Zenji looked up at the man as he spoke curtly, she bowed again, "Then I suppose it is a good thing I laughed," she smiled slightly, "With it being a joke... Although, if you continue to deliver your jokes such a serious manner I fear they are going to fly over all of our heads. It is better to assume you are serious than to assume it to be a joke." She began to rub her hands as Masuto offered to go with her. She didn't get a word out before the girl was offering to do the same. She closed her eyes as the girl spoke, trying to keep herself calm. With the mention of recent events from the both of them, Zenji could already feel the sting in her eye. The girl was still talking, wanting to see the history, talking about the people and the benders. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes again. She smiled softly and, with a shaky hand, shook Mizuki's, "It... isn't a sight you will expect to see right now... I'm not sure if the police have managed to.... clear away the.... um... the... the bodies." Zenji's knuckles turned white as she gripped her hands tightly together trying to keep her emotions in check. She took a ragged breath and looked between those who had gathered, "Excuse me a moment..." She slid passed Zhou and Mizuki and walked outside. She ignored the fact that her bright coloured hair was out of anyone to see and walked a small ways away from the door. She leaned against the wall and hugged herself. It was easier to breath out here, she could feel the wind and breath the fresh air. The house had gotten so stuffy all of the sudden. Zenji closed her eyes again, trying to calm down, if she couldn't hold herself together here, she wouldn't be able to on the island. She didn't need to have a mental breakdown in front of four people she hardly knew. ~~~~~~~ Nyima smiled slightly when he made comment to her threat, "Just ensuring I don't get messed with." She grinned when he gave in and nearly spat out the word fine. Her heart dropped slightly. Rayn was upset about something and she didn't know what. She did hate when that happened. She often missed cues with people who displayed their emotions openly, it took her sometime to figure out how much Matsen was crushing on her. Then with someone as closed off as Rayn, it was nearly impossible. They were close and most things she could tell, when he was happy, angry, sad, upset, but every once in a while there would be something that she just couldn't put her finger on. She looked at him and spoke softly, "Thank you..." They arrived at Matsen's and she knocked lightly on the door. She allowed Rayn to explain their situation, keeping it simple and sweet. Her eyebrows knitted together when he said he needed to work in an hour. She ran a hand through her hair when he asked how she had been doing, "Fine... but we just trai-... Whatever, I've been wandering with Rayn most of the morning," she noticed the twitch at the corner of Matsen's mouth and smiled slightly, "We need you to tail that Airbender I was telling you about. The one with the blue hair that got away." Matsen shook his head, "I'm sorry, Nyima... I have to work." Nyima's eyebrows rose, "Mat, you work for your mom. I'm sure she'd be fine with you taking sometime off." He shook his head, "She's gotten sick... She should be fine but... She's old and I don't want to risk anything. Besides, the shop needs to open and, without you anymore, I'm the only one to do that... Sorry... But there's that new guy, I hear he's pretty good... Um... Han." Nyima nodded, "I've heard of him... Do you have any idea where he might be?" "The guy likes his muscles... I'd check the gym," Matsen said with a shrug. Nyima nodded and took Rayn's hand pulling him away from the door, "Thanks Matsen." "Ya... Uh... See ya, Nyima!" He called after the fleeting duo. Nyima dragged Rayn through the crowd. The gym was farther from the house that she was wanting to go. If they left without someone tailing them, that would mess up their plans. However, if this Han guy was the only person they were going to get to tail them, if they made it back it would be worth it. Reaching the gym, she looked around. She hadn't seen much of the new recruit. She didn't keep up with the whole fighting scene and had only seen him once or twice. When she recognized a man but couldn't put his face to his name, she took a leap of faith. She dropped Rayn's hand and walked over to him, "Han Li?"