[Img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/078/b/3/zombie_survivor_by_pyteo-d4tb35n.jpg[/img] Name : Edwin James Age : 21 Skill : survival at all costs, hand to hand combat, scavenging Preferred Weapons (up to three) : anything he comes across in his travels, his fists Personality : good- he hopes for a better tomorrow, even though it'll never happen good- he knows how to survive good- he believes walkers might have a shred of humanity bad- he hasn't nearly any faith left in humanity bad- he's cold and anti-social bad- he has a short temper Brief Bio : Season 1- Edwin was just an average late teen male, with the exception of having a son and girlfriend. He was working in her father's car workshop when the infected were discovered. He watched as his girlfriend's father was quickly devoured by Walkers, though that distraction allowed him to escape and reach his home, only to find it had been ransacked and destroyed, blood and gore everywhere so he assumed the worst. It took him nearly two days to gather the courage to leave his home and hit the road. After days of travelling out of the city, Edwin stumbled upon a gas station and convenience store on a country road, defended by a single, grizzled old man. The situation is diffused after the two understand they aren't walkers and share a meal of jerky and chocolate milk before the day turns to night. When night approaches, and Edwin has fallen asleep, he awakens to find the old man sexually assaulting him. The two get into a fight, and Edwin kills him by bludgeoning him to death with the store's fire extinguisher. Though he doesn't get a break as raiders approach the store. When they learn of his presence, a fire fight ensues, and not only does Edwin lose his right ear, but a stray bullet blows up the establishment, forcing Edwin outside and the surviving raider takes him back to their hideout, which is nothing more than a barn. There they tie him up and beat on him for killing the leader's wife who was just a few days pregnant, they decide to string him up and let him die in the rafters, but learn of a Walker herd coming in their direction. Due to infighting the barn is set aflame and the raiders are all killed in the chaos. Edwin is spared however, but twists his ankle and manages to escape the property as the horde descends upon it. Season 2- Season 3- WIP