[i]'Now to find Shvril...'[/i] As the others in the assault team took the oppurtunity to rest, Kilia took her oppurtunity to claim her reward. Using her tracking skills and incredible perception, it wasn't hard to rat out the man she sought: the same man who assigned her the job - Shvril. He was waiting, seemingly, behind one of the many large pillars that held the roof on the place, reasonably close to where the corpse of the Goblin King disintegrated into pixels. [i]'Smart man,'[/i] she thought to herself. She didn't even make an attempt at keeping hidden, and didn't care if anyone followed her through, unless it was a Goblin, though it would've immediately been slices in half by her blades or had it's head pierced by a dagger or an arrow. It was his job to keep the deal a secret, not here. It was actually one of the defining rules to her contracts. She recited it to herself in her head just before Shvril came into view... Though he didn't. He obviously was using something to make his avatar invisible, because Kilia couldn't see him, though she could still see his menu screen perfectly. It wasn't difficult to spot he was opening the same folder from last time, either, and Mora made the presumption he was going with efficiency rather than sneakily. He just wanted the deal over and done with. She immediately opened her PM's too, and the exchange was underway.... ---- [u]Username: Shvril Title: Job = Slaughter Message:[/u] Well done, Mistress Mora, your contributions have been greatly appreciated... Unfortunately, though, they'll go unrecognized by the men and women who fought here, today, for you will be leaving this place in either one of two states: In cuffs or not at all. You see, the second you walked around that corner, you were struck with a strong paralysis potent needle. The poison has already swept through half your body as you read this, and will soon leave you utterly motionless for the next 6 hours, so even if we don't kill you, somebody or something else will. You see, this isn't a personal vendetta or anything like that, it's simply a matter that you're a red player and I'm a green. I believe that the red's of this world should be purged, obliterated and wiped out, so the good citizens needn't to fear of their own. If that means I need to change to orange for a short while, then so be it, but it's a small price to pay compared to what you've done. Almost a hundred dead by the Night Arrow Mora, and with the flick of a sword, vengeance will be granted to those that were sacrificed... And now, I leave you with this: surrender now and we will [i]consider[/i] letting you live. When I send this message, you have ten seconds to send back something, anything, in order to tell me that you accept. Failure to do so will result in death. So, I leave you with that. S. ---- Numerous other shadowy figures appeared from nowhere and surrounded Kilia on all sides. They all waited in case she made a move, many of which had paralysis or poison status effects set on their daggers. They watched her with eagle eyes, as though the paralysis could wear off at any second and they'd spring into action. Kilia, herself, was thinking over what to do. She'd already made her choice, though she didn't quite know how to do it. For starters, she literally couldn't move anything. The paralysis and poison worked so well together that it made movement impossible. After ten second of waiting, she could hear Shvril sigh, as a duel request popped up on her menu. Unable to move, another player stepped forward and accepted the duel invitation... [i]60 seconds...[/i]