Wally watched everyone join the party as he looked at the levels there was relatively a good balance of levels. "I hope these guys can take care of themselves." He said to himself quietly, he never wanted to make judgments since Sword art took a lot of skill as well to play and play well. But regardless they headed for the boss room. As they walked towards the door Waltic spent that time letting Aura know everything that has been going on, "Let's see, got a new sword, some new armor as you can tell and obviously got some levels. His voice got real quite and dark though now as he continued, "Every single clue i've had about Natasha and my friends have been in vain as well, I must have looked through these open floors..." he said in a dark tone, "I don't know I think I've finally just given up." he said sadly. That's when he looked up and saw the boss doors, there was noise coming from inside it. "Come on!" he encouraged as they started towards it. --- Waltic grimaced as some frontliners disappeared right in front of them. "This is why I don't usually trust the front lines!" Waltic said as he charged along with Edge headlong into the boss fight. "They just recruit whoever they can, don't try to even see if they are intelligent or not!" Waltic said now as he approached the boss with Edge. Waltic jumped to the side as the boss turned to him and clashed swords. Waltic spun out of it as he cut across the body. The boss roared in anger as he was fully focused on Waltic now, "Get him I'll keep his attention!" Waltic said as he quickly dodged another attack. He charged the boss again feeling the energy in his sword skill start as the boss swung again. Moving to the side he could feel the ground tremble as it slammed into the ground. Walic lunged as he stabbed the boss with his sword. The boss swung at him again. A group of frontliners charged the boss from the back taking advantage of the situation. The boss' health started to fall slightly as they hacked and slashed. The boss jumped into the air and slammed down sending a shockwave out and sending the frontlines flying. At least most of them recovered before they hit the ground or wall. Waltic was pushed back by the shockwave since it was mainly focused to the Boss' back. But it was enough to throw Waltic off balance as the boss swung again. And Again, Waltic blocked each one but watched his health slowly fall, thanks to his battle recovery though he watched it raise it a little each time, it wasn't enough as his health dropped each time. Next thing he knew he was being knocked over by a stray add mob that got through. He quickly rolled to dodge an attack from the mob who was then attacked by a frontliner. "Idiots!" Waltic said aloud as he tried to get up. As he got up he saw the Boss' sword coming down upon him. He brought his sword up just in the nick of time as he watched his health drop into the dark yellowish orange. The boss swung again not allowing him to get up. "Damn it all." waltic said as he tried to move but found the boss was simply waiting for him to move. The boss kicked him back to where he was he brought his sword up and attacked Waltic one more time. This was going to be it, Waltic thought, Killed because of a bunch of blundering idiots couldn't keep agro on a mob. He watched helplessly as the sword came down upon him, even if he blocked it his health would drop to a point where it was almost useless for him to be there, he needed time to let his health regent but it seemed futile. He couldn't give up though. He tried to bring up his sword as his demise was only a second away. A giant blade appeared in front of him as the boss' sword never came down fully. Waltic looked over to his side to see who his savior was. His eyes widened as he followed the polearm blade to a girl with makeshift wings and beautiful armor. He smiled widely as he recognized who it was. And suddenly it was as if all his problems were gone. Her beautiful voice resonated in his ears. "Oh hey stranger." She said with a smile as she flung the boss' sword back. She grabbed him as Waltic looked up and smiled even brighter as a man with a rapier lunged forward at the boss. Waltic grinned as his health slowly starts to regenerate. "Thanks Natasha," he said as he was brought back away from the mobs and the fight to catch his breath. "Shut up." Natasha said as she wasted no time and kissed him.