[center][b]Rika Suzu - Godaime Mizukage[/b][/center] When Chou bumped into Rika's back, the woman casually turned around to face the fallen girl. [b]"There you are,"[/b] she said rather casually, putting both her hands together. As the girl got back up and started to head over to the boat, Rika put a hand on her shoulder and stopped her. [b]"Next time, watch where you're walking. And I know about your ability~"[/b] With that, she released the girl and simply watched as she joined her team on the boat. As Kimi approached her, Rika let out a sigh and adjusted her hat. [b]"Then we move. We are already behind schedule fifty seconds."[/b] A smile crept on Rika's face as she started walking with her spymaster to the boat. [b]"When we get there, the children will immediately realize what is going on. If either act up too much, or if Mika acts up too, subdue them."[/b] The smile vanished as she spoke the less-than-friendly words. [b]"It must all go according to plan if we don't want to lose any lives."[/b] With that brief command, the two women were on the boat with the other ANBU and Team Hayashi. [b]"Alrighty!"[/b] Rika let out, with a slightly higher pitch than her voice normally is. [b]"Now we set sail. It will take a few hours, but don't get too comfortable."[/b]