[b]Name:[/b] Osmond (Oz) Sorel [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Country/City of Origin:[/b] Meswyn Nestled next to a major river that connects many cities, Meswyn sits as one of the largest trading hubs on the continent. And while there is no such thing as royalty in the city, the wealthy families that struggle for control of it are all but revered as such. Of these houses, the big three are the Roanoaks, Sylvas, and Bellwins. It is said that anything under the sun can be found within its walls, for the right price of course, and there are few places in the world that can rival the amount of specialty craftsmen that reside there. [b]Status:[/b] Free Man [b]Personality:[/b] A true pragmatist at heart, Oz puts little stock in that which he cannot see. Actions are all that matter in his opinion, as promises and vows are but words to him. This combined with his blunt speech and dry humor more often than not makes him come off as a cold and indifferent individual. [b]Appearance:[/b] Oz is a rather plain man with a mop of dark brown hair that would fall past his eyes if he didn't keep it slicked back. And try as he might, he seems to have near perpetual stubble gracing his face, which he is prone to stroke when he is deep in thought. His blue eyes rarely give away intentions, while his 6’1” stature and fairly toned build keep most people from asking. His skin is not all that tan, which is a testament to how much time he spends indoors with his face in a book. True to his personality, Oz cares little for decorative apparel and would rather dress for comfort and practicality. This leads to him almost always wearing the same worn and faded brown leather traveling boots, unremarkable black breeches, and a simple white shirt covered by a plain, brown leather jerkin. [b]Reason for attending the party:[/b] Even though his time in Thessaloniki has not been a long one, Oz took up a treasure hunting job for the young Octave, earning the lord a considerable amount of money and Oz a spot on the guest list. [b]Anything Else:[/b] The one item that holds any sentimental value for Oz is the silver chain link necklace that he keeps on his person at all times.