[center][b][i]In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. And within this darkness, we plan to make sure that the light can shine. A collab between Gerontis, Fieryfly and Lesli. Summary : Behind and in the secret chamber of the Hokage Tomb, the three higher ups of Konohagakure come together for a meeting. It details the short term plans of the Konoha higher ups as well a revelation that may be very interesting to learn.[/center][/b][/i] [hider=In the dark] It was for the first time since it was all completed that the meeting was held in the new chamber. In her opinion, Meisa was quite glad that the whole place was done. It had been a bit of a pain to plan how to keep it safe from the public, but together they had managed to make sure that Hokage Tomb and the secret chamber was kept secret. At least the Tomb wouldn't be a secret anymore from this day on. Though it still required permission to enter it as it would be a sacred kind of place, Meisa was glad that it was done. [b]''Think we can start now, can we?''[/b] Meisa friendly asked the two other persons who were present. Hisoka Uchiha and Zakito Hon. Probably by far the most influental people in the whole of Fire Union. Briefly, Meisa wondered how this meeting would go, but she decided to focus and by manner of speaking, turned on her more serious mode. [b]"Yes."[/b] Hisoka agreed. [b]"It is not like more people are going to show up."[/b] His tone was serious without any hint of sarcasm. His eyes shot through the room again. For a place that was hidden in a Tomb it was surprisingly well lit. You could imagine them being in one of the many offices in the building where the Hokage's Office was situated. Minus the windows then, but Hisoka didn't miss the daylight. It was not needed for the matters they were discussing. [b]"What topics are on our agenda today?"[/b] He asked Meisa. Leaning forward with his hands folded together on the table, Zakito had his own thoughts and opinion on the place they were in. It reminded him of the tomb of Daisuke. When Hisoka made his remark that nobody else would show up, Zakito was close of letting out a chuckle, though he was very serious as well. They were going to talk, discuss and take decision that mattered the state and its welfare. Patiently waiting for Meisa to start the topics, he would only throw another glance around the room they were in. Meisa took a moment before she would pick up something that had been on her lap. It was a small notebook. [b]''Our first topic is regarding the Kyuubi.''[/b] Taking a small pause, Meisa would then look at the men that were present. [b]''We need to talk about what we are going to do with the captured beast. Not to mention, how we are going to threat the ANBU who have given their life in order to ambush and subdue the beast? I mean no disrespect, but the way how it went last time with Miharu Hon ended up in complete failure. Due his actions, Konohagakure was close on being attacked again by the Tailed Beast.''[/b] Hisoka shifted in his seat. [b]"Clearly there are only two options for the beast. We keep it sealed away in the container we used and refrain from using it or we find a new host. A more.. suitable host."[/b] He shot a quick look to Zakito. He was aware that the boy had been family of his friend, but clearly he had been most incapable of handling a Tailed Beast. [b]"It is clear that with a correct host a beast can be used. We have seen this happen with Kiyomi Sato-Hon. Her control over the Nibi has grown significantly and has become a useful asset for her in battle, meaning that it is a useful asset to us. That is why I opt for a new host instead of containing the beast. Of course, we need to find a suitable person or else the whole thing is destined to repeat itself. As for the ANBU. I see no reason to act differently from how we normally act. Those who's bodies have been found should get a burial. They families need to be informed. For those who's bodies are not found, or are... burned up. They will get their name on the monument as we do with all the fallen soldiers that have not found their way home."[/b] Listening to what Meisa said, Zakito began to think about it. He couldn't really blame the two for speaking about Miharu in such a manner. They had to be objective and if he was to give an objective opinion about it, he knew that they were right. Still, it was a bit sad to think that such an innocent and caring young boy had perished in a way like he probably had. [b]''I agree on that we should take more care with the new host. Probably putting people on the watch over the host that know how to treat a jinchuriki.''[/b] Zakito began. He then paused as he would suggest something else for the ANBU. [b]''For the fallen ANBU? Burn their bodies. All of them. We can give the burials with some produced fakes. Its vital that we make sure that the secrets of our ANBU stay secret. Burning and destroying their bodies would be the course of action to maintain that nobody can use any information, that can be gained from those corpses.''[/b] He spoke in a very serious and emotionless tone. Though personally he didn't feel like it was the best choice, he knew that emotions wouldn't allowed in decisions in a meeting like this one. Choosing a new host. It was like a circle that would never stop. Every time a jinchuriki died, they were forced to choose a new host. And again, repeating it. But for how long? Now that it was her turn, Meisa took a moment to consider what she would deem wise. [b]''A new host would be the best choice. We aren't still sure who kidnapped the last host.''