[b]"Blithering idiots,"[/b] Edge said, pulling out his sword and pulling up his mask with his hood. He tossed off the cloak on him, revealing a dark green robe with light plates on the left shoulder. He felt his body get somewhat lighter as the cloak disappeared into his inventory. He took a brief look at the party list, spotting the feminine name from the duo. [b]"Artemis, right? You wanted to go up front,"[/b] he said, taking his stance to leap forward. [b]"Let's go first and let these people regroup. And, uh..."[/b] He looked at the list again during the pause. [b]"Ace. Ask them about the boss. We could get the upper-hand quickly if we know enough about it."[/b] The boy's sword started to glow as he lunged forward, rushing towards the large humanoid creature without waiting for answers. [b]"No time to waste! Artemis, with me, if you will!"[/b] Uncaring of what his bossy attitude might make them feel, Edge had no intention on wasting time talking when there were still some people fighting a battle they'd already lost.