[s]someone sound the bara alarm[/s] You might have to wait a long while for the Emperor Arcana as I wholeheartedly believe that Savo isn't going to drop out any time soon... hopefully? There's always the Hanged Man and the Chariot, but I dunno those would necessarily fit your character. Also, I was really bored all day so I made a lame mockup for Sato in a P4AU thing. [hider=Sato confirmed for Smash]Sato plays a mixture of zoning and rushdown. Most of his normals are long-ranged, making him effective at keeping the enemy away or where he needs them to be. Almost all of his moves have long recovery and thus getting an advantage is fairly important so that you can finish a combo safely. Chronos' attacks are generally short-range, making up the majority of Sato's rushdown game. This, combined with the fact that Chronos stays out longer than normal, means that his Persona and its safety is crucial to his entire play. His FA is a Yosuke-esque counter, where he trips the opponent to make them stumble. If it connects, he can do five different things from there: A is a punch that leaves them knocked down at close range with Panic, B is a kick that launches them with Rage, C is a barrage of arrows that inflict Poison and leave them midscreen, and D is a upwards-launch from Chronos that inflicts Fear. Doing nothing resets both characters at close-range, with Sato having a slight advantage. [hider2=Moveset Mockup]5A: Launches an arrow straight-ahead 5AAA: Launches three arrows in a row (the third stunning more than usual), and then if he's in close-range, he does a 214A and then a 236236A. If he's in long-range, he does 236A and then 236236A. 2A: A light kick from below. 8A: Launches an arrow upwards 3A: Launches an arrow downwards ma5A: Launches an arrow forward. ma2A: Launches an arrow downwards. ma8A: Launches an arrow upwards. 236A: Fires an arrow down, straight, and up, in that order. --> Follow-up 236A: Fires an arrow up, straight, and down, ITO. 214A: A backflip-kick, launching the enemy straight upwards. 5B: Launches a slower, stronger arrow forward. 2B: Launches an arrow downwards as he backsteps away. 8B: Launches an arrow upwards as he backsteps away. ma5B: Sato does a kick with a large amount of active frames. ma2B: Sato fires an arrow downwards, pushing him up a bit. 236B: Launches arrows up, mid, and down, ITO. --> Follow-up 236B: Launches arrows down, mid, and up, ITO. 214B: A frontflip-kick, knocking the enemy down. 2AB: Knocks out the enemy's legs, forcing them down. 236AB: Launches arrows down, mid, up, mid, down, ITO. --> Follow-up 236AB: Fires a strong arrow that forces them to the side of the screen. 214AB: Flips forward and kicks the enemy away. 5C: Chronos punches. 2C: Chronos does an uppercut. 6C: Chronos lunges forward a bit. ma5C: Chronos kicks forward. ma2C: Chronos kicks downwards. 214C: Chronos appears behind Sato, lunges forward, and if possible, grabs and forced the enemy down. 5D: Chronos charges wind around him. --> Follow-up 5D: Chronos dispels the wind around him in a burst-like fashion, knocking the enemy away. --> Follow-up 2D: Chronos sends the wind along the ground, hitting the enemy low. --> Follow-up 6D: Chronos sends the wind towards the enemy. 2D: Chronos slides towards the enemy, sweeping the enemy off their feet if he connects. ma5D: Same as regular 5D, but the 2D follow-up goes straight down instead of along the ground. 214D: Chronos appears ahead of Sato with an identical animation to 214C, and charges past the enemy, dealing a bit of damage if he passes by them. 214CD: CD: Short-ranged grapple; crumples opponent BD: Stationary counter; A knocks down with panic, B launches with rage, C pushes enemy away with poison and arrows, D uses persona to launch enemy upwards. 236236A: Sato fires a strong arrow diagonally upwards, forcing them stationary wherever they are for several seconds. 236236B: Sato knees the opponent, before launching them forward and sticking them to the wall with a strong arrow. 236236AB: Sato fire three strong arrows at wherever the enemy is. 236236C: Chronos covers the bottom half of the screen with a wind tunnel, dealing heavy damage if the enemy isn't in the air. 236236D: Chronos covers the top half of the screen with a wind tunnel, dealing heavy damage if the enemy isn't on the ground. 236236CD: Chronos covers the screen with a tornado, dealing heavy damage if the enemy isn't guarding. 214214C: Chronos uses Sukukaja, speeding up Sato's movement and attacks for a while. 214214D: Chronos uses Tarukaja, boosting Sato's damage output for a while. 214214CD: Chronos uses Rakukaja, bolstering Sato's defense for a while. IK: Malstrom Chronos launches Sato foot-first at enemy. If it connects, Chronos charges forward, spinning like a drill, pushing them until finally Chronos stops and launches them with a large windstorm.[/hider2][/hider] [quote=Pudding]So I watched 'The Maze Runner'It was... Good... I mean alotta the boys were downright cute as heck. But it felt a little cliché at parts... But it was good nonetheless, I reccomend you guys watch it for the good action and mystery~[/quote] I've read the first two books, and the movie actually upset me simply because my visions of the characters were so different than who they cast for the characters.