[/b] On purpose Meisa decided to avoid saying Miharu's name. [b]''If we would let the Kyuubi be sealed in the current container he is in now, that would be easier to steal from us than a person.''[/b] Meisa thought about what Hisoka had said and what Zakito advised. A better watch over a jinchuriki? From what she knew, jinchuriki's weren't really starting out as ideal people that listened and obeyed to every order or instruction. [b]''I am not an expert on jinchuriki nor have that much experience with them as the both of you, but if Kiyomi's control over the Nibi is as good as some rumours say, why won't we let her guard over the Kyuubi? We can even cover it with placing the Kyuubi's host within her team. Together of course with some secret ANBU watch, just to be sure.''[/b] Was her suggestion. Only now the ANBU. That was where Meisa felt a bit conflicted. She wanted to give them some proper respect for their service and loyalty. The victims of the Kyuubi, brave men and women, had sacrificed their life for Konoha. Something she could understand and respected. [b]''Though it is a bit cruel, we should probably burn the bodies if it prevents anybody from gaining knowledge on us. The families haven't been informed so far, which means that we can spin a tale around it. Probably making up on why we can't show the bodies if we can't fake their bodies within a short time.''[/b] Were her words. Briefly Meisa looked at her hands, that were still holding the notebook. It came to no surprise for Hisoka that Zakito was the one to suggest burning the bodies. And as soon as the words left the man's mouth he knew that he was probably right. But those were people that had died for Konoha. It seemed to unfair to them and to their families. Then again, the world was unfair. For a second Hisoka couldn't help but remember another body that Zakito burned once so long ago. She had been scared. Had these ANBU been scared when they died? He nodded slowly to Meisa's last comment and cleared his throat, returning to her first point. [b]"If we were to put Kiyomi and the new host together we will have to test a certain amount of things. As far as I know Tailed Beast are aware of each other even though they are sealed away in hosts. They also carry distinct personalities. I found that out when I talked to the Nibi personally. They are very much aware of what is going on beyond the borders of their prison meaing that if we put to Jinchuuriki's together we will have to test if those beasts... can get along so to speak. If they turn out to hate each other then it could create nasty complications. We should also considering using a host that can work well with Kiyomi, preferably has past experience with her so that their relationship will help keep the beasts stable. Negative emotions of the hosts apparently can influence the beasts. ANBU should definitaly be present all the time, but they are already keeping track of Kiyomi so I don't see much trouble there."[/b] Zakito thought about it. It would be another recipe for disaster if Nibi and Kyuubi decided to cause some trouble. Though he understood that they would need a new host and a person both watching and guiding that new jinchuriki, maybe they were looking at it in the wrong direction? [b]''I haven't yet had the pleasure of conversing with a Bijuu and perhaps it may sound cruel, but why not surpress the beast? Normally a seal is placed that also lets some chakra slip past, but why not completely close it until we deem it is time that the jinchuriki can make use of it?''[/b] Zakito suggested. Maybe if they had thought of that earlier, Miharu could still be alive. Though the thought wouldn't help them, it was something he couldn't just ignore. [b]''Though I can agree on putting Kiyomi on this task. She is probably all to familiar with Bijuu and can probably respond better to another one than that we can.''[/b] Thinking about it, Zakito decided to say something else about it. [b]''I also believe it is best if we make sure that the host won't leave Konohagakure for some time. We were tolerant with Kiyomi, but with somebody preying on jinchuriki's, we can't take a risk.''[/b] Now they had to think of a solution in case that the beasts wouldn't cooperate? For a moment, Meisa felt like it would be more like two teenagers that didn't want to sit next to each other, whinning and complaining. Only the anology was now on two powerful beings that she didn't want to face herself. Thinking about the complications and such, Meisa decided to suggest an action. [b]''I will see who is fit to become the new host. Both of you are more close to Kiyomi and we need to have a true objective view on this. Cause every host we lose, the chance that it will go wrong will increase. So if you both agree, I shall choose the jinchuriki and work it out.''[/b] She paused, thinking about what Zakito suggested. A closed seal? That piqued her interests actually. [b]''I can try to work that out. It might have some flaws in the end, but with the right planning and work, I can make it happen that the seal will firmly hold the Kyuubi in place and won't allow any nasty events unless either the host or I will damage or open the seal.''