Name (First and Last): Garret Sevantis Age: 24 Country/City of Origin (If you'd like you can put a description as well as a name): [b]Verrak[/b] [indent] A region in the north-east bordered on two sides, and dominated by, a high, snow covered mountain chain simply named The World Scar. The entire range is surrounded by foothills and a dense forest that stretches out for many miles from the range, before giving way to rolling hills and grasslands, though these are actually more like a grassy tundra than the true grasslands of the south. It is a harsh environment, with ultra cold blizzards (called Snap Storms) rolling down the side of the Scar during the winters, freezing anything not prepared for it. No nation, at least in the traditional sense, rules Verrak. Instead it is controlled by an entity known to the outside as the Scar Vow (or as simply the Vow). The Vow is made up of the various clans that are dotted around Verrak, and maintains the peace between them, as well as the outside diplomacy.[/indent] Status (Master, Slave, Free Man): "Slave" (Garret is a complicated case. While technically a Free Man, Garret is a member of a special type of mercenaries that are totally bound to their contract. The catch is that their contract is permanent, not bought for a single battle or war, this means that the contract is traded and sold between masters, and whomever holds it controls the mercenary, in this case Garret, for any length of time. The contract can only be broken one of three ways, the contract holder does not fulfill their part of the contract, the contract holder gives the mercenary an order they cannot complete, or the mercenary regains control of the contract.) Personality (Again as detailed or vague as you'd like): A calm and sober man, Garret is not prone to many emotional outbursts. In public he tends to try and keep his opinions to himself, though sometimes this cannot be helped. In private he has a biting sense of humor, but still tends to hide most of his emotions beneath a cold smile. He is a religious man, but keeps most, if not all, of this aspect of himself to his private life. (Note: Garret follows the religion of Verrak, as one would expect) Appearance: (Pictures are accepted, as are descriptions. Both are even better. If you do use a picture I'd rather it be of a real person.): Garret stands around 6'1'', with a lean, slightly muscular build. His mid length dirty blond hair is pulled back into a ponytail, with a few rouge strands escaping to fall infront of his face. his left eye has a milky look and two jagged scars that run parallel from about an inch from the outside corner of the eye to the bridge of his nose, a "gift" from a previous master. He has two Nordic style tattoos, the first of which starts at his right wrist and is of a snake coiling up his fore arm, the second is on his back left shoulder and is of a crow clutching serpent with it's beak and talons. Reason for attending the party (This can be as detailed or as vague as you'd like, but I might need to know this): Garret was brought to the party by his current employer/master, a fat, cowardly merchant who talks and boasts way to much for Garret's tastes. He was brought mainly for his capacity as a bodyguard, but also to lend more weight to his master's boasts of wealth. Anything Else (This can be anything that you feel we should know, but does not fit in any other category): The religion of Verrak I one of the few truly unifying factors of the Vow. It is a blend of polytheism and animism, it is also highly ritualistic with various runes and symbols used in it's practices. It holds that humans are the children of younger gods (also called "Lesser Gods"), created without the knowledge of the Elder Gods To any who watch Garret and his current master for any amount of time, it would be obvious that Garret hates the man. Garret uses two Horsemen's Picks and various heavy throwing knifes, all of which are kept on his person when permitted