the forces. That is where you will come in. Even ''simple'' information as knowing about a nomad clan can make a difference when it is for something important as selecting a jinchuriki.''[/b] Takeru told her as he nodded to the door. [b]''But come, I will show your office. I have it prepared it already for use.''[/b] Chizuko nodded then moved away from the door she was still blocking. [b]"I get... an office?"[/b] she said aloud, but it sounded more like a question. Scratching her head, she thought about what she could do now to start preparing the forces so they were to Takeru's liking. [i]Though I do agree with him. I think I can instill some knowledge into these people. And for once, I dont have a reason to pretend to be nice.[/i] A smile formed on her face as she thought more about it. She could make a good Commander if she gave it her all. But first thing was first, she had to educate herself before thinking about doing the same to others. [b]"Do I have permission to use your library when I need to? I mean, you gave me the key but even so.. I want to make sure I dont overstep my boundaries."[/b] she asked. Putting his mask back on, Takeru nodded. [b]''Yes, for both. I will trust you with it. For now. Of course I will keep an eye on how careful you are with this new burden. After all, you might learn and read things you will find.''[/b] The man paused, as he searched for the right kind of words. [b]''Surprising.''[/b] He told her, letting out a soft chuckle before he would wait till the door was open. [b]''After all, you must learn a lot of things to also understand how to defend certain people from such dangers. I at least have some hope you're intending to keep me in one piece.''[/b] Following suit, Chizuko returned her mask to her face as well as she followed him out of the room. His words made her worry just a little about what she would likely find reading through his collection. [b]"Of course. It is still my duty to keep you safe, but as you said previously, I believe you are more than capable of fending for yourself."[/b] she said. Though she would not say it, she still doubted reading books was going to make her a more capable defender, but who knows? She was not always right. Walking out of the library, Takeru waited till Chizuko would have locked the door. It was quite fun to see it just as a door, while there were a series of formula's of sealings that reacted to the key. Takeru wondered how many would had have tried to kick the door in but not able to realize that it wasn't some thick wooden door that guarded the secrets behind it. [b]''Everybody makes mistakes or miss something. That is why I need shinobi who are being able to do their best. I can rant all day long about how I am always ended up disappointed with some of Kumo's nin, as they lack the discipline and valuable traits that the shinobi had before Genmyou's rule. But,''[/b] Takeru paused to glance at her. [b]''First your office. Follow me please.''[/b] Walking into the direction of his own spacious office, he would lead her to an office nearby. Nodding to the door, Takeru waited for her to enter first. Chizuko followed behind him quietly when he ordered for her to do so, and in truth, she was eager to see what kind of office she would be getting. She noticed that they had passed his and she glanced at the door as she did, for no reason really. It was soon that they came to a different door where he stopped and stood, waiting for her to go inside first. She made a move to knock on the door but stopped short when she realized this one belonged to her. Turning the handle, she peeked inside as she opened the door, and a smile instantly made its way onto her face when she took in the layout of the room. It was brightly lit considering it hand a big window at the back of it. That was a plus. It was a nice size for just her, with two comfy looking chairs facing a larger one that she assumed would be her own, as it was perched behind a low desk. Walking to the center of the room, she removed her mask and did a 360, taking everything in, and noticed it was decorated with a few plants as well as a simple picture on the wall. [b]"I love it."[/b] she said when she looked back at Takeru. He simply nodded. [b]''I thought you would. It is close to my own office, so that would make your job a bit easier. Feel free however to adjust it to your liking if you see something that doesn't suit your flavour.''[/b] Takeru answered, already turning around as he raised his right hand. [b]''I suspect you would like to start with your job right away. There is a lot of things that need to be done. After all, the Hokage is likely to be visiting us if he will accept my invitation.''[/b] [b]"Of course."[/b] she said, even though she didn't really wanted to get started right away. She actually felt like a rest was in order, but she wouldn't say that out loud. [b]"I'll be sure to report to you if I feel there is some significant improvement."[/b] she said instead and she turned away from him then. [i]Hm... what is the first thing I should do then?[i] she wondered. With another glance around the room, she thought of a few things she should bring from her home, as she planned to spend a lot of time here. [b]''Good, good. I will hear from you later. I have high hopes of you, Chizuko.''[/b] Takeru said, walking away. Placing his hands at his back, he thought briefly of Chizuko. Though she had been promoted, there was a dark expression growing behind the mask that covered the face of the man. She was indulging in things that were dangerous and he wasn't sure if she could be trusted with that yet. However, she was a good candidate for knowing and learning the truth. Else, he had to dispose of her. Sighing, Takeru continued to his own office, still holding the book about the Sato Clan in his left hand. Walking to the door when Takeru left, she slowly closed it behind him. For a few moments she stood there, going over all that happened in her head once again. She was feeling weird about the whole situation and it was not a feeling that Chizuko liked to have. With a sigh, she turned from the door and paced around the room as she was lost in thought. Why was it always she would have questions after he left? She didn't know. What she did know, was that dwelling on such things would only bring her trouble in the end. She ceased her pacing and stepped over to the window towards the back of the office and opened it, stepping up onto the windowsill and looking out. For some time now, she had been wanting to be free. Like a bird who could come and go as it pleases, not having to worry about the political situations of the world. Now that some things had changed and she had been given a new responsibility, that idea seemed to get farther away, and Chizuko wondered if it would ever truely be possible. [/hider]