[/b] Truly, it was an interesting concept that she would research later. It shouldn't be that new or difficult if the right formula's were put together. [b]''I also kind of agree that we can't let the host leave Konohagakure. Unless we really have some watch or people near him. And with that, I mean at least a dozen ANBU or one of us.''[/b] [b]"Or both."[/b] Hisoka muttered while nodding along with Zakito and Meisa's words. [b]"When you find a suitable host I would like to personally keep an eye on it. The conversation with the Nibi proved much insight for me and it would help if we gained more information on how the beasts are. This will also help with chosing... future hosts. Either way I agree with that a seal should be placed."[/b] He leaned back in his chair and turned his gaze to Zakito. [b]"I am not sure, by the way, if I would call conversing with a Tailed Beast a pleasure. It was clear that the Nibi was comprehending the situation at that time better then Kiyomi herself was and was trying to get something out it himself. They are smart. Not something you want to talk to for pleasure."[/b] He said slowly as he thought back to his first confrontation. Not something he would repeat any time seoon. Rubbing his chin with his right hand, Zakito thought about Hisoka's words. He never had thought that the beasts were simple minded creatures. If it were only that easy, then they would possibly be more easy to handle. Now that Hisoka told them that they were in fact some smart creatures, it made him wonder on why they then would go and try to attack a settlement, that had managed to subdue them in the past. Maybe they were also prone to arrogance and power? Not a real pleasant thought as Zakito already viewed them as dangerous beings. [b]''Understood. But then we all agree on this?''[/b] He asked, not sure if there was much else to say about it. From what he noticed, they were mainly on the same page. [b]''Seems so. I will look for a suitable host and Hisoka will also keep a personal eye on it. Maybe even have a conversation with the Kyuubi, though I reckon that it will be a bit useless cause if the beast is able to be aware of what happens, then we don't need to inform it.''[/b] Meisa stated. She actually became curious on how the personality was of these tailed Beasts. Judging from what Hisoka had told them, it wasn't however something that she should feel any envy for. [b]''But with that topic decided, we will move to one that is similiar. There has been a report.''[/b] Meisa paused as she glanced at her notebook, what would give the impression that she wanted to be sure if she had read it correct. [b]''There has been a report or rather a quick message from Amegakure. Two words were passed. Help and Beast.''[/b] Having said that, Meisa looked up to Hisoka and Zakito. Her lips curled down as she seemed to dislike something about it. [b]''These two words at first made no sense to me, but with the ordeal that the previous host of the Kyuubi had been kidnapped and then the Kyuubi being released, I think it is obvious what is going on in Amegakure.''[/b] Hisoka frowned. It was pretty clear that those words could only mean one thing. A Tailed Beast was running loose near Amegakure, or was possibly upon the city already. Hisoka could imagine the distress the Amekage would be in. He was a kind man who loved his village. A raging beast wasn't doing much good to that. [b]"We can't have a Tailed Beast running freely through our land."[/b] He said as he leaned forward again, still with a serious expression on his face. [b]"It will have be sealed as quick as possible, but I am sure that the Amekage is thinking the same. Samidare is a smart guy and he has capable sealers at his disposal so he will want to seal the beast as soon as possible. Not sure if he will create a host though. He loves his people greatly and putting a Beast in one of them... doesn't exactly sound like something he would enjoy doing."[/b] A tailed beast near or in Amegakure? That was strange. He hadn't know that one of them was near the place. Why were there now reports from the border watch about this? Unless somebody or a group had managed to unleash the beast within the rain country. But for what purpose? Puzzled by it, Zakito decided to speak up. [b]''The current Amekage will likely indeed use the resources he has at his disposal to try to seal the beast. Though I am hoping Amegakure won't suffer too much, I am however troubled by another thought.''[/b] Crossing his arms, Zakito clearly was displeased with the news. [b]''Amegakure is a member of the Fire Union. Their military power is something not worth noticing, but if they managed to seal a Tailed Beast and make a jinchuriki, that could change things. Lets assume that this will happen, then what are we going to do about it?''[/b] Looking back at her notebook, Meisa answered. [b]''If a small member like Amegakure gets a beast, it is up to us to make sure that they will have the knowledge on how to handle a jinchuriki. Not to forget, it will actually benefit the total power of the Union, so it isn't alone in the decision of the Amekage. I believe we should apply the same rule that we will do with the host of the Kyuubi with the potential or already made host in Amegakure.''