Alright she is finished! Name: Nadia Falren Age: 19 Home World: Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion History: Born to Michael and Lilly Falren, Nadia has spent almost her entire life in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. The only time she's ever left is fleeing to Traverse Town with many of her closest friends. During that time she got separated from her parents and hasn't seen them since. Though no news is still better than bad news, she knows there isn't much hope for them. She met Sora during her stay in Traverse Town and helped him in any way she could. Though with how much her other friends like Leon and Cid helped there wasn't much else she could add to the mix. When they were finally able to return to Hollow Bastion and the Restoration Committee was created, she instantly jumped on board. While technology wasn't her thing, she was still a good fighter so she acted as the brute force of the group. One her favorite moments in life was fighting alongside everyone in order to take back Hollow Bastion from both the Heartless and the Nobodies, and finally remembering what her home was really called. With peace returned one again and no needed for fighting, Nadia found herself feeling a bit useless. Fighting and cooking were the only things she was really good. So she opened a much needed cafe to kill some time. Then the world started changing again. And that's when Nadia discovered she had her own Keyblade. An old, powerful, wizard named Yen-Sid approached her and tried to convince her to come with him. Which took a lot of time and pretty much every one of her friends to do, because her loyalty was them and she didn't want to leave when the world was in danger. Appearance: [img=] Nadia is on the taller side at about 5' 8" and has the build of a warrior. Lean, athletic, and not an ounce of fat in sight. Both her hair and her eyes are black in color and she usually wears the outfit in the picture above. The blade seen in the picture is what she used before discovering her Keyblade. Keyblade: [hider=Hollow Requiem][img=][/hider] Magic: Her main is Reflect magic. She can also use Aero spells, but after an incident involving Sora and brick wall, she likes to avoid using them as much as possible. Abilities: Nadia uses a combination of speed (How fast she moves), quickness (How fast she strikes), and agility (How well she moves) to overwhelm her opponent. Her strikes don't do too much damage, but she can dish a lot of them. She's got the stamina to keep up with her speed as well. With lightning fast reflexes and near perfect balance, you're in for one hell of a fight. Other: Nadia always has her Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee membership card on her, even if she no longer needs it.