"[b]Alright, alright, alright.[/b]" The blonde haired girl followed suit, her cloak billowing about her and freeing up her movements. She looked at the boss, following Edge and Waltic and making sure to keep up. As Waltic got the boss' attention, she hacked and slashed at it with her sword. She was able to deal damage, but she had to admit she found the many panicked yells and chaos erupting around them rather distracting. [i]Focus.[/i] She berated herself, though a yellow-orange flash at the corner of her eye got her attention. "[b]Oh, come on.[/b]" She looked over at Waltic, only to find someone else had stepped in. "[b]Make out later, we still have to actually kill this thing![/b]" Artemis yelled at the pair, her sword glowing blue as she readied a combo. Meanwhile Apollo rushed to the rather scattered frontline fighters. "[b]Come on, move it, move it![/b]" He told them,