[center][i]Kimi Iomaski, Kirigakure ANBU, Rika's Spymaster. [/center][/i] Kimi held a close watch over the group near the Mizukage. She was dressed as a simple civilian, like many of the present ANBU. Eavesdropping on the group, Kimi waited however patiently. She saw little reason to budge in or interact yet. She was waiting for the signal that everything would be ready. Leaning against a wall, she looked the other way, in the direction of the docks. Then the assigned messenger arrived and nodded towards her. The preparations were at the ready. Two ships would sail out after the required people had boarded them. Walking subtly towards Rika, Kimi kept an eye on the others. [b]''It is all ready, Lady Mizukage. The ships and crew are ready whenever you are.''[/b] She said, continue to walk a bit past the woman before turning around to wait and see what Rika would do. In her opinion, Kimi thought that how sooner they went, the faster it would be over. And if there was one thing, then it was that she wanted to be done with this. Dealing with shinobi from other villages was one thing, but Bijuu were something that she considered out of her book.