[b][center]Georgia Rhettland // Retrieval Team[/b][/center]

Georgia takes a deep breath as she listens to their briefing. There was no emergency evac. They had to succeed in this. From the sounds of it, Eve was too important to let slip away. Too dangerous. The council would have their heads if they let her get away. She closes her eyes and shudders, hugging herself tighter as they approach closer to the drop zone. She just wished she had brought Thomas with her, but she had decided the battlezone was no place for him after the last time. She had almost lost him. Him and Carolyn both to that fog and the Goleyeith and it was probably luck that so many had even survived the mutants.

Her thoughts continue to drift, following along that path. In one of the other steel birds, Carolyn was bound towards another one of the zones. She would be out there today. Her face turns bitter as she holds her head in her face. She would be unable to keep an eye out for her today like she had promised she would. Carolyn would be out there today against who knows what and she would be unable to see her until after she resolved things with this Eve character... All the more reason to get this over with as fast as she could manage.

The heavy thudding of boots about the interior draws her attention. She blinks and opens her obsidian eyes, glancing about the helicopter as the door opens and the wind begins to whip about loose straps and hind. She swallows hard as she picks up something strand. She looks out over the battlezone and can feel something drawing her towards one building in particular. Smack-dab in the middle center of the hotspot. Where they were to drop. The mansion. “Eve is down there,” she says with absolute certainty, “In the mansion.”

One of the grunts overseeing their deployment pats her on the back before smirking and calling out over the ripping wind, “This is your stop, mutt!”

Georgia blinks at him in confuion, “What was that?” but the wind tears the words silently from her mouth.

He shakes his head and shoves her through the door into the open air, letting her freefall towards the ground. Terror seizes her as she sees the Earth rapidly rushing towards her. She had done this once before, yes, but it was still as terrifying as before... And she had a little more preparation than being thrown out from the plane. She begins to hyperventilate but the air felt too thin up this high. She begins to panic and fumbles for the cord at her chest to release the chute.

She tears at the string and it jerks her body back, slowing her descent. She whimpers at the impact to her small body but slowly relaxes into the harness. She closes her eyes and allows herself to think there as she drifts in the air before she decides, grabbing the straps and begins to angle her descent to go towards the mansion. Someone else's chute could already be seen drifting off from the mansion's top. It seemed a good start. She licks her lips and tries to control her fall, fighting the wind.

She lands to upon the mansion's roof with a soft thud, tucking her body in upon itself. [i]Cut the cords or it'll drag you along.[/i] She grimaces as the wind begins to tug at the chute and drag her along the roof's rough, broken tiles, tearing up bites and pieces as her boots skid. She disconnects her harness and the parachute continues to go on without her. She sighs and shakes her head, looking up at Roman before nodding.

[i]Now, ready yourself for anything. Where's your weapons, Mutt?[/i] Georgia frowns and checks her waist, her tomahawk was secure in its harness and further down at her thigh was her combat knife. She nods, and moves her hand up, shifting the strap on her assault rifle so it slung easier around her shoulder. [i]Good, good. Check your ammo, Mutt. Make sure your gun is clear.[/i] Georgia nods to herself, going through her ritual, as she releases her ammo and checks that her clip was full before clearing her gun. 

How long had it been since she had to do these checks on her own... At least since she was back on scout duty... She grimaces and almost feels the burning sting of the mutants claws along her arms once more at the memory before shrugging it off. She stands off and slings the weapon along her shoulder. [I]You're forgetting it again, Mutt. You always forget. Comms. Put your damn comms in.[/i] She winces and taks out the earpiece to her radio, putting it in her ear as she clips the mic to her chest. She clicks the radio on as she patches through, “This is Rhettland speaking to Retrieval team. I've landed safely on the Mansion's roof. I'm going to advance ahead looking for a way in on the northern side... Looks like the mansion reaches a crest at the center, so I'll try the east-wing first.”

She could have sworn on her descent she had seen a balcony on that side, at least. It would give them an entrance into the mansion. Georgia starts on a jog towards the northern side of the mansion, careful of the slipping shingles beneath her feet. There was no cover up here, if there was anyone paying attention around that wanted them dead, they were as good as dead. She swallows at the thought and shakes her head. That was a bad thought.

As she reaches the edge, Georgia slips onto her belly before lowering herself down to land onto the balcony below. She lands with a loud crunch of shattering glass beneath her feet. She looks down to reveal she had landed upon an array of glass that had fallen out of the double-pane glass windows before her. She looks at the windows before. Some glass, though shattered, still clung futilely inside the shuttered doors. Even with the dust and grime clinging to them, she catches a faint glimpse of her reflection before she spies the latch through their surface. She reaches through and flips the latch and pushes the doors open with a rusted creak.

Brushing the glass aside so the others would not make the same noise she did coming down, she clicks on her radio once more, “This is Rhettland, I found a way into the mansion from the top. Careful coming down, there's a bit of broken glass.” She draws out her flashlight from her belt and fixes it to her assault rifle's base and flips it on, watching the LEDs flicker at her touch for a moment before flaring to life in the dim of the mansion before she takes a few steps deeper inside.