"These parties aren't 'idiotic,'" countered Markus. "You may think so, but the people of this planet certainly don't. Wars aren't just won by battles and guns, Jason. People need to be able to believe that things will change, that things are going to get better. People haven't been able to have parties or celebrate...well, anything in a long, long time on this planet." He took another swig of his drink and then put it down. "I still don't think going it against the Empire right now is smart, not without some outside help. Sure, there are other groups, but we'll never be able to topple the Empire on our own on Coruscant. We need the Alliance before we do anything major." He sighed. "But, if you really want to step things up, I won't try to convince you otherwise. But please don't think that this is going to win Coruscant for us. That kind of thinking and we'll get overextended."