The cheering of the crowd had changed a little. Were they angry that she was winning, or cheering for her? She didn't know which, though it didn't really matter either. They were just here for the cash, nothing else. Big Jim got up again, using one of his arms as a second leg. He was still quite mobile considering his condition. He was known for his durability after all. Still, that left his attacking possibilities cut in half. However this time Big Jim was also more careful. He didn't charge in head on any more. Eve liked that. An enemy should be able to adapt, or they weren't worth much as a fighter. So Eve decided to do the same, not dashing in immediately. But also not staying in place. While in a semi-defensive position she moved closer to the giant. Until finally they were only a foot or so apart. Then they both attacked at the same time, Eve ducking low while Big Jim tried a punch from above to pound her against the arena floor. Eve was faster though, and managed to get within range to grab the arm that he had been using as a leg. Then, with a kick against the bot's elbow joint she bent it enough out of place for it to jam. To finish it off she pulled the same arm out from under her opponent, making him fall once again.