Sora and Riku have disappeared, Yen-Sid can’t locate them, and memories of them are slowly disappearing. Kairi doesn’t remember them or how to use a keyblade. The King isn’t able to leave the castle and the same goes everyone on the world. Radiant Garden is being turned back into Hollow Bastion. Finally the roads between the worlds are opening and children are disappearing. Yen-Sid has managed to gather a few of them before their worlds where it by whatever has been kidnapping them. These teenagers seem to be the only hope as they are the only ones that the keyblades have chosen. Each of them a keyblade has chosen and hopefully they will find a way to use their new powers to save the heroes, bring back the memories of them, and fight in the coming war that seems to be on its way. This is the base for our plot we will be dealing with. So far I have myself, Redwing AKA The CO-GM, Demon Shinobi, Zarkun. I am waiting on a reply form Mike the bloodwolf Here is what we need: FEMALES We have enough guys already. We need so actual females to play females in this rp. I know alot of guys don't mind playing a female and neither do I but when a female plays a female you get a better expression. Rules and CS outline to come soon. [hider=My Spoiler] Name: Codex Age: 16 Home World: The Grid History: Codex is the daughter of Quorra and Sam Flynn. She is the last hope for the Grid. The darkness that came in the form of a virus is spreading. Whole sectors are being erased and no one even remembers that it happened except Codex. She remembers everything from her birth in the human world to coming back to the Grid. Her mother and father are now gone as they have been erased as well. Codex finally made it to the portal days later. The only city that still stands is Tron City. All the programs have banded together to make sure that Codex got out alive and that their last city stayed online until her return. Appearance: [img=] Keyblade: [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] Magic: Thunder spells are the specialty but can also cast digital versions of other magics Abilities: Codex has the abilities like she normally does as if she were in the grid. She has a rip stick that she can alter to from a light cycle, light runner, light tank, and light jet. She is an excellent hand to hand combatant when it comes to her identity discs. Her last ability is one that only works very well if she is on the grid but can work ok outside of it. The ability to bring up screens and to read information on enemies, on the grid this ability can be used to alter the world around her. Other: Codex will act as a fighter and our Jimmy Cricket [/hider] [hider=My Spoiler] Name: Sir Leo Cromwell Age: 18 Home World: Avalon History: Leo became a knight on the day that King Arthur disappeared right before his eyes. Everyone in the room then assumed Leo must be their king because no one remembered Arthur except Leo and Merlin. Both of them were in the room when it happened and Merlin then encouraged him to play the part. For months Merlin was in and out of the castle trying to figure out what was going on and finally he came to Leo with a solution. Leo learned that there were other worlds that this was happening to. Merlin said that he had to take Leo to a man called Yen-Sid, a wizard that was even more powerful than him, to see if he was chosen. Right then a key like blade appeared in Leo’s hand. Merlin stood back in awe and drug Leo out of the room to Avalon Lake. There Merlin had a boat in which Leo and Merlin made their way to Mysterious Tower world through a magic gate. Appearance: [img=] Keyblade: [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] [img=] Magic:Leo knows low grade magics but is learning others from his master Merlin. Abilities: Leo is a combat magician. He can use his spells to empower his keyblade to do different attacks. He is also learning how to combined different magics together to get different effects. Other: [/hider]