Name: Athalus Velim Age: at least 300 years old. Looks 40-60, depending on magic use. Gender: Male Physical Desc: Tall, gaunt, weather worn. Shaved bald, with a black goatee starting to grey. Bright green eyes. He wears robes, once red and of high quality, now frayed and travel worn. Race: Human, though with elvish ancestry. Abilities: Scholar, Adventurer, Dark Arts adept. Velim is well versed on the lore and history of the world, magical theory, philosophy and theology. He has dabbled in many areas of magical practice, especially- given his profane and adventurous temperament- in some of the darkest and most dangerous practices. Velim generally avoids combat, thinking it beneath him, and usually relies on his native wit and occasionally illusion magic to escape from jams unscathed or turn his enemies against one another. He is however, a quite potent mage, capable of bending shadows to his will, manipulating those weak of mind or will and of using even.... darker... forces. Of course, unless he is able to prepare himself via intensive meditation or darker, necromantic practices, heavy magic use takes an enormous physical and mental toll on Velim, aging, sickening and weakening him visibly until he is able to restore himself either via the dark arts (eg, draining the life force from an animal or weakened enemy) or sleep and meditation. Background: Clever, sly, irascible, rude, selfish, and cranky, though capable of a certain roguish charm and genuine affection for those of whom he happens to be fond, Athalus Velim is a man of unconquerable curiosity. Knowledge and magical mastery are his primary motivation- though he is politically indifferent (as long as he is not interfered with) and has no wish to rule over or dominate others. In fact, he finds most other people terribly boring. Residing in a remote, isolated enclave of like-minded arcanists and philosophers on the rainy, dismal isle of Sepulchrave, Velim frequently ventures forth in search of rare books to add to his library, powerful magical artifacts, or to seek out fellow magic wielders for consultation and advice on his current project or area of study. On such expeditions he poses as a wandering scholar or a bard, and is scrupulous to hide his magical inclinations and talents from the hostile population. When in need of gold, he uses his talent for glamours and illusion magic to cheat the easily manipulated and has established innumerable contacts across Pandria's underworld over the course of his many adventures. Velim has a capacious appetite for drinking and smoking. He is seriously addicted to a foul potion consisting mostly of ground-up, mildly hallucinogenic mushrooms and salted pigs blood. While disgusting and probably poisonous for most mortals, the potion is a potent magical restorative. Reason for Joining: He is on his way back to his native island from a long and extremely dangerous expedition across Pandria to recover the rare book titled [i]Varieties of Metaphysical Aetherics[/i] from the ruins of Al-Parnash. After a highly hazardous and successful trip, Velim is now in Cromerth looking for a company to travel homewards with. He has plenty of gold in his purse to pay his way.