[/b] Thinking about the situation, she could think of several other solutions. But to bring a jinchuriki of Amegakure into Konohagakure? That would be a bit too much asking for trouble. They hadn't even checked if Kiyomi could tutor the future host of the Kyuubi, let alone handle two jinchuriki's. [b]''Though I would believe we need to keep a close watch on Jinchuriki's, we have troops stationed within Amegakure. Both out in the open and several in secret. With that we can keep a close eye on the future and potential host that can be created in Amegakure. And if something goes wrong, end it.''[/b] [b]"I agree with Meisa."[/b] Hisoka said. [b]"Amekagure joined the union to grow, to prosper. They have accepted our help by giving something up and we, as head of the Fire Union, should help them with the knowledge we can give them. Besides assuming a host will be created, forcing an Amegakure shinobi to come here will not do any party any good. Amegakure won't like us for taking away their ninja, the child won't like us for taking it away from his/her home and we haven't even figured out what to exactly do with the Kyuubi yet. We can't add another beast to that before having the Kyuubi safe and stable. Besides as Meisa said, we have troops there. People we can trust with this."[/b] He agreed with that, nodding to make it clear. [b]''I agree. So that means we will have to pay better watch over Amegakure. Though I assume that you will go there personally?''[/b] Zakito asked, looking at Meisa. Though he wasn't sure what the Amekage would think if they would directly meddle in what was their jinchuriki, Hisoka was right. They knew the rules of what it meant to be a member of the Fire Union. But that was actually what was worrying Zakito. What if they thought about using their new jinchuriki to break free? Not that he anticipated something drastic as that, but the idea was starting to form in his mind. [b]''Maybe we should increase some of the secret agents we have in Amegakure?''[/b] Thinking about it, Meisa wondered if that was a good idea. They had the resources for it to do it, but that didn't mean that they should just send a team whenever there was a need for it. It could be a waste of shinobi that could prove more useful elsewhere. [b]''I think we will need to wait with that. If it both pleases you, I rather also do this personally. At least we can be sure that there won't be any flaws with the seal. Though I am going to be a bit stricter and not allow the host have a way to weaken or break the seal on her or himself. Without direct supervision and also not direct loyal to Konohagakure, I think we shouldn't risk it.''[/b] Meisa replied. Hisoka thought for a moment, his head resting on the palm of his left hand. [b]"How about you handle sealing and we handle looking for a host."[/b] He suggested. [b]"With the beast already attacking and with the little information we have we need to move quick. Zakito and I can take our time looking for a host while you can take you time with seals."[/b] Chuckling, Zakito nodded again. He was serious, but he found that Meisa was trying to help out too much. Something he always respected about her. [b]''I agree with Hisoka. While you can handle sealings as no other, it is better if we make sure that the situation in Amegakure is stable. Both I and Hisoka can make sure that the Kyuubi won't go anywhere without us knowing it. By the time you're back, we will have a suitable host and can start working on that.''[/b] Though Zakito was still a bit worried. He didn't sound like he was, but he wasn't keen on keeping the Kyuubi in a jar pot. A jar pot was much easier to steal than a person, in most situations. Smiling, Meisa made a small bow towards both of the men. [b]''That sounds like a good plan. Think that we then have covered that. Though I hope that I don't have to stay too long away.''[/b] Not that she was worried that Konohagakure would perish without her. It had been sort of fine without her around. Not sure what else they would have to say about the topic, now that everybody had made it clear what they thought what was wise, Meisa looked back at the notepad. For the next topic. [b]''The next topic is the discipline of our forces.''[/b] Glancing at Zakito, as this was more his work, Meisa went to explain it. She didn't want to give him the idea that she thought bad about his work. [b]''Though we have the biggest military power within the Fire Union, I am a bit worried. There is a clear change that our forces are finally getting in place and that we have each situation in every member state stabilized, I want to make plans to keep it like that.''[/b] This time she looked at Hisoka. [b]''The member states still have their own military forces, even while they are forced by the agreement to send fresh recruits towards the secret outposts. However with our growing influence and presence, what will we do about their independent forces? Though nothing bad has happened, will we allow them to keep those troops?''[/b] Glancing back at the notebook, she was sure that she had worded and asked the right questions. Though it gave her the idea again that she was more like in the days with the Hokage Guard, being more or less the one who questioned often both Hisoka and Zakito. Though that was most likely why Hisoka had offered her the current position she had now. Hisoka answered Meisa's look with a steady gaze as he thought about her words. His left indexfinger tapped on the table. [b]"It would be unfair and it would not be painting a good picture of us if we change the rules after we have established them."