[center][b][i]An important day, A day of celebrating and changes, The purpose for the most Cho's will change. summary :[/b] This post details more on how Aiko leads her clan and what the importance of both of her children play. This post is important for those who have a Cho character or are just genuinely interested in the clan.[/center][/i] [hider=Part I] After she had both given Katsu and Koike their mission, Aiko had returned home. And much like expected, she smiled when she saw that her children were ready. Figuki seemed a bit tired and due that Aiko told him that he could go home. The young man made a deep bow and told the two children a good bye. Kei smiled as she waved at the young man walking away, but Akimoto was visibly pouting. Having his arms crossed over each other out front of his chest, he now and then threw a glance at Kei, who seemed to be very happy. The young girl turned to her mother and made a bow. The colorful kimono rustled with the movement, but Kei did as how she had been taught, making a bow without causing the dress to make her trip or what so ever. Feeling both proud and happy of seeing her children like that, Aiko carefully kneeled near the two. [b]''Are you two ready to go?''[/b] She asked. Kei nodded heavily as she made a twirl. It caused her kimono to rustle more, something she seemed to like. Looking down at the cheerful and colorful pattern of butterflies on her dress, Aiko noticed Akimoto's pouting. [b]''And why is my Little Hero looking like that?''[/b] She said, fixing the hair of her son. This caused Akimoto to glance at his mother and then point at Kei's dress. [b]''Cause I want also something colorful.''[/b] His kimono was dark blue and there was some black wolf symbol on it. This made Aiko laugh as she patted his shoulders gently. [b]''But your kimono is also very nice. I love it.''[/b] But her words didn't seem to change his opinion that much. [b]''I like colors more...''[/b] [b]''You may borrow it later.''[/b] Kei said, smiling at Akimoto. But the boy shook his head. He didn't respond, but seemed to be impatient as well. Maybe it was cause that Aiko had promised them that she would spend a full and fun day with them? That was probably it. Rising up, she stretched her hands to the two. Each grabbing one hand, the three started to walk towards the Cho Compound. It was like usually nice weather and there was a nice cold breeze present as the three made their way to the compound. [b]''Mummy, what for festival is it?''[/b] Kei asked, trying to hop more than walking. Making her dress rustle was so much fun! The question was answered after a moment. Aiko couldn't just explain the political and social means of the festival of today. It was the Festival of the Moon. Like many assumed, the most important part was actually at the night. But for visitors and most children the most important events would be during the day. [b]''Today is the Festival of the Moon. The day on which the clan celebrates that they can be a clan together. It is just to be together and have fun.''[/b] Aiko said. This made Akimoto respond. [b]''Like Christmas?''[/b] He asked, frowning as he did like Christmas, but he knew it wasn't even near Christmas. This made Aiko think and laugh. [b]''A bit yes. But it just focused on the clan.''[/b] This seemed to make the boy understand it, but Kei now frowned as she raised her free hand and pointed to the nearby houses. [b]''But isn't that mean? Why can't others have fun and be happy? Sounds mean.''[/b] The girl said, looking a bit sad in the direction of a few people near a stand. Almost was it like she was considering to run up to them and ask them to join them towards the Cho compound. But that meant to leave the safety of her mother's presence. Clinging to her mother's hand, Kei looked in the direction they were heading. [b]''They can visit the compound and have fun. But it is more like for Cho's. I think that most other clans also have their traditions and feasts.''[/b] Aiko said, but then Akimoto decided to mutter something. [b]''Maybe they let boys wear colorful kimono's.''[/b] Laughing, Aiko decided to not respond to that. With both of her children at her side, she kept walking in a calm pace towards the compound. Music was already heard in the distance and Aiko could already see the entrance. It was quite decorated, probably by some children of the clan. Groups were walking into the compound, curious about what was going on. Though there were several heavily armed men standing guard, they weren't wearing any modern uniforms. They wore black outfits and some mesh armour. Each held a naginata's, while they carried a sidearm, sheathed in a scabbard on their hips. Probably a katana or a wakashi. The Cho watchmen seemed to scare both Kei and Akimoto a bit. They walked closer to Aiko, but then the silent and unmoving men moved. It scared both Akimoto as Kei, who looked surprised. The watchmen made not only a bow towards Aiko, but to the two children as well. Waiting, Aiko realized that the bow by the heavily armed men seemed to scare the two. [b]''It is okay, they are just happy to see you.''[/b] Aiko told them, squeezing their hands softly. After being sure that her children would come along, they started to pass the entrance to the compound. Inside, they witnessed what once describe as a wonderful festival. There were decorations, stands and people everywhere. Though it was quite busy, Aiko managed to find her way. Both Akimoto and Kei kept looking around, growing ever more curious on what they were going to do here. [b]''Mommy, look!''[/b] Kei pointed to a stand. There was a man and woman who were trying to sell all kind of animals. Birds, lizards and then what Kei pointed at. A platypus. [b]''Just like at home! May I go and pet it? Please?''[/b] Glancing at the stand, Aiko shook her head. [b]''No Kei, maybe later. Come, we need to go first to something more important.''[/b] Pouting, the girl threw a glance in the direction of the animal she wanted to pet. Akimoto was more silent as he kept looking around. Much like Kei, he had decided to stay closer to his mother, holding her hand tight with one while keeping a grab of her kimono with his free hand.[/hider]