[quote=PhoenixEye9] "Calm down little man, you can keep her," Milo said looking at the Gible deciding to try and pet him instead to calm him down. Instead it resulted in a nip, "I got you little man." Milo was almost oblivious to the woman who came out and offered them a place to stay for the night. Looking around skittishly he eventually came to the decision, "If it's not to much trouble, I'll do my best to stay out of the way."Milo walked over to his ride, grabbed the climbing gear to act as his pillow, and his guitar no way would he leave that out all night. "Thank you again," he began walking towards the woman, then realized the other girl said yes to, turning around and smiling back to her, "Looks like we're roomies now, so guess I need to introduce myself to both of you my name is Milo. So whats yours?" [/quote] The Gabite, a dragon that stood over five feet tall--growled at the man. He wanted to bite his hand off for daring to touch him, but his trainer would be upset. He calmed again and placed his head on her shoulder with a happy little growl. For her part, Tinder just laughed quietly at her Pokemon and rubbed his nose. The Gabite growled at the man, Milo, when he mentioned "rookies". "My, you are jealous today." she kissed his snout and rubbed his chin to calm him down. "It's ok. The nice woman here won't let him do anything, Mk?" the dragon Pokemon looked at the strange woman intensely before he calmed once more. "Please, pardon him. He is possessive by nature, like nearly all Gabite. His attentions have focused on me since he is unable to acquire a horde of treasures like most others have." she says this fondly. "My name is Tinder, and this is my Gabite. We're still thinking up a nickname for him. He is picky." the Pokemon huffed and nudged her shoulder playfully.