[/b] He started. [b]"The lands joined with the idea that they got to retain some of their independence. They knew the consequences and what they gave up when they accepted. If we now demand their forces to be disbanded we won't make them happy. Also it shows that we try too hard to control them, making it seem as if we have no faith in their capablity, no trust in the promise they made when they joined. With that said,"[/b] the tapping of his finger stopped, [b]"we could always invest in leaders to put above those independent forces. A good army follows their leader so if the men leading those armies are loyal to us, there should be no problem."[/b] The new topic made Zakito think about it. He agreed with Hisoka, but there were some other factors that he was thinking about. [b]''I agree with Hisoka.''[/b] Zakito said at first. [b]''We can disband the current forces and I suspect that for a reason we train their recruits with our own forces, to ensure their loyalty, but then it is always a gamble to give somebody control over an armed force.''[/b] Pausing, he was thinking about what he could advise on the matter. He was the jounin commander, so the two would likely wish a good answer back on what would be the best road. [b]''That and reforming the Fire Union would no doubt start the desire of wanting to break from it. Though we only had some trouble in the Grass at the start, it has always been relatively peaceful. I suspect this is because the members of the Union are happy on how we treat them. If we would take a privilege away from them, one that enables them to have some security of their own, they will be feeling not so secure anymore. Even if we would garrison a large army in each settlement, the people would start to see it as us occupying them. An image we likely don't want to give them.''[/b] Thinking about what both said, Meisa started to think about something. Both had valid points on the topic and she also agreed with them. [b]''What if we set our commanders or work them into the ranks of their forces? This would increase our own military force, as it will be extended with their forces, under our leadership.''[/b] Meisa was however a bit unsure about something. [b]''But that would resolve us into working in secret to cooperate the commanders into their ranks. Hisoka, can you maybe explain what you mean with investing into their leaders?''[/b] Meisa asked. [b]"Almost exactly what you just said."[/b] Hisoka replied. [b]"There are two options. Either we use forces we have access to right and and implement them in the forces of our vassals as high ranked officers to ensure their loyalty. Or we use the young recruits from that country that have been trained by us and move them up ranks, of course only when they are capable. The second option would assure that people will probably like them more because they come from their own country. It is just a way to make sure that the people in the armies are loyal to us, meaning that, may a skirmish or a rebellion arise, we can count on them."[/b] For a turn, Zakito chuckled cause he was kind of impressed by Hisoka. He knew that the latter was a capable leader, but he hadn't expected him to be this good. For a moment he wanted to suggest that Hisoka could take over the jounin commander office, leaving him to have more time. But it wasn't the time nor the place to joke. [b]''Not to forget that we don't have a chance that people will distrust us if it turns out that the leading officers and commanders in the forces of the members are not from their own country.''[/b] He told Meisa. [b]''The only problem, so far you can call it a problem, is that it will require time and patient. But I assume that isn't something we mind, do we?''[/b] [b]''I think I understand it now. That seems as a very good plan. I suspect that Zakito-sama will look over this then?''[/b] Meisa smiled. It made her think about the suggestion once more, but she couldn't produce a question to argue about them. Not that she had expected that, seeing the two who had give the suggestion. [b]''I think then we could go to the next topic of the list? Unless anybody has anything else to say on this matter?''[/b] She asked, already taking the notebook in hand to view what the next topic would be. [b]"If he does his job."[/b] Hisoka said, shooting a slight grin towards his friend. It almost sounded like old times when he had always been complaining that Zakito didn't take his job serious because he napped too much. [b]"No other words on that from me."[/b] He continued then. Throwing a glance towards Hisoka, Zakito looked shocked. [b]''So rude. Typical you.''[/b] Zakito complained, though he knew it wasn't a real comment. Turning serious again, he nodded towards Meisa. [b]''I will take care of it and make sure it will happen. Lets move on to the next topic.''[/b] Surpressing a light laugh, Meisa coughed. Removing her right hand from her mouth, she read what the next topic would be of the meeting. [b]''The next topic of the meeting is the information I managed to gain from the captured jounin from the Stone and Sand. Apparently Sunagakure is trying to build up their forces, most likely what they have lost during their last war. Next to that, trying to work some influence on the small states north of them.''[/b] Meisa told them. [b]''Iwagakure is focusing on rebuilding the damage that they have suffered. But I suspect they will also work on expanding their military force. Which makes me believe that our growth getting others to try to do the same.''[/b] Meisa paused. [b]''We could use this to reinforce our border defense, but maybe we can also use the information for other uses.''[/b] [b]"Definitely the border defense. Or at least the scouting along the border."[/b] Hisoka said. It felt strange to think that he had actually missed a war that had been fought in his absence, when he was on that island. When he was hidden. When he was trying to forget. He hadn't even known about the war until the news had sudden reached the small piece of rock in the middle of the sea. It had been strange back then and it was still strange now. [b]"I have no doubt that all our actions are triggering reactions from the other nations. It is the natural way of things. The law of the world."[/b] He swayed around with his hand in an incomprehensibly way. [b]"Either way, all information is valuable. We could even use it to strengthen our trade. Maybe we have something that Iwagakure desperately needs in their aim to rebuild a city. If we can extend that help and ... get in close, we could benefit."[/b] Taking in what they said, Zakito closed his right eye as he pondered on what he would do or advise. It was clear that they could use the information in order to prepare to further gain something from it. Those who had the most information could more easier act and strike or counter strike against their foes. [b]''If our actions have pushed them into trying to increase their military power and influence around them, then I see no other way but to indeed use information against them. I seriously doubt that Sunagakure will not try something later to either provoke or harm us in any possible way.''[/b] He opened his right eye, looking rather grim. [b]''I do think that we should use the information in order to strengthen our own network. Though we could reason that they decide to increase their might and influence by acknowledging that the Fire Union is much stronger than they first were willing to admit, maybe they have some eyes and ears within the Union that they make use off. I suggest that we make use of the information to try and improve our own intelligence in not only those two countries, but in the others as well.''[/b] The Law of the world, gathering intelligence. She could see a connection between what Hisoka and Zakito said. [b]''Why not then combine the two? I think that we should be waiting for a chance where we can offer Iwagakure some support when the chance is there, but if we indeed improve our intelligence both abroad as home, I can see the benefits from it. The only problem I see is that we need to keep an eye on who we spy on. It is clear that we can't trust Sunagakure, due their past actions. But I believe that we should focus on targeting Kirigakure as well.''[/b] Meisa said. She paused as she thought back of the place. Not very familiar with the current Mizukage, Meisa didn't have much good to say about the Mist. [b]''The most important I believe is our defense. If it is true what Zakito-sama says, that others are trying to gather and harbor information about us and our actions, that we need to act against them.''[/b] [b]"Of course they want to gain information."[/b] Hisoka said. [b]"We are basically all doing the same after all. But I agree, our defense should be priority. The more information we have, the better we can react on certain situations may they arise. So an improvement in our intelligence is something I agree with. As for Kirigakure..."[/b] He paused for a moment. [b]"We still don't know much about the new ruler, unless you have more information about her then me or Meisa already know?"[/b] Hisoka looked to Zakito with slightly quircked eyebrows. For a moment, Zakito returned it with a serious glance. [b]''Rika Suzu. From what I know, the only remaining of her clan. Quite the kunoichi if you ask me.''[/b] He started, though he didn't want to sound like he was approving her. [b]''I think you both have heard that she managed to gain the seat of Mizukage after killing the previous one as well defeating the Seven Swordsmen. Though I honestly doubt it as people tend to make stories bigger to please a person.''[/b] Zakito then paused, thinking what he further could tell them. It would be meaningless to tell them details that would be trivial, so he made up his mind what he would further say on the current Mizukage. [b]''I know that she is not very stable with her emotions. Though we have yet to confirm if this is still the case, but prior before she became Mizukage, I had an encounter with her. After managing to create some pressure on her unstable emotions, I could solve a conflict that would have gone worse. But I am not that known with how she is leading the Mist at the moment.''[/b] Paying great attention, Meisa started to see what they could probably use against the current Mizukage. If she had an unstable personality, that would be just an opening that they could exploit if they had a chance. Or could forge a chance to do so. [b]''Interesting, if I have to be honest.''[/b] Meisa said. Though looking at her notes, she was further thinking about what Zakito had told them. Maybe they would be able to even provoke some action from the population if it became clear that Rika wasn't going to be neutral or any sympathetic towards the Fire Union. [b]''I think we will then decide to increase our spying activity on Kirigakure and Sunagakure. That is thus decided or somebody wants to add something?''[/b] Zakito had an encounter with her. Why didn't this surprise Hisoka. Somehow Zakito always seemed to know more about the people from other countries then he did. Hisoka blamed it on having been away for two years, but he knew that that was blaming himself indirectly. Rika Suzu was, of course, a name he had heard, but he had never met her and he had no idea what she was like. Considering that she originated from the Mist, however, did make a certain stereotype rise up in his head. [b]"I agree."[/b] He simply said. [b]"Not knowing things about this irks me. I'd say decided."[/b] [b]''I agree.''[/b] He said, though he chuckled briefly after hearing what Hisoka had said at the end of his sentence. Almost had he been tempted to make a remark on that it was irking that the Uchiha never had wished him a good morning, but a chuckle would be enough. The meeting wasn't the place to keep joking around. [b]''What is the next item on the list?''[/b] Zakito curiously asked. For a second he wondered how long the meeting had taken by now. There were now windows or any other way on how he could see how late it was. [b]''That was it. I don't have anything else listed that we need to discuss.''[/b] Meisa replied as she turned her notebook around and shoved it to the center so that both men could take a look at it. [b]''I will try to increase the efficiency of the Zero teams, but that will go with what we discussed earlier about what we will do with the information that has been extracted from the captured jounin from the Sand and Stone.''[/b] Then she threw a glance at both. [b]''Unless you both have something to bring up, I think we are done.''[/b] [b]"Yes, I do."[/b] Hisoka said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the scroll that had been delivered to him about two hours ago by the ANBU that knew the Raikage's face. [b]"I received his message this afternoon. A message from the Raikage."[/b] He opened the scroll and pushed it towards Meisa. [b]"I know that you would have wanted to know this as soon as she had arrived, but I figured that this might be a better place to talk about it."[/b] His eyes turned to Zakito. [b]"It concerns one of our agents in Takigakure who has been killed by a Kumogakure ninja."[/b] Just when Zakito thought that the meeting would be over without the usual grim or bad news, it seemed that he had been too optmistic about it. Sighing, he looked briefly at the scroll that his good friend pushed towards Meisa. [b]''That is a shame.''[/b] He mumbled. It wasn't just a shame that somebody had been killed, but it was a rather heavy and serious transgression from Kumogakure. Though yes, it was a Takigakure shinobi, it was a common fact that every member of the client villages of the Union was seen as one. It would be no different if the Cloud had disposed of a Leaf shinobi. [b]''And how will the reaction be?''[/b] He asked, carefully. Reading the scroll, Meisa's facial expression shifted. She looked displeased at the content of the scroll. Placing it on the table and shoving it towards Zakito, she began to think. It was a certain delicate situation that could go either good or bad, for both parties. Right now it was more than evident that they had to take action. Either trying to solve it in a peaceful way or deciding to strike back. Only trying to cause more damage than that they had suffered. Both as a message to Kumogakure as to the other nations, to not think that they would just sit idly while the shinobi of the Fire Union would be harmed. [b]''If the Raikage wishes to solve this without any further bloodshed or any kind of conflict, we will give him a single chance. A small party will travel to the Cloud, bearing two messages.''[/b] Meisa said with a harsh tone, as like she was talking directly to the culprit who had caused this drama. [b]''One, to make them understand that we won't take this kindly. Two,''[/b] Meisa glanced at Hisoka. [b]''To remember them that we have many more capable people than they likely suspect or know.''[/b] Glancing at Zakito, she continued. [b]''Our message will be one to show that we have the means that we can easily turn them into rubble. Am I understood?''[/b] Hisoka waited patiently until Meisa finished speaking. Her tone was strong and harsh, but Hisoka withstood it without blinking. It almost made him smile. It reminded him again that he did well. In the end he had done something right. He had protected the city the only way he could. By giving it a leader it needed. The Uchiha glanced to Zakito for a moment, a small smile playing on his lips even though he was entirely serious as he inclined his head slightly and spoke. [b]"Yes, Hokage-sama."[/b] Having crossed his arms again as Meisa began to reply, Zakito also took the strong and harsh tone as Hisoka did. Though he wondered how the situation would go from now, he couldn't think that he would have said it any better than Meisa. Yes, he was convinced of that. Slowly nodding, he repeated the words of Hisoka. [b]''Yes, Hokage-sama.''[/b] [